Why did it have to be me

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((I'm listening to the mama Mia soundtrack))
EDIT: all of these will be short because I'm doing the E N T I R E S O U N D T R A C K

Kevin sat at the edge of the circle of missionaries around him.
They were currently all playing truth or dare and Kevin was trying to opt out. He would offer himself to assist in dares but wasn't actually playing himself.

Currently, Arnold was licking someone's shoe and all the elders were either in awe or vomiting, Kevin siding more with the latter option.

The only thing was, due to Arnold licking the side of the shoe instead of the top or bottom, he was out- which, considering he was probably going to get sick, shouldn't have been fair- but in the world of truth or dare, fair wasn't an option- this was life or death.

"It goes back to you, Church, since Arnold is out and you're the one who dared him- ask someone else." Poptarts chirped from beside the taller elder before winking at him.

"What?" Church asked, to clarify with the wink, leaning over as Poptarts motioned to him, continuing on with whispering something into his ear.

Church let out a dry laugh, "Yeah?"

Poptarts nodded excitedly and made eye-contact with Kevin who gave a confused look.

Church cleared his throat, "Elder McKinley."

The ginger cocked his head, "Yes?"

"Kiss Kevin." Church nodded with a smug smile.

Connor's face bloomed a brilliant red, looking at Kevin who flinched.


"I-it's okay, Con." Kevin nodded, "I don't mind."

"Right- yeah." Connor nodded.

"Go on~" Poptarts cooed.

Connor got up as Kevin did so as well, the two boys flustered beyond control.

Connor advanced towards Kevin, stopping before him and awkwardly doing a small tap of his feet.

"Do it!" Church laughed in amusement.

"Okay, but-" Kevin began before feeling Connor grab his chin and pull him down into a soft kiss. Kevin almost fell.

The boys stared at each other for a moment with twinkling eyes before Connor glanced away, "S-sorry- Yeah, I only did it f-for the dare, don't worry." He nodded and headed back to his seat on the floor, leaving a dejected Kevin.

There was silence as all the missionaries looked between the sunken Kevin and district leader who wasn't making eye-contact with anyone.

"Let's just continue a-and forget this." Connor mumbled.

"Right, totally," Kevin scoffed.

"Wh-what?" Connor glanced up.

Kevin shrugged with a smile, "Men are the toys in the game that you play, when you get tired, you throw them away- and, that's only natural," he grinned as his eyes glistened, "But why did it have to be?" He steppes around the other elders briskly before speeding off to his own room.

Everyone was silent in the circle until Poptarts blurted out, "I DARE CONNOR TO GO COMFORT AND APOLOGIZE TO KEVIN!"

And everyone agreed with that.

Connor looked like he was about to cry, "I-I didn't mean it!"

"Tell him, not us." Church nodded.

"But-!" Connor began.

"GO!" All the elders shouted and Connor flinched himself before standing up with a sigh and exiting the room, the game continuing non without him.

Connor went down the hall until he reached Kevin's door, hesitating before knocking softly, "Ke..vin?"

"Come in." A voice cracked unintentionally from the other side of the door.

Connor slowly opened the door and looked at Kevin who was reading a book. Though, upon further inspection, Connor saw that Kevin was hardly reading the book, he was on the first page and the book shook with his hands and the page was damp with dripping tears, but Kevin had a smile on.

"Are...you okay, Elder Price?" Connor murmured.

Kevin quickly shut his book as Connor shut the door.

"Of course, Elder McKinley!" Kevin smiled forcefully, "If I weren't, that would imply a problem, and if there was a problem, then I would be problematic- and I'm surely not problematic, I can't be- so, no, there's no problem at all."

"Right...Okay.." Connor moved forward and stopped at the edge of the bed that Kevin currently sat at, "Mind if I sit here...?"

"Not at all, Elder McKinley." Kevin nodded.



"You're doing that...thing again." Connor frowned.

Kevin tilted his head, "What thing, Elder McKinley?"

"You...ya' know, you start acting all formal and...robotic because you're turning things off- we're not part of the church anymore! I mean...not exactly- so, we get to dance and shout and let all our feelings out!" Connor tried a smile.

"Is that so?" Kevin looked at Connor with pursed lips that curved upwards at the end.

Connor shrunk down under the hurt gaze that Kevin gave him.

"If that's the case, I'm not sure why you're here anyway. It was only a dare after all."

Connor shrunk down further, "I'm sorry..."

Kevin seemed to wake up with this but didn't meet Connor's gaze, "I'm sure you are."

"Kevin please snap out of it."

"Snap out of what? I'm completely sure I haven't the slightest hint of an idea of what you're talking about, Elder McKinley." Kevin continued to "read" his book.

"Kevin, stop!"

"I don't stop what I start, Connor." Kevin paused as his eyes glinted with a hint of realism, "I'm not you."

Connor looked blown back by this and had to take a minute before tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, "Wh-what the heck, Kevin! You don't think I'm upset either!?"

"You're the one who kissed and missed." Kevin mumbled.

"I was afraid!" Connor shouted, leaping to his feet in front of Kevin.

Kevin looked up in confusion, "Of what?"

"O-of what you would think!" Connor hissed, "I l-like you, Kevin! For Gosh sake I probably love you but I'm not to sure right about now if you feel the sa-" Connor was shut up as Kevin stood up suddenly and put a finger on Connor's lips.

"Excuse me?" Kevin looked astonished.

Realizing what he had just said, Connor looked at the floor in embarrassment.

"What did you just say?" Kevin's voice sounded exasperated.

Connor shrugged, "I...li- love you I suppose..."

There was silence and Connor hesitantly looked up. He was taken by surprise when he saw a beaming Kevin, causing even his freckles to turn red now, "You're not...upset?"

"My crush just confessed to me- Connor, it's okay, I understand- how could I be upset?" Kevin's eyes softened before he sat down, "I overreacted."

"Trust me, if you had done that to me- this would be under-reacting." Connor sat beside Kevin.

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