Listening: Thomas

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"You know, all this running is doing you loads of favours."


"Thomas, are you even listening to me?"

"Mmm, of course it doesn't make you look fat."

"I'm gonna take that as a no."


You huffed as your boyfriend continued with his work, his body hunched over the map he was studying.

Okay, so you knew you shouldn't have been annoyed. He was trying to get you all out of the maze after all. And that was what you wanted.

Well, you also wanted time with your boyfriend. Time when his only focus was you.

But apparently that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

You smiled as you thought of ideas to make him notice you.

"It's really hot in here. I think I'm gonna take my shirt off."

Nothing. Time for a more desperate plea.

"Thomas, I'm pregnant."

Again, nothing.

"I'm getting married to a Griever."

Okay, that was shoddy.

After several more attempts, you gave up.

"Not that you'll hear this, but I'm gonna go get some lunch. I'll see you later."

"Couldn't get me a sandwich, could you?"

That he heard? Seriously?!

You turned, prepared to yell at him. But the look on his face stopped you.

There were dark circles around those big brown eyes that you often lost yourself in, and only a sliver of his usual smile that adorned his face when he was with you.

He was exhausted.

And here you were, annoyed at him because he wouldn't listen to your stupid attempts at trying to flirt.

Your heart dropped as you looked at him. All the responsibility that he took upon himself had finally caught up to him, no wonder he hadn't been spending time with you.

That was it.

Fuck WICKED, whoever the hell they were, for putting you in the maze. For reducing Thomas to this.

Fuck. Them. All.

You marched over to the table where Thomas was standing, picking up the papers that covered them and throwing them to the ground. You began to stamp on them, screaming, crying, shouting.

You'd had enough.

All you wanted was to go home. Wherever that was.

You barely registered the arms that wrapped around you, pulling you back, and pressing you into a hard chest.

You broke down.

You sobbed into Thomas' chest, as his hands rubbed your back, his chin resting on the top of your head, as he soothed you.

"It's gonna be okay. We're gonna get out of here, I promise."

You stopped crying just long enough to speak.

"Is it? You're exhausted, I'm a mess, Gally's a freaking psycho, and I don't think Newt's handling Alby being stung very well."

He grabbed your wrists, forcing you to look at him.

"Hey, listen to me okay? We're gonna make it out of here. All of us. And don't worry about me, okay? I just need some sleep."

He smiled at you, instantly warming your heart.

"I think some sleep is an understatement."

He pulled you to him once again, indulging you in the heat of his body.

"Okay, okay. Maybe I do need more. You okay now?"

You nodded, nuzzling into the fabric of his shirt.

"Do you wanna go get lunch now?"

This time you shook your head. You just wanted to stay buried in his arms.

"Why not?"

"Because I've been waiting for a hug like this for about a week and a half. I'm not letting this opportunity go to waste."

"Was that hinting at something?"

"Like what?"

"Y/N. I know I haven't been spending enough time with you recently. I overheard your conversation with Teresa. I can assure you I'm not cheating on you with Minho."

You chuckled.

"That may have been an exaggeration. And anyway, if you were cheating on me with anyone, I'd prefer it to be Newt."

You felt the reverberations of his chest against your cheek as he laughed.

"I love you, you know that?"

You looked up, facing him.



"You just said-"

Realisation dawned on Thomas, his eyes going wide.

"I just said that out loud didn't I?"

You nodded, your heart fluttering ten to the dozen.

"I meant it. But, you know, I totally understand if you don't-"

He was cut short as you pulled his lips down to yours, capturing them in one swift move. Your hands moved behind his neck, playing with the small tufts of hair that lingered there.

His hands cupped your cheeks, bringing him closer to you.

"I love you," you murmured against his lips.

He smiled against you.

"I love you too."

The kiss broke, and Thomas laced his fingers through yours, holding you tightly.

You stared at him, the smile never leaving your face.

He was the first to speak.

"One question."


"You're not actually pregnant are you?"

"Wait, you heard that? Why didn't you answer?"

"All I heard was, shirt, pregnant and griever. Wanna explain that to me?"

You placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Maybe later."
Yeah so this was the first one, hope you guys like it x

There's a Newt one next!

LJ xx

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