Chapter 1. Harsh reality.

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???:"BA-01 down! BA-01 down!"

Everything hurts. I can feel my head lying on something soft. The only pleasant feeling I can feel right now. My body is in inmense pain, I have an unbearable headache. I can hear the voice of a distressed girl shouting at something or rather someone. I can also feel flames around us. They have to be really close, since the heat it's touching my right cheek. A warm liquid run downs my forehad and towards my right eye.

???:"Please respond! We've been shot down! BA-01 down! BA-01... Useless piece of-"

The girl threw something to the ground, breaking it. I manage to open my eyes a little. My vision was very blurry. It hurts to move my eyes. I recognise the voice now. It's Marian.

Marian:"Commander! I can't get through the Ark!"

I look up to meet her eyes. She's in distress and doesn't know what to do. No matter what I do, I cannot respond nor move my lips. Slowly, I start to feel very drowsy. My eyes weight too much...

Marian:"Commander? No! You're going into cardiac arrest! Stay with me Commander! A-AED! AED!"

Marian sliced her hands until wires appeared. She grabbed them and slowly moved them towards my heart.

Marian:"Charging...! Clear!"

As soon as they touched my heart a I gasped, taking a huge wave of air into my lungs. I even raised my head a little. Now I have my eyes wide open and can move. Only a little since it hurts to do so, but I can. Marian reanimated me.

Marian:"Commander, are you okay? Can you hear me? Smile if-"

Y/N:"I-I'm fine Marian I-" *Violently coughs* "I'm alright..."

Marian:"Finally... can you tell me which section you're from?"

Y/N:"Central Government. Elysion Nikke Management Department."

Marian managed to calm herself down. She nodded and looked around the place.

Marian:"All right then, up and at'em. Raise your arms up."

I did as told, raising my arms. Marian checked my body in search for great wounds. She looked on the armpits, my back and my head, specially around places where you bleed quite a lot.

Marian:"You have sustained a lot of injuries Commander but you'll live through it. We were attacked en route to our destination. The transport ship is down."

Y/N:"What about the Mass produced Nikkes on our squad?"

Marian:"Dead. All of them."

Y/N:"What a great start..."

Marian:"It's about to get worse I'm afraid. Every rapture in a hundred-mile radius must've heard that explosion and is headed our way. I know you're in no shape to fight but you have to give me the orders Commander. Can you do it?"

Y/N:"I'll give it a shot..."

Marian:"Yes Commander, time to get to work! Keep your head down and please don't worry, I will protect you."

Marian grabbed my arm and forced my on my feet just to quickly carry me on a fireman's hold. I saw the enviroment we are now. In mid of a street, our destroyed ship blocking our path to the back. There's only forwards. We are nearby a park or what used to be a park. Dead mass produced Nikkes are on the ground. Nearby there's a couple of residential houses. The raptures will come from there.

Y/N:"T-to the house. Now. L-leave me in there and destroy the Raptures."

Marian:"Orders recieved."

Marian sprinted towards the closest nearby house in a full sprint. I can hear the echoes of the raptures running towards the explosion. This one's gonna be hard. Marian kicked the door open and closed it. She left me in a couch and made made a quick scan around the room with her AR ready. Now I realise she has also sustained some damage, yet she's still going forwards. Once she made sure the place was safe, Marian pushed a bookshelf onto the entrance to block it.

Y/N:"G-Good thinking. Second floor, now. Wait until the majority of them are around the ex-explosion and-" *Coughs* "Give'em hell."

Marian:"Roger. One more thing..."

She grabbed a small handgun from her hip. She gave it to me.

Marian:"If the worst were to happen..."

Y/N:"One for you, one for me. I k-know. Go!"

Marian nodded and went upstairs. The silence and agony was killing me. I slowly turned around the couch to face the entrance. The door had small windows where a red light was reflected on. They are here. My last Nikke open fire relentlessly. I heard some of them going down. Suddenly, something crashed on the window she's in. I pressume it's an aircraft and it's inside the house.

