Chapter 16. She was made to rule the seas.

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Y/N and Rapi were both on his room, just like always. Y/N looking through some mails while he talks with Shifty and Rapi dealing with some paperwork.

Shifty:"To summarize, I couldn't get anything on who that Nikke was. However, I did find her manufacturer. Missilis."

Y/N:"How do you know it's them?"

Shifty:"Missilis is the only one that has Nikkes with missing information one of which is described in the same way your Nikkes did. What a coincidence, eh?"

Y/N:"Indeed. Does Syuen know about any of this?"

Shifty:"Andersen confronted her about it. It seems she wasn't aware of Alexei's deals with Outer Rim gangs nor the assassin sent to deal with you, but she refused to give any details about the mysterious Nikke nor why was she there to begin with."

Y/N:"Perhaps she wanted to deal with loose ends?"

Shifty:"I don't..."

Y/N:"Who says Syuen is saying the truth? She could've figured out something was going on on the Outpost and pieced things together. Crow was sent there to deal with Alexei before we could get to him."

Shifty:"Well, that would explain why she executed him."

Y/N:"What about D? Are we going to have trouble with her old affiliates?"

Shifty:"No. Andersen made sure the assassins stay away from your new Nikke. He says you owe him one tho."

Y/N:"Of course... You did a great job Shifty. Keep me informed if you discover something new."

Shifty:"Aye aye, Commander!"

Shifty ended the call and Y/N release an audible sigh. He closed his eyes for a second and relaxed on his chair, looking at the ceiling. Rapi glanced at her partner and smiled.

Rapi:"Need the day off?"

Y/N:"No. Thanks, sweetheart. Just need a couple of seconds..."

Rapi:"O-Of course. Y/N, Guilty has made an armament request. She's unpleased with her weapon's performance and wanted to change to something befitting of her. A shotgun to be more specific."

Y/N:"Sure. Give it a go."

Rapi:"On it. You remember you still have to go through Noise's interview right?"

Y/N:"Mhm. It's at 10:10 A.M, correct?"

Rapi:"Yes, you still have a couple hours of free time. Speaking of which, Anis has requested some of that time for herself. It seems she wants to... 'enjoy her new bond' as she says..."

Y/N opened one eye to look at Rapi who, even though she has her normal serious expression, Y/N can see jealousy in her eyes.

Y/N:"Your thoughts?"

Rapi:"Well... I don't mind if you accept her request so long I don't have to make one to enjoy some of your time too."

Y/N:"You are the one who-"

Rapi:"I know, I know. I'm just babbling around. Besides it is true you haven't spent that much time with Anis since that damn mission with the Pilgrim. Do you know I founded a white hair on your bed once? She was here, but when..."

Y/N remembered the time Snow White came to visit him and smiled for what happened with her, and for what happened afterwards with Rapi.

Y/N:"Does Anis have something in mind?"

Rapi:"No, not really."

Y/N:"In that case... I'll go and take the lead."

Rapi:"Have a good day. Remember you still have-"

Y/N:"I'll be here before Noise arrives, promise."


The Commander left his room and walked downstairs where he could find 2B looking through the internet without any sort of computer,  just using her system to do so. The girl was sitting on the floor, legs crossed. Anis was on the sofa watching T.V, glancing at 2B every here and there. Neon was next to Anis singing along with the show's opening. Sin and Guilty were playing a game of chess. Mihara and Yuni were surprisingly present, one cuddling with the other on the kitchen, preparing breakfast for each other. D was nowhere to be found nor was 2B.


The girl looked at Y/N and stood up, thinking she was about to get new orders. The Commander can see a small glympse of hope that maybe, he's aware of her request.

Y/N:"Where's D?"

Anis:"Oh, that... she left to get some things from her old place. Said she would be here by dinner... 2B is with her to make sure she does."

Y/N:"I see. We have a couple of things we need to buy too. Care to accompany me?"

With a big smile, Anis walked towards him and wrapped her arm around Y/N's. Anis was clearely happy.

Anis:"Of course Commander. I'd like that a lot."

Y/N:"Then let's go."

The two left The Outpost and walked towards the elevator. When they went in, Y/N pressed the button to go to The Ark.

Anis:"So, what is it that we need to buy?"

Y/N:"Absolutely nothing. It was merely an excuse to get some alone time with you."

Anis:"O-Oh. I didn't know you wanted so badly to spend time with little old me~"

Y/N:"More like the other way around, don't you think? Rapi has told me already."

Anis:"Of course she has..." *Sigh* "It's weird. I'm happy she told you and convinced you to get me out of the Outpost yet angry she told you a private conversation we had."

