Chapter 24

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The next morning the 9 teens were standing in front of Sensei, waiting for his to say something

"So, now you all have to reach your own true potential and unlock your armor"Wu said

"But Sensei, I, Skylor and Pixal don't have powers"Seliel said

"That's not true"Wu said and everyone looked at his weird

"You have abilities. Seliel, you have phantom powers, Skylor you are Amber and Pixal you are Technology"Wu said

"What? What are these elements?"Cole asked

"Okay listen. From when you all were born, new elements showed. Skylor, Seliel and Pixal are the first of their elements"Wu explained

"Wow"Seliel said looking down, not knowing what other to say

"So now we have o master our elements?"Pixal said

"Exactly"Wu said

"Okay Sensei"they all said, after that Wu entered and the teens started training, well, all except Skylor

Skylor was sitting deep in thoughts. Kai noticed that and walked to her, also remembering what happened the last night

"Hey Sky, you ok?"Kai asks starling Skylor

"Oh Kai...yeah, everything is ok"Skylor said unsure in her words

"Sky please tell me what's wrong"Kai begged and Skylor sighed

"It's just weird for me that I have powers. And they are from the new one who no one has. And Amber!? What is this!?!"Skylor yelled the last part

"Well, we can asked Sensei what is it. I am sure he knows"Kai said and Skylor looked down

"Maybe you are right. Let's go go talk with him"Skylor said and they both entered the monastery to search for Sensei Wu

Zane can't concentrate. He was staring only at Pixal. He likes her, but can't tell her

Jay noticed Zane standing and staring in one direction. Jay looked at the same direction to see that he was staring at Pixal. He went to his firmed and placed a hand on his shoulder

"Dude, just tell her"Jay said staring Zane, who turned to face Jay

"To tell who what?"Zane asked blushing

"You know exactly what I mean. It's not that hard"Jay said

"Says the guy who didn't told the girl he likes, 3 weeks"Zane said

"Okay you have a point here, but at least I told her and now we are happy!"Jay said looking at his girlfriend, who was talking with Seliel

"I am not sure Jay..."Zane said and Jay turned back o him"...what is she doesn't like me?"he asked

"Zane, there is no possible way she isn't going to like you. You are smart, cool and a prince!"Jay said

"I don't want her to like me, because I am prince..."Zane said looking down

"Okay, but you are still smart and cool"Jay said

"Okay, I will try, but please don't tell her I am a prince"Zane said

"Okay, but you have to tell her"Jay said and Zane sighed

"I know"Zane said and looked at her again

Kai and Skylor came back out from the talk with Sensei Wu

"So I can absorb the others powers? Isn't it like I have something like Lloyd's power?"Skylor asked

"Don't you heard Sensei? It isn't the same"Kai said matter-of-fancy, while Skylor rolled her eyes

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