Knowing my last line of defense is now having trouble of her own I crawl out of the couch, falling. It pained me but I have to move. I crawled towards the kitchen leaving a trail of blood behind. I took cover behind a wall inside the kitchen. Something pierced the entrance's door and the bookshelf. Just as I expected, it's not going to do much against a machine.

Two raptures breached the door and went inside. One of them quickly moved upstairs. As much as I'd like to help Marian, there's nothing I can do on this state. Even worse, the other one saw the blood on the ground. I hear how it changed it's vision. Did it perhaps activate thermal sensors? Wait, I'm in trouble then!

I quickly dived towards a kitchen table were rusty knifes, forks and dishes are and managed to not only dodge a tentacle that went through the wall, aimed at me but also manage to grab one of the kitchen knifes.

Immediately firing at the rapture, I managed to hit it's rocket launcher a couple of times, hurting it. The rapture walked inside and tried to stab me with it's legs. I quickly moved my body to the side to dodge the attack and stab it's visor with the knife.

It did almost nothing but the machine was in clear pain, jumping and moving all around the place. I kept firing until the gun was out of ammo. Not enough. The rapture was still moving and quickly approaching me. Before it could claim me, Marian appeared behind it and dumped the entire mag on it. She grabbed the rapture, threw it to the ground and start mashing her gun's stock into it. It was long gone yet she kept attacking.


Y/N:"Marian, it's  already dead! Leave it-" *Grunts* "Ah, fuck."

Marian:"Commander! Okay..." *Inhales, exhales.* "All enemies down. Transitioning into non-combat state."

Marian quickly went to help me. She carefully carried me to the couch once again. I saw how she had bandages in her pouches. An IFAK. Marian un-buttoned my shirt and started looking at the damaged caused.

Marian:"Commander, I'm going to apply bandages on your wounds then we will move."

Y/N:"Make haste. We m-must support ground team..."

Marian:"They can wait. I'm now more worried about you."

Slowly, she applied the bandages around the many scratches and wounds on my body.

Y/N:"What a day, eh?"

Marian:"You could say that."

Y/N:"Are you okay?"

Marian:"I've recieved small injuries. Nothing to be worried for Commander."

Now I realise her left shoulder has a hole. She's been hit.

Y/N:"Can you toss me a bandage?"

Marian:"Sure but don't waste them sir, we're running out. I'm going to inject you with adrenaline to- Commander?"

I applied the bandage on Marian's wound. She didn't act harsh yet I can see how she didn't understand why I did that.

Marian:"Uh... Commander... this isn't of much use to a Nikke. Nonetheless, I... appreciate the gesture. Thank you, Commander."

Y/N:"I'm aware it won't heal you... but I can't stand seeing you getting hurt. If this is all I can do to help, then let me at least do this."

Marian smiled and placed a hand on my face.

Marian:"Of course, Commander."

Once I finished applying the bandage she injected me with an adrenaline shot. I can feel my strength coming back although I do not know how much will it last. She started applying the last bandage she had on my head.

Marian:"Y'know? When we met on your room I thought you'd be more of a rough and tumble kind of person. After our coffee however... Yeah, you are a really kind man."

Y/N:"I'm glad you think that."

Marian:"Okay, you're done. Can you move?"

I gave my hand to Marian so she could help me stand. My Nikke kindly obliged, helping me get on my feet.

Y/N:"I'm okay... I can walk."

Marian:"Still, let me help you Commander. We may find trouble."

She grabbed my arm and placed it around her shoulder. Together, we walked out of the house. I let Marian guide me for now.

Marian:"The rendezvous point should be close. Hang in there sir."

Y/N:"I just hope they are in a better state than us... can you get in contact with the Ark?"



We walked for a long, long time through the city. The surface was exactly what I expected yet it managed to impress me. I can only imagine how live would've been back then. Now, the city is infested with Raptures we got to avoid.

Marian has been helping me all this time yet I can feel her worry. She wants to reach that point ASAP. Understandable however. If we do not... we could die here.

After what feel like an eternity Marian spoke.

Marian:"We're almost there. Are you feeling all right?"

Y/N:"Still dizzy and all my body hurts but I'll manage."