Y/N:"Wait, wasn't it a request?"

Anis:"Request? Do you think I would request to spend time with my boyfriend to Rapi? If I want you I'd go and get you myself."

Y/N:"Really? Then why haven't you?"

Anis:"B-Because I'm all bark and no bite you already know! I still can't believe you and I are a thing even though you chosed Rapi..."

Y/N:"You shouldn't think like that. I chose you too. That's all that matters."

Anis:"You're right. I may not say it much but... I love you."

Y/N:"I love you too."

Y/N grabbed Anis' hips and brought her towards him, giving her a kiss. Anis widened her eyes and took some time to kiss back, not prepared for the Commander's sudden advances. When she did, however, it was time to depart since the elevator doors opened. Y/N separated his lips from hers much to the girl's annoyance. Just as she was getting into it...

The couple went out of the elevator and walked straight towards one of the few malls in The Ark. It was located in the Royal Road, like every expensive place in the Ark of course. It was near his house so Y/N knew this place like the back of his hand. Unlike the shopping center he visited with Rapi, everyone here was more or less kind to Y/N since they all either knew him or his father.

As soon as they went in the Commander walked towards a cloth shop. He wanted to buy something for a special location.

Y/N:"Anis, do you know we have an artificial beach in the Outpost?"

Anis:"Yes, yes I know! I was hoping we could enjoy one of our free days in that beach!"

Y/N:"You and I have the same idea then."

Anis:"That's why we're here? To buy..."


Anis:"Oh man. Let me go on my own. I want to give you a pleasant surprise."

Y/N:"I like how that sounds."

Anis:"You're also gonna like how it looks~"

Anis left Y/N and went to explore the shop. Meanwhile, Y/N also walked around in search from some trunks. He found a black one and a white one. The Commander decided to buy both, just in case one gets dirty or it gets lost. He also saw a Hawaiian shirt, perfect for going to the beach. Y/N grabbed it and went to look for Anis yet the girl found him first.

The Nikke tapped his shoulder, making him turn around. She was hiding something.

Y/N:"You have what you want?"

Anis:"Yes but... I saw a dressing room over there... think you can let me test it out before we leave? Just in case it does not... fit."

Y/N:"Of course."

Anis:"Thank you."

The Nikke guided Y/N towards the dressing room. She went inside one of the 3 rooms and Y/N patiently waited outside, sitting on a bench. To pass the time, Y/N grabbed his phone and looked around his apps for something to do. A couple of minutes passed and Y/N finally founded something to entertain himself... until Anis peeked through the courtain to call Y/N. She had a cheeky smile on her face.

Anis:"Y/N... I can't reach the zipper. Can you please help me?"

After hearing this, the Commander looked around him to see if someone may have heard what Anis is saying. An old man was staring at Y/N, waiting to see his answer. Y/N gulped, blushed a little and nodded. He stood up and walked towards Anis. Just before he could enter, Anis grabbed his shirt and yanked him inside.

Old man:"Kids these days..."

Y/N was absolutely shocked. Not because of what Anis just did but more so for what she's "dressed" on.

Author notes: "Here hoping Wattpad doesn't take this image down. Finding images about this particular skin that are not showing too much... well, 'skin', is extremely hard."

Anis:"Oops~ It seems it does fit me! Whaddya think Commander? How do I look?"

Y/N:"You look good- do you know what are you doing?! We can get in trouble if the staff sees us!"

Anis:"Meh, they won't care. I'm a Nikke, it's most likely they believe that you're helping me get dressed than the other way around. Still... I think I'd like the other way around way more..."

Y/N:"What?! You want to do that here?! Absolutely not!"

Anis:"Oh, c'mon! Don't be a bummer. Doesn't it give you an adrenaline rush? The thought of getting caught... thinking someone may-"

Y/N:"I said no Anis. I don't like this."

Anis:"O-Oh. My bad then. You can go out. I-I'll get changed and... we can go home then. I'm sorry."

Anis turned around and went to pick her things, saddened. Y/N mentally cursed himself for making Anis sad and closed his eyes, preparing himself to make a move.

Y/N:"I said I wasn't into this because I don't like the thought of others looking at you. However..."

While Anis was crouched, grabbing her things, Y/N took the chance to sat behind her and embrace her, placing kisses on her neck. Anis widened her eyes once again and blushed, not expecting Y/N to be much more straightforwards than her.

Y/N:"...I do like this bikini a lot. Maybe a little too much. That's why I only want you to wear it for me."

Anis:"S-Said and done my love. M-Maybe I can wear it for you tonight..."

