My Love, My Life

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((Don't tell anyone because they'll kill me but like I hate reading and writing domestic chapters but like this song can't go anywhere else and I know y'all like them so that's chill so here we are! I think it'll be cute with these two))

Kevin looked at Connor with concern as they waited in the waiting room of the adoption center. They had waited for years for this, having done this the year they had gotten married, nine years ago...finally...finally...

"The McKinleys?" A woman called.

"Yes!" Both the men chirped.

The woman smiled, "Come meet your daughter."

Connor choked up suddenly as he looked at Kevin with loving eyes, "It's time..."

"I know." Kevin grabbed Connor's hand and squeezed it, "Let's go." He got up with his husband and headed to the woman, walking into the room.

There was another woman there, holding a small, baby girl, "Her name is Clara." The woman murmured, "We'll give you three some time before discussing the paper work." The woman gave the baby gently to Kevin who moved to hold the baby and cradle her in his arms as the two women exited the room.

"Kevin..." Connor whispered with pure joy, "Baby Clara..." He brushed some hair out of the baby girl's face who giggled happily in her father's arms.

"I-I love her, Con." Kevin felt a tear slip down his cheek.

Connor nodded with a wide smile, brushing the tear away from Kevin's face, "My Love, my life..."

Kevin rocked the baby gently with deep love for his newfound daughter, "I know I don't posses you, with all my heart, god bless you, my life.."

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