Marian:"Your heart had stopped back there but I managed to resucitate you. If you're tired of walking, I can carry you."

Y/N:"There's no need Marian, really. I'm okay."

Marian:"It's nothing, Commander. Carrying you is like a feather for me. C'mon..."

Marian tried to carry me but this time I did push her back a little.

Y/N:"I'm okay Marian. I'll walk on my own. Besides I need you to be combat ready at all times. Helping me walk is more than enough."

Marian:"If you insist... in that case..."

She approached me once again but this time, to grab my arm.

Marian:"Lean on me once again. Let me know if you need a rest."

Y/N:"I'll keep that in mind."

Marian:"Roger. Let's keep moving then."

Marian suddenly widened her eyes. I looked forwards to see raptures, moving towards us. We managed to get into cover before they could spot us.

Marian:"I see no way around them!"

I looked at a car with enough space for both of us to head underneath.

Y/N:"We can always wait. Over there!"

Marian looked at the car and nodded, realising what I wanted to do. We sneaked our way towards the car and hid underneath it. We hold our breaths as the machines walk right past us, slightly afraid of being found out. Thankfully recently they turn off their thermal visions if they are not on combat to avoid getting ambushed by simply using fire to our advantage. We can exploit that.

Once they were far away from us, Marian crawled out of the car first to investigate the area while I slowly go out. I was making sure not to rub one of the wounds on the ground and re-open it. Once I was out I stood up and walked towards my Nikke who seems to be in a more calm state.

Marian:"That had to be the last scout group on this area. Nice thinking Commander."

Y/N:"Thanks. Let's get out of here."


Once again Marian grabs my arm gently to aid me. We both keep walking towards the rendezvous point. Suddenly, Marian's face changed. She was now worried once again.

Marian:"It should be around here... where is everyone? Did the plan change after the transport ship crashed?"

Before I could say anything, we heard gunfire. Allied weapons, I recognise those sounds.

Y/N:"Those come from allied troops! Those are our guns!"

Marian:"Roger! Let's go check it out!"

Marian raised her gun and took the lead walking towards the source of the gunfire. I followed her as quickly as I could due to my state. We saw two Nikkes firing at a group of raptures that were in cover. One of them is Rapi. The other one I don't recognise. If she's here...

???:"How long are we going to wait here?"

Rapi, who was making sure the Rapture stood in their hiding spot by firing at them said:

Rapi:"Until they come."

???:"We're sitting ducks out here!"

Rapi:"We'll wait until they come."

???:"Did you not see how hard they went down?! You saw that explosion, what are the odds of them coming out alive?"

Y/N:"Greater than you think it seems. Marian, enter combat mode."


Rapi and the other Nikke turned around to see me and Marian who rapidly stood next to Rapi to aid her. The other Nikke quickly went to help me as soon as she realised I'm a Commander and brought me towards them, letting me sit on the ground.

???:"You scared me, y'know?!"

Rapi:"Commander Y/N. It seems we are going to see each other in the battlefield after all."

Y/N:"So it would seem."

???:"You survived that explosion? I get she's a Nikke but you're a human! I thought you would be dead!"

Y/N:"I got better."

???:"Ha! I like him already! Are you really the Commander tho?"

Rapi:"Yes, he is. Commander authorisation code, red. You are now squad's 0-4 Commander."

???:"Rapi! You don't even know them!"

Rapi:"More than our previous one."

Y/N:"Code red? What the hell happened?"

Rapi:"Now is not the time to talk about this. There are Raptures right ahead of us."

Y/N:"You're right. Let me see..."

I peek over my cover to see a small group of raptures hiding behind cars, inside a building that looks like a grocery store and behind a destroyed tank.

Y/N:"You, what's your name?"



Anis:"Grenade launcher."

Y/N:"You're up for some explosions?"

Anis:"You bet."

Y/N:"Okay listen up everyone! Anis, I want you to fire at the grocery store! The building looks feeble, if you fire at it it will collapse on top of the raptures!"

Marian:"I like that idea Commander. Rapi and I will keep the rest busy."

Rapi:"Sounds great to me. Let's end this, shall we?"

