Chapter 1

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The 16 years old Nya Smith was in her village on the Nort Poles. Yes it can be cold, but for Nya it was perfect. She had a shot black hair and ocean blue eyes, but also-Nya was master of water. She was one of the last in her village. She lives there with her mother and father. She also has a brother, who also has a gift like hers, but sadly-he was master of fire. When they were kids the fire army came and took him, after this day-Nya never saw him again. She was in hers family house, when he mom called her

"Nya can you come here?"her mother said

"Yes mom. I am coming"Nya yelled back and ran to the kitchen, where he mom was"What is it?"Nya asked

"Sweetie, can you go to catch some fish, because this is the last and we will have guests"he mom said

"Sure thing mom. Can I use my powers?"Nya asked quietly

"Only if nobody other is there"her mom said and Nya nod. She prepared everything, said bye to her parents and started walking to the river. When she arrived she saw a big ice berg. She took a closer look to it and in it she noticed a boy. She gasped and looked around, then melt the ice with her powers. The boy fall on the ground and Nya ran to him and started shaking him

"Wake up!"Nya yelled while shaking him. After some more yells the boy finally come in conscious. He had blond hair and green eyes

"Where am I? Where is Wu? And dad?"the boy asked looking around and confused to see there is only ice

"Hello"Nya said, scaring the boy

"Who are you?"The boy asked

"My name is Nya Smith. What's yours?"Nya asked with a smile

"I am Lloyd Garmadon. Can I ask-where am I?"Lloyd asked

"You are on the Nort Pole"Nya answered and Lloyd looked around again

"Where is Greenie?"Lloyd asked looking around

"Who?"Nya asked confused and suddenly Lloyd saw that there was another ice berg next to him

"Greenie!"Lloyd cheered when he saw his dragon. He ran to him and tried to free him, but unlucky

"Can I help you?"Nya asked

"How?"Lloyd asked, then Nya did the same she did to Lloyd. Lloyd momentally ran to his friend and hugged him

"Oh Greenie"Lloyd said, but then they heard ships coming the their island

"Fast. You have to come with me at home"Nya said. She fast used her powers to take some fish, then grabbed Lloyd's hand

"Wait. Greenie turn small"Lloyd said and the dragon turned small and hide in Lloyd's clothes. The three ran to Nya's house and in there she saw that her mom and dad were tied

"Mom? Dad?"Nya said with tears in her eyes"Let them go"Nya said

" They didn't have something to give us, so now they will pay"One of the men said and turned to the two who was holding Nya's parents, then nod at them. After that they stabbed Nya's parents

"NOOOOOOOOO!"Nya yelled and started crying. She used her powers and attacked the three man, then freeze them. They were Masters of Fire, so they melted the ice. Lloyd took Nya's hand and they ran out of the house

"Greenie turn big"Lloyd said and the dragon turned big. Lloyd climbed on the dragon and took Nya with him, then flew away from the village and landed there. Nya fall on the ground still crying

"No, no, no, no..."Nya was saying the whole time

"I am sorry Nya"Lloyd comforted her

"It's my fault. It's all my fault"Nya said still crying

"No it isn't. They are bad people. It's my fault"Lloyd said

"What do you mean?"Nya asked turning to him with her teary eyes

"It's my fault, because I am the Ultimate Master"

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