Chapter 3

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Lloyd and Nya were still traveling. They had to fly above the Lightning Kingdom so they can go to the Ice Kingdom. It was nighttime outside and they decided to land somewhere and rest for the night. They land next to a village. And rest. On the next morning Nya woke up from the shining sun. She woke up Lloyd and they decided to walk so they won't be spotted. They entered the village and started watching the shops. Nya went to a vegetable shop. She took some things, but then Lloyd saw that there were warriors from the fire army

"Nya we have to get away from here"Lloyd whispered to Nya

"Why?"Nya asked and then she saw the warriors. The worst part was that they were searching for them

"How did they found us?"Nya asked

"I don't know, but we have to run"Lloyd said when he saw they were spotted. Nya left everything she has in her hands and they both started running. The man were behind them the whole time. Suddenly they ran into dead end. Lloyd don't know how to control his powers and Nya was too scared

"Lightning!"someone yelled and then the man were shoot with lightning. They fall on the ground and then Nya and Lloyd saw that a boy with auburn hair and lightning blue eyes saved them. Some guards took the fire warriors and go away with them, after that the boy go to Nya and Lloyd

"Thank you"Lloyd said

"Your welcome. I will always help these who needs help"the boy said and looked at Nya, who was kinda blushing. The boy blushed too, but then looked at Lloyd again

"So, why did these man chased you?"the boy asked

"We can't tell here. If we tell everyone is going to be in dangerous"Nya said looking at the boy

"Ok then. I suggest you are not from here, right?"the boy asked and the two nodded"Then I suggest you can come to stay in my house for now. I think my parents won't mind"the boy said and Lloyd and Nya looked at each other

"How we can be sure we can trust you?"Lloyd asked

"Oh believe me, you can trust me. I hate these guys and after all I saved you"the boy said and Nya looked at Lloyd

"He has a point"she said and Lloyd sighed

"Ok then. Let's go"Lloyd said and they started walking to the boys house

"So what's your names?"the boy asked

"I am Lloyd and this is Nya"

"Nice to meet you Lloyd and Nya. I am Jay by the way"the boy said

"Nice to meet you too"Lloyd said. Nya didn't talked the whole time. Suddenly she saw a boy. With brow spiky hair and brown eyes. He looked familiar to her

"What are you watching?"Lloyd asked and Nya shook her head and looked at him

"Nothing. Please let's go faster"Nya said and they started walking faster. After a while they arrived Jay's house and his mom greeted them

"Oh Jay. I heard for the guards you stopped. I am so proud of you"Jay's mom-Edna-said

"Thanks mom. Oh Nya and Lloyd"Jay said pointing at his new friends

"Nice to meet you two. I am Edna. Jay's mom"Edna said

"Nice to meet you too"Nya and Lloyd said

" Can we stay with us for a while, because they are not from here and they don't have home?"Jay asked

"Of course they can. I prepared lunch, so when you are hungry you can eat"Edna said and walked away

"Ok so..umm...first I will show you your rooms. Nya you will sleep in the guest room and Lloyd you can be on the coach"Jay said and the two agreed. They sat on the table and Jay served them

"So why did they chased you?"Jay asked taking a bite from his noodles

"Please don't freak out. I am the Ultimate Ninja"Lloyd said and Jay started laughing. After a while he stopped and looked at their serious expressions"You are kidding, right?"Jay asked

"No we are not"Nya said and Jay looked at her

"And you? Do you have any powers?"Jay asked

"I am master of water"Nya said

"I thought there aren't any still alive"Jay said

"Well you can see there is one"Nya said and he laughed. They talked. A lot. In the night everyone went to their rooms. Nya laid on her bed and started sobbing. She still blamed herself for that her parents died. Jay was going to the toilet and heard someone crying. He walked to Nya's room and knocked on the door

"Nya? You ok?"he asked. No answer. He opened the door and saw Nya, her face in the pillow and crying. He walked to the bed and sat on it"Nya?"Jay asked again. Nya looked at him and wiped her tears

"Y-Yes?"she asked

"You ok?"Jay asked again

"Yeah, don't worry about me"she said

"Please don't lie. Tell me what's wrong"Jay said and Nya sighed

"I just lost my family"Nya said and again tears escaped her eyes

"Do you want to talk about this?"Jay asked and Nya nod

"When I was 6 I and my brother learned we had gift. I had water, but he had fire. One time when the Fire army came to my village they learned that my brother has their power. They took him. Yesterday, when I found Lloyd and went with him at home, they killed my parents in front of my eyes. Now my last chance to be with my family is to find my brother, but I don't have a clue where he can be"Nya said kinda sobbing at some parts. Jay didn't know what to do, so he did the first think came to his mind. He hugged her. Nya didn't mind. She needed it

"Thank you for listening me"Nya said and again wiped the tears away

"Your welcome"Jay said standing"Good night Jay"Nya said and she fall asleep

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