Y/N:"Give'em hell ladies!"

Rapi and Marian aimed at the raptures and fired their weapons making sure they can stay there. Anis aimed at the grocery store and fired directly at the building. Her grenade launcher creates such big explosions the fire engulfed the entire building. Suddenly the patrol we squad we managed to avoid appeared behind us, charging at full speeds our way and preparing some rockets.

Y/N:"Behind us! Marian!"

She immediately turned around, tossed me into a car to get me safe and fired at the raptures. I saw next to me an apartment complex we can enter.

Y/N:"Everyone listen up! Once Anis takes the building out flee towards my position!"

Nikkes:"Roger Commander!"

I crawled out of the car, got back on my feet and crossed the street, entering the apartment complex. I peeked my head out and looked at the grocery store. A small earthquake was made and the building started to fall towards the raptures, it's shadow covering the raptures. Anis was the first to start running towards me followed by Rapi and Marian who was keeping the new threat at bay. They all went inside the building, dodging the chaos Anis made.

As soon as the building fell on top of our enemies the rubble and stone killed everything that was on street level. We all panted, tired and also relieved of not dying like that.

Anis:"You know what Commander? How about we don't do that again?"

Rapi:"I agree. We just trapped ourselves in."

Y/N:"No. We can go upstairs and move through the rooftops."

Marian:"Sounds like a plan. Let's move Commander. Please, lean on me again."

Marian gave me her hand so I can stand up. We all went up the stairs while chatting with each other, taking this opportunity to talk about what happened.

Rapi:"So Marian, that's your name right?"


Rapi:"What branch are you from?"

Marian:"I belong to Silver Gun. I'm a Machine Gunner although now I'm the Commander's assistant."

Anis:" checks out."

Rapi:"Also Commander, I didn't had enough time earlier but since the former Commander is unable to issue orders at present, no formal procedures are necessary to transfer authority."

Y/N:"Now that we're on that subject, how did he die?"

Anis:"He tried to shoot at the raptures with a human weapon, yelling obscenities at them all the while. He knew that those pea-shooters couldn't put a dent in a rapture..."

Marian:"You two failed in your duties. You let him die."

Anis:"You're wrong! We've always been willing to protect the Commander no matter what! Even if it meant sacrificing ourselves! But just because we're willing to put out lives on the line doesn't mean he'll always be safe..."

Marian looked at the ground, a little sad. She was angry not to Anis particularly but at how no matter what she thinks, Anis is right. There's more chances for me to die than any of these three.

Anis:"All right, I was just saying..."

Rapi:"Commander... your name was Y/N, right?"


Rapi:"Did you really take up your post yesterday?"

Y/N:"Not really. Yesterday was when I passed the exam. I told you, remember? Technically it's today when I started my job as a Commander."

Anis:"Oh great. So now we are trapped in here with a Commander that doesn't have any experience whatsoever! And if that ain't enough-"

Y/N:"Hey, that's enough. You may be right but I'm your Commander here. I'm going to take us out of here so at the very least you could learn some respect."

Anis:"Sorry Commander I meant no offense, it's just that this sucks! Besides you can't blame me for wanting a Commander that has been on situations like this many times!"

Y/N:"I'm gonna change your mind, just you wait."

We finally reached the last floor were the door to the rooftop is. We open it and I let my Nikkes go first to clear the area. I followed them as soon it was safe and looked around. The street we were in is now engulfed by debris. Still, buildings are very close to one another so we can just walk through here. Some of them even have bridges made by a now wiped out resistance. The old days were humanity was still on the surface...

Rapi:"Commander, even if you are a rookie I'd like to go over our current course of action to finish this mission."

Y/N:"Go ahead."

Rapi:"Okay, I'll brief you. 46 hours ago we lost contact with a Nikke squad that was patrolling this area. They went completely dark, so we decided to send a search party. During the search, an accident resulted in the death of our now-former Commander."

Anis:"The only problem is, the deceased Commander was the only one who knew the coordinates of our destination. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, wouldn't you?"


