Chapter 18

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Cole and Seliel leave the room and went on a walk, since they didn't had any work

"This was weird"Cole said

"Yeah, I fell so bad for Nya. First she lost her brother, then her parents, them found out that her dad was a bad guy.."Seliel said"I can't imagine how she fells right now"

"Yeah, I will feel awful..."Cole said, then looked at Seliel"Hey Seliel can I ask you something?"he asked and they stopped, then Seliel looking into his eyes

"Sure. We are best friends, right? We can tell and ask each other everything"Seliel said and Cole got nervous

"So ummm...I thought you, I-I mean we...UGH"Cole said and stopped, while Seliel get curious

"What do you want to say Cole? You never were so nervous around me"Seliel said and Cole sighed

"I like you Seliel....a lot and from very much time, I just didn't had the courage to tell you. I know we are just friends and if you don't like me in that I will understand, but I don't want this to end our friendship..."Cole said and looked down. Seliel was surprised at first, but then smiled. She lifted his chin, so now he was looking into her eyes

"Your words won't ruing our friendship, but I think this will"Seliel said and kissed him. Cole was very surprised, but returned to kiss, wrapping his hand around her wrist, while she was still holding his chin. After a while they separated and looked into each other's eyes. Cole smiled at her and then hugged her tightly

"So, does that mean we are dating?"Cole asked with a very big smile on his face, then felt Seliel nodding

"Yes we are"she said

In this time Jay and Lloyd finished and Jay went to find Cole, so he can teach Lloyd how to control his earth powers. He went on the terrace where the Cole and Seliel were and saw them hugging. He watched them a little, then they separated and looked at Jay

"Jay? What are you doing here? Are you spying us?"Cole asked and Jay laughed and shook his head

"No guys, I just came to tell you Cole, Lloyd is waiting for you to train him"Jay said

"Ok. See you later"Cole said and leaves Jay and Seliel on the terrace

"What happened?"Jay asked looking at Seliel

"You want to know too much"Seliel said crossing her arms"Don't you have a girlfriend to check on?"Seliel smirked

"What? What girlfriend?"Jay asked nervous

"Oh don't play it innocent. I saw you two the other day. You were so cute"Seliel said and Jay laughed

"Thank you, but you are right. I have to go to check on Nya, so see ya"Jay said and walked to Nya's room. He knocked on the door

"Who's there?"Nya asked

"It's me Jay"

"Ok, come in"Nya said and Jay entered and saw her sitting in the bed

"Hey. Are you ok?"Jay asked walking to her bed and sitting next to her

"Yeah, I am still not used to the information"Nya answered

"Are you sure?"Jay said and hugged her. She nod

"Thank you"she said

"For?"Jay asked

"For that you are with me. You always listen and you listen, not just pretending to listen and help me"Nya said and Jay hugged her tighter

"And will always do it. I promise you"Jay said, but didn't expected that someone is listening them. Kai was going to check on his sister, but then heard the conversation of the two. He was kinda mad for that Nya didn't told him, but was happy she found something who love her as much as him

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