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(We all have a waterloo)

Kevin stared across the room with a fond smile at the fiery ginger who was standing up tall in the middle of the crowd of the missionaries who listened intently about what they were going to do now that they were exiled from the church essentially.

"There will be some new rules- and beliefs, of course, but we can get through this!" McKinley declared.

Kevin looked at the district leader with adoring eyes and a slight smile, admiring how determined he looked.

"Any questions?" Connor announced.

"Are you my Waterloo?" Kevin asked.

Connor blinked in confusion at Kevin, "Your...what now?"

"Well," Kevin took a confident step forward, "At Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender, and I have met my destiny in quite a simple way- because, the history book on the shelf, is always repeating itself- are you my Waterloo? Because I'd like to surrender myself to you and confess how absolutely astounding I think you are, Elder McKinley." Kevin grinned smugly at how straight forward confident he was being, "After all, you seem to be winning the war of my pining over y- oh dear." Kevin winced as Connor hit the floor.

"You're overloading him!" Poptarts gasped with amusement.

Connor giggled from where he was on the floor.

"Are you okay, Connor?" Kevin smirked.

Connor curled in on himself with giddy laughter as Kevin bent down to grab the boy's hands and pull him up.


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