I remember the details of our mission. Go to the center of the comercial district, plant the bomb, lure whatever rapture was in the area and kill it. The comercial district... I can see it from here.

Y/N:"I know where to go. 500 meters north to our position is the comercial district of this city. We were tasked to plant the bombs there and destroy the raptures before arriving to the rendezvous point."

Marian:"I know a path we can take."

Anis:"Do you?"

Marian:"Yes. That information was input into my sistem when I was sent out on this operation. I'll lead the way."


Anis:"Oh... okay."

Marian:"And you. You're Rapi, right?"


Marian:"You failed to protect your former Commander. Who are you to call someone else a novice? They're putting their lives on the line just like we are. If I ever hear you talk like that again it'll be the last time."

Marian got aggresive all out of the sudden, facing Rapi who looked at her without any expression yet she had a firm grip on her weapon, just in case.

Anis:"Woah! Let's settle down! No need to get all riled up!"

Y/N:"Anis is right. Calm down. We can argue about this once we're safe. First I'll rather get out of here."

Marian and Rapi kept looking at one another until Rapi sighed.

Rapi:"Fine, I misspoke. I'm sorry."

Marian:"Don't apologise to me, apologise to the Commander."

Rapi:*Looks at me* "I'm sorry."

Y/N:"It's okay. No harm done. Can we get a move on?"

Marian:"I'll get the lead."

We finally started walking through the bridges that go from building to building. Rapi was slightly surprised at me not caring about her offense, so was Anis. The two were close behind me.

Anis:"He didn't get himself into a tizzy? You're definetely not an ordenary Commander."

Y/N:"I'll take that as a compliment."

Anis:"Oh you should!"

We kept walking, getting closer and closer to our objective until suddenly we started hearing something coming from Rapi and Anis radios.

???:"...Do you... copy?"


Ark Control:"Ark Control to surface, do you copy? Rapi, Anis?"

Rapi quickly approached me, walking next to me.

Rapi:"Communication Commander. Shifty, this is Rapi, do you copy?"

Shifty:"About time we got through! What's the situation on your end?"

Rapi:"The new Commander has arrived. The operational coordinates have been confirmed and we're proceeding as planned."

Shifty:"Excellent. We had quite the scare when we lost connection with the transport ship."

Anis:"You took the transport ship straight into an enemy camp? What were you thinking?"


Anis:"It's completely obliterated! With friends like you, who needs enemies?"

Y/N:"Shifty, can you hear me? I'm the Commander assigned to the reinforcement team. Me and Marian survived. The explosives along with the MPN's are lost. We were shot down."

Shifty:"...that can't be. Raptures in that area has no anti-air weapons."


They don't? Then how the hell were we shot down? Perhaps there's a new Rapture around? Maybe they fired their conventional weapons on the ship and did enough damage? Truth is, I don't remember much of the flight...

I looked at Rapi who looked at me. We both were confused yet she was suspicious of something.

Y/N:"Shifty, do you have the data from the transport's black box?"

Rapi:"You rode my thoughts Commander."

Shifty:"Sure, once I'm done analyzing it. It won't take long."

Rapi:"Okay, thanks."

Shifty:"By the way Commander, I think I should present myself. I'm Shifty, an operator from the Ark Intelligence Department."

Anis grabbed a photo of her out of nowhere and showed it to me so I can have a reference to who am I talking to.

Y/N:"Pleasure to meet you Shifty."

Shifty:"I will be assisting you throughout the operation from here on out. Nice to be working with you!"


Suddenly, Marian fell to one knee. I quickly sprinted towards her and crouched near her.

Y/N:"Hey, what's wrong?"

Marian:"I don't know what it is, but I feel a little..."

Rapi:"Let me do some maintenance. Take off your top."

Marian and I looked at Rapi with shock. I understood why she wanted Marian to do so and it's the logical thing to do but I simply wasn't prepared for her to say it so out of sudden.

Marian:"W-What? Right here?"

Anis:" there a problem?"

Marian:"What I mean is... the Commander is right there!"

Y/N:"I'll just... let you three sort this one out."

I stood up and let Rapi approach Marian. To not make the situation more weird than it already is I stared at the scenary in front of us.

