Hm Movie Night

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Movie night. Kevin's favorite night.
Well, he'll tell you.
Movie night was the perfect opportunity for Kevin to get close to Connor. A dark room and a heart-warming movie, usually Disney, what could be better?

Tonight, however, rather than Kevin simply sitting near Connor, he planned to sit right beside him- and perhaps his arm could find its way around Connor's shoulders- if he was lucky, that is.

Kevin found himself feeling like he was going to throw up, just from sheer nerves of the fact that he might actually be able to sit next to Connor tonight. And, he had almost made it to the living room, when he heard sniffling coming from the bathroom as he passed it.
Pausing at the door, he recognized the hardy voice and sob of his mission companion. He frowned.
He had a choice to make.
He could go now and grab a seat right next to Connor before anyone had a chance to take it. Or, he could try and comfort his friend with whatever he needed, and risk losing his seat beside the ginger.
Kevin glanced between the end of the hallway and the bathroom door, his morals and desires tearing him apart.
Finally, he came to the tough decision of knocking on the bathroom door.

"...Elder Cunningham?" Kevin sighed, " alright in there?"

A sniffle came from inside the bathroom.


"Okay..." Kevin could easily leave right now and feel less guilty...damn my consciousness..., "I'm going to come check up on you...bud..." He opened the door that was unlocked and slowly entered the bathroom, frowning when he saw a broken Arnold on the ground, glasses on the floor and face covered by his hands.

Kevin closed the bathroom door behind him and awkwardly made his way over to Arnold, sliding down the wall beside him to sit down a foot to his left, "What's...wrong?" His heart was aching, he knew he was doing the right thing, but that didn't take the disappointment away.

"I-I just feel like I'm always getting in the way o-of you trying to d-do something incredible." Arnold deeply sniffed.

Kevin's attention was suddenly pinned to his friend who obviously needed him, "Oh em gosh, Elde- Arnold, it's fine."

"No- n-no, it's not just you- it's everyone." Arnold sobbed.

"Did something happen?" Kevin cocked his head.

Arnold paused before nodding.

"Want about it?"

Arnold shook his head.

"Okay well...just know...I am here for you." Kevin smiled.


Kevin paused before scooting closer to Arnold and putting an arm around him, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder, "You're my best pal."

Arnold looked up at Kevin, "R-really?"

Kevin nodded with a genuine smile, "Really. Don't ever think you're in the way, okay?"

Arnold paused before nodding and then wrapping his arms around Kevin in a tight hug, "Man, best friend, you can sure change my mood as quick as a light switch." He nodded, giving Kevin an affectionate squeeze before releasing him and grabbing his glasses.

"Come on, I hear Naba is here- the movie started a few minutes ago but, I'm sure you can find a se-" Kevin was interrupted as Arnold leapt up at the name of Naba.

"Holy bathbombs!" Arnold gasped, "I better go then!!"

Kevin smiled once again, feeling a weight lifted off of his chest as he saw Arnold open the door and bust out of the bathroom. He'd sacrificed his wants for his friend's needs, and that was going to last longer than simply sitting by Connor and creating a bad memory about how he wasn't able to even bump legs with him, let alone put an arm around him.
Though, just thinking about the potential for the situation made Kevin's shoulders sag regardless.
He slowly got to his feet and stretched, letting out a sigh that held mainly contentment but a hint of disappointment. He then put on his Happy-Lil'-Mormon-Price face, and continued the rest of the way down the hall, pausing at the entrance to the common-room.
The room was currently pitch-black, the only light in it being a blue haze from the tiny, dvd-playing TV that sat at the center of the room, currently playing The Little Mermaid, one of Kevin's all-time favorite movies, Disney specifically too, adding a bit to his disappointment.
He began to look around in the dark of the room before spotting a certain ginger giving a little wave to him.
Kevin was slightly surprised at this before realizing that Connor was waving him over. He instantly forced his feet to move and found that Connor had saved a seat for him, right beside him on the couch.
Kevin gladly took the seat beside Connor, smiling ear-to-ear in the dark.

"I got worried!" Connor whispered.

"Yeah?" Kevin murmured, glancing down at Connor.

Connor gave a nod, "I thought you weren't coming- but I saved you a seat just incase."

"Thanks." Kevin chuckled sweetly as he smiled wider.

"Well, no problem." Connor smiled in return.

And then it happened.
Connor leaned his head against Kevin's shoulder.
Kevin felt like his whole world had just blown up in the most non-destructive way possible; And he was fairly sure his heart would blow up along with it. Before he could put much thought into it, he snaked an arm around Connor's shoulder, pulling the freckled boy near and leaning his own head against Connor's.

This truly was incredible. And Kevin was 99% sure his heart was going to give out at any given second.
He had sacrificed.
He had had faith.
And lord, did the lord prevail, with this blessing of a rainbow-red-head on Kevin's shoulder.

***Aaaa my heeeeart
Yep so I feel tired and incredible and incredibly gay so— anyway, I hope y'all have a wonderful night, this is just a quick thing that I hope you guys liked! Also hoped you guys had a wonderful weekend and that if you read this on Monday that it'll add a little (more)gay to your Monday and make it a Mongay! (You can make any day of the week into a gay pun by changing the suffix of day to gay and I think that's amazing) <<EDIT: aGAYzing -12/17/18>>


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