Chapter 27

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Some days later
Some days before the attack. The 9 ninja has planed everything. They called some warriors and friends of them to help them to beat Chen. Currently they are thinking how they are gonna entered without begin spotted

"Okay some of us can go under the water, using my and Nya's water powers"Skylor said

"That's good idea, but you have to be fast, also you can't transport everyone like this. Any other ideas?"Cole asked

"Well, these who are Elementals can use dragons"Jay suggested

"Okay, and what about the others?"Kai asked

"Ummm...aha! We can take some cars from the castle's storage!"Skylor said

"But how are we gonna do that?"Zane asked

"I can teleport with my phantom powers and I can take them"Seliel said

"Okay then! Everything is sorted. Now we only has to wait for the day, in which Lloyd is gonna beat Chen"Nya said. Lloyd sighed and laid on the grass. He knew Nya meant kill, but didn't wanted to say it in front of Skylor

"I don't want to kill anyone..."Lloyd thought"Maybe there is another way...maybe I won't kill him. I have to talk with Nya". Lloyd stand. He saw everyone went somewhere and Nya and Jay were walking away hand-in-hand

"Nya wait!"Lloyd yelled and ran after them, while the couple turned to face him

"What is it Lloyd?"Nya asked

"Can we private"Lloyd said and Nya looked at Jay, who nodded

"Just don't forget she is mine kiddo"Jay said. Lloyd rolled his eyes, while Nya blushed. Jay went back to their camp, while Lloyd and Nya went away

"So what is it Lloyd?"Nya asked

"Nya I don't want to kill Chen"Lloyd said and the both stopped

"I understand Lloyd..."Nya said

"So, can you help me find other way to beat him?"Lloyd asked and Nya smiled

"Of course I will. I will do everything for you. You are like the little brother I never had"Nya said and hugged the little boy

"And you are like the big sister I never had"Lloyd said returning the hug and smiling

I am sooooooo sorry for this very very short chapter. Please forgive me. Also thank you so much for the votes, readings and supporting. I really appreciate that❤️

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