Anis:"You don't actually think the Commander sees you that way, do you? Relax. To them, we're just emotionless fighting machines. The last thing they're thinking when they see us is sex, trust me. Isn't that right Commander?"


Anis:"Well well, so you DO see us that way! Interesting!"

Y/N:"Can we not talk about this?! That's an order!"

Marian:"I'm fine, really! It's probably just a small malfunction due to these-"

Y/N:"Marian, let Rapi do maintenance on you. I won't look. I promise."


Rapi:"Besides in the event of a malfunction it is required that we do the necessary repairs. This isn't an option."

Marian:"I see..."

Anis:"Good. Okay Commander, I'm going to watch you intensely. Don't turn around~"

Y/N:"We can take this chance to rest a little too. Let's enjoy ourselves for a minute."

I sat down and looked at the distance. Anis sat next to me with a smirk as we hear the buttons of Marian's top being unbuttoned.


Anis:"I'm sure you'd like to enjoy yourself in many ways, don't ya?"

Marian & Y/N:"ANIS!"

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N bonking Anis with a baseball bat, not really doing much.

We are near the comercial district. After fighting a couple of rapture squads and being told by Shifty there's a lord nearby, we are walking towards the loaction. Until Marian stopped moving.

Marian:"We're here."

Anis:"No sight of any Vanguard."

Marian:"They're here."

Anis:"What? There's nothing here."

Marian:"Let's look around."

Something's off. She walked forwards not even pointing her gun. It's like her guard it's lowered for some reason. I looked at Rapi with clear confusion. She looked at me, sharing the same look.

Anis:"Hmm... what is she doing?"

Shifty:"Rapi? I finished analyzing the black box data from the transport ship. I'm sending you the report."


Her eyes flashed for a moment, the info being uploaded into her system. She started reading it and widened her eyes. Rapi immediately pointed her gun at Marian. I didn't react, fully knowing my suspicions were right. She wasn't wounded at all...

Rapi:"Marian, stop right there!"


Rapi:"You shot down the transport ship?"

Y/N:"How exactly."

Rapi:"There were two explosions on the transport ship. They were caused by the explosives for your mission which would never go off without an external detonation signal. The detonation signal originated from you, Marian."

I sighed, knowing what that meant. Marian is being controlled by the Raptures. How did she- wait...

Y/N:"Shifty, check the open transmission signals."

Shifty:"Roger... wait, Marian open a comms channel as soon as the transport left the Ark."

Anis:"She must've been infected by that point."

Y/N:"Rookie mistake. Oh, Marian. Why?"

Rapi:"Marian, what are you trying to achieve?"

Marian:"We're here."

Rapi:"Start talking or I'll put a bullet between your eyes."

Marian:"We're here. We're here. We're here. Over here. Over here. Over here."

Her eyes are flashing red. She turned around and did nothing. Just look at us. Wait, she's calling for something!

Y/N:"Anis, Rapi! Enter combat mode! Marian is calling for reinforcements!"

Anis:"Crap! On me Commander!"

Rapi crouched down behind a destroyed truck and I hide behind some debris from a destroyed building next to Anis who made watch.

Shifty:"It's a distress signal!"

Rapi:"Commander I have her on my sights. Please, give the order!"

Y/N:"Rapi, fi-"

Before I could give the order, small earthquakes started to appear. If you listen closely you could hear footsteps. Something's coming.

Shifty:"I'm detecting a high-class signal right in front of you! Those vibrations... they're... a Blacksmith!"

Y/N:"Shit. Aren't those the Nikke kidnappers?!"


I peeked my head and looked behind Marian to see an enormous red orb looking at Marian. Two tentacles appeared and went to grab her.

Y/N:"Anis! Destroy those tentacles!"

Anis:"Roger that!"

Anis aimed and fired two grenades at them, doing enough damage to push them back but not to destroy them. She fired two more yet it was too late, the tentacles grabbed Marian and dragged her to the shadows.

Anis:"Fuck! I'm sorry Commander I-"

Y/N:"Damnit! It's not your fault. I should've known Marian would..." *Sigh* "We must focus now. Rapi, fire at soon as that thing gets out of there. It's gonna come from more. Anis, avoid shooting at it's belly. Marian is still in there."

Rapi:"Roger that sir."

Anis:"What's the plan then?"

Y/N:"We're going to kill it."

Anis:"What? We should run!"

Y/N:"It will follow us. It's not going to stop until it got you two aswell."

Rapi:"You only have to give the orders Commander. The rest is up to us."

Anis:"I don't like it... but if those are your orders I'll follow them Commander."

Y/N:"Nikkes, give that son of a bitch one hell of a beating."

Rapi & Anis:"Yes sir."

The machine came out of it's hiding spot, charging at us. It's big, around 6-7 meters tall. It has two heavy caliber guns on it's side and various missile pods on it's back along with it tendrils used for capturing Nikkes.

Y/N:"Rapi, fire at will! Anis flank that thing! Aim at the pods!"


Anis:"I'm on it!"

Rapi got out of cover and started firing at Blacksmith, aiming at the creature's core while Anis flanks the monster from the right. Blacksmith fired back, forcing Rapi to roll into cover and me to keep my head low. I peeked around my cover to see a tendril slowly moving towards Rapi.

Y/N:"Rapi! Look out!"

She looked back at me to see me pointing at her right. Rapi immediately dived to the ground and turned around mid-air, firing at the tentacle that almost grabbed her. Blacksmith roared in pain and retreated the tentacle. Rapi reloaded and kept firing at Blacksmith.

Anis finally made her way to the creature's right. She kept quiet, looking at me for orders.

Y/N:"Rapi, force the creature to move! Go to the left!"


Rapi started running towards a new position while Blacksmith fires at her. She vaulted over a piece of cover and hid there.

Y/N:"Anis! Blow it to pieces!"

Anis:"With pleasure!"

Now with a clear shot Anis started firing her grenades at the rocket pods. The explosions did a huge amount of damage since Blacksmith roared in pain. It turned around and aimed at Anis. Nowhere to go other than my direction Anis started running towards me. As soon as she was near me I grabbed her hand and yanked her towards me, both falling to the ground but on cover.

Anis:"Well fancy seeing you here Commander!"

Y/N:"It would be fancier if we didn't had that thing on our ass!"

Anis:"Rapi! Mind giving us a hand?!"

Rapi:"Let me handle it!"

Rapi pressed a button on her rifle and aimed at Blacksmith, 4 rockets were launched towards the monster and impacted right on it's back. Blacksmith turned around and fired at Rapi forcing her to lay low. It was more than enough tho.

Y/N:"Anis you have a chance to finish this! Go!"

She saw how Blacksmith had it's back turned to us. I pressed my back on the piece of cover and placed my hand together to help Anis get on the monster's back. Anis took a couple of step back and jumped, using my hands as a platform to get to Blacksmith's back. The girl placed her grenade launcher inside one of the pods.

Anis:"It's over fucker!"

Anis pressed the trigger various times grenades being thrown into the monster and exploding. Blacksmith was reloading one of the rockets at that time, making an explosion bigger than expected. Anis was launched away and crashed on the ground. I got up and sprinted towards her, crouching down her body.

Y/N:"Hey! Are you okay?! Anis?!"

Anis:"I'm fine, I'm fine! That was so much fun Commander! We gotta do it again!"

Y/N:"How about no?"

Anis:"What a shame." *Offers me her hand* "Mind helping a lady?"

I grabbed her hand and got Anis back on her feet. Together we looked at the mess she made. Blacksmith is now on the ground, dead. Dust is everywhere, we can't see much.

Anis:"Where's Rapi?"

Y/N:"I can't see her. Rapi?"

Rapi:"Over here!"

We walked through the dust until we could see Rapi. I stood next to her and Anis in front of us, looking around just in case there was any more threats.

Shifty:"Considering there was just a 12.4% of success, I'd say that was a job well done!"

Rapi:"There were no survivors from the vanguards. All the parts have been ransacked."

Y/N:"And Marian?"

Rapi:"Still alive."

I walked through the dust and saw her laying next to the deceased Blacksmith. Her left leg is missing. One of her eyes was destroyed to the point you could see the optics. Her right arm is also missing. She was dying, fast.


Anis:"This is bad. Her brain has already been corrupted."

Shifty:"We all know the rules. Any Nikke who has sustained brain damage is to be disposed of. According to the law the execution must be carried by..."

Y/N:"I know."

This is not how I wanted my first mission to go. But I cannot leave her like that. I walked towards her with the gun Marian handed me earlier. I aimed my gun at her, but couldn't do it. How could I? She saved my life and now I'm about to end hers... this is not fair.

Anis:"Perhaps I should do it?"

Anis patted my shoulder with a small smile. She was trying to help but I don't want her to do something I should.

Rapi:"No, we cannot execute our own kind. There's no time to hesitate Commander. She will probably become an irregular soon."

I can't. Perhaps I can-

Rapi:"Commander we-"

While I was moving my gun away Marian grabbed my gun and pointed it straight at her forehead.

Marian:"Commander... I won't be able... to enjoy your coffee..."

Her hand stopped grabbing the gun. Instead, she laid it on mines. She was crying.

Y/N:"That's not right. J-Just wait. We will see each other again and I'll make you as much coffee as you want."

Marian:"...I'd like that a lot Commander... now do it. I don't wanna hurt you. Please... fire."

I nodded and pressed the trigger, a bullet going through Marian's brain. I stood there, looking at Marian's lifeless body. I won't let this happen again. This is the first and last time. I promise.

Before I could leave I removed the banadge she applied on my forehead and putted it on her eye.

Rapi:"No signs of life."

Shifty:"Official confirmation of death. Our investigation mission is complete. Head back to the Ark."

Rapi:"Copy. Let's move, Commander."

I threw the gun away from me.

Let's go home.

Chapter 1-1. Awkward. (Anis & Rapi)

A new transport ship came to pick us up. Once my Nikkes and I were in the transport left. There's not a single word exchange between any of us for quite some time until Anis looked at me, determined to do something about this uncomfortable silence between the three.

Anis:"I wanted to thank you Commander."

Y/N:"What for?"

Anis:"For giving me a hand back there. Perhaps I would've been fine but I'm sure Blacksmith could've landed a shot or two. Why did you do that?"

Y/N:"Because just like with Marian, you are until further notice, my Nikkes. It's my job to command you to victory and bring all of us home. If I can help you then I'll do all I can."

Anis:"You're pretty weird y'know that? Many Commanders just treat us-"

Y/N:"Like tools, yes. I know. I'm not like that."

Rapi grabbed something from her pockets. A pack of cigarettes. I recognised them, they are from Adrian. Before I could say anything to her Rapi threw them at me.

Rapi:"Our former Commander told me to give you this if he didn't make it home."


Rapi:"There's one more thing. Once we report to Andersen I'm gonna offer myself as a substitue for Marian."



Rapi:"I'm dealing with my own kind of demons. You care about Nikkes. I saw your hesitation, I saw the way you looked at Marian. I need a Commander I can relay on. You're good for a rookie. Also, Nikkes that get their Commander killed in action specially if they are rookies tend to get thrown to another rookie. Might aswell get you before anyone else does."

Y/N:"I see. You are the leader of Counters right? That means Anis will be assigned to me aswell?"

Anis:"Eh. I could leave the squad if I wanted, but it was too hard to befriend Rapi there's no way I'm leaving." *Sigh* "Fine I guess I'll have to stay with you two. Do you have soda, Commander?"

Y/N:"No, I don't."

Anis:"Well, we're gonna have to change that."

Rapi:"Also I gave you the cigarettes as a way to remember your friend. I better not catch you smoking Commander."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "You're gonna tell your Commander what to do?"

Rapi:"Not now. If I'm assigned as your assistant however, I may pull some tricks to cut your supply of smokes."

Y/N:"Looking forwards to your dirty tricks. I'll like to see who can outsmart the other more."

Rapi:"You're challenging me Commander?"

Who knows?

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