Y/N:"No. Rapi sleeps with me everyday. We have to talk with her first about all of this. I don't want to make sure everything's clear as day before we take a step further. To avoid pointless arguments."

Anis:"It's a little unfair y'know? Rapi has carte blanche and I have to ask her for just a little moment with you..."

Y/N:"You agreed on this."

Anis:"And I regret it. I should've asked for more."

Y/N:"The can always discuss all of this. I promise we will find a solution. One that pleases everyone."

Anis:"Okay. So... we can't really do anything here?"


Anis:"Not even a make out session?"

Y/N:"Do you honestly think it's a good idea considering what you're wearing?"


Y/N:"Of course you do..."


Timeskip brought to us by Rapi and Anis arguing with one another.

After spending a great time with Anis, Y/N and his Nikke came back to the Outpost in time for the interview. Y/N walked inside his room leaving a very happy Anis behind Who sat in the sofa once again, quite satisfied.

The Commander sat on his chair. Rapi was still there, working. She looked at Y/N, noticing his Happy mood.

Rapi:"I see you're happy. Everything went well I assume?"

Y/N:"Yes. It was a good day. At least, for now."

Rapi:"I'm glad."

Y/N turned his computer on and stared at the screen, waiting for it to load. Before he could do anything, he heard a knock on the door.

Rapi:"That must be Noise. Is almost time."

Y/N:"Come in."

Rapi was right. Noise opened the door and stood behind Rapi, waiting for Y/N to let her suit somewhere. The Commander looked at a chair and signaled her to sit which she did, next to Rapi.

Y/N:"I'm happy that you're here miss Noise. It's the first time a celebrity joins my squad and a good and famous one at that."

Noise:"You flatter me Commander."

Y/N:"Unlike others like Belorta or Mica I do want you to our main squad. What is it you can offer? Have you ever been deployed?"

Noise:"W-Well... I do not have any combat experience but I'm still ready for combat. As for my capacities I focus on healing the wounds of my fellow Nikkes with my songs."

Y/N:"How does that work?"

Noise:"It is known Nikkes take more time to heal wounds than humans. My manufacturers gave me the ability to speed up that process. Fast enough to heal wounds in a matter of seconds."

Y/N:"Does it work on humans or raptures?"

Noise:"On raptures? No. On humans, it could. Problem is it could also harm them. I was made to take care of Nikkes not humans."

Y/N:"I see. Another topic we must discuss is your job as a diva. I understand you do want to continue writting songs and go on stage. You can continue pursuing your dreams but you must know your job as a Nikke takes priority."

Noise:"I understand. So long I can still work as one I'll find ways to keep at It without interfering with our operations."

Y/N:"Good. Another thing is, having you around will mean people could try to get inside the Outpost or even approach us in The Ark to get something from you. I suppose you are prepared to deal with these type of situations?"

Noise:"I am, don't worry."

Y/N:"Good. Well, that would be it then. I'll gladly let you join our team if you're okay with everything we discuss."

Noise:"Yes, I am. It's an honor to work with you Commander. I am at your service."

Y/N:"The honor is mine. Like I said, not everyday you get a songstress such as you around the Outpost."

Noise:*Giggles* "Thank you, Commander."

Y/N:"You are dismissed."

Noise stood up and left the room. Rapi glanced at the door and quickly looked back at Y/N.

Y/N:"Your thoughts?"

Rapi:"I think we should bring someone who can heal you, not us."

Y/N:"Well look at you! Craking jokes on the job?! Now that's character development!"

Rapi:"Har har. Jokes aside, she can be a great asset. Both when deployed and when not to. After all, she makes a lot of money. Which can be benefitial..."

Y/N:"We're not going to extort her Rapi."

Rapi:"It doesn't have to be an extorsion, just some donations to the Outpost..."

Y/N:"No. Besides, we already have Centi, Litter, Belorta and Mica."

Rapi:"Half of them are still kids."

Y/N:"What can I say, I love child labour."

Before Rapi can comment on what Y/N said he recieved a call from Andersen. The Commander took it, knowing what the nature of it it's going to be.


Andersen:"I have a job for you."

Y/N:"I'm still on my vacation sir."

Andersen:"You still owe me."

Y/N:"True, true. What is it this time?"

Andersen:"I don't know if you heard of one of the most famous Lost Sectors in Ark."

Y/N:"Yeah. The Harbor."

Andersen:"Correct. An enormous tunnel system flooded with water. With time, we managed to lower the amount of water until it was big enough for a ship to go through."

Y/N:"Sounds great."

Andersen:"It is. We can finally go to the surface in another direction. However, there's some problems. The first one is, we do not know if the raptures still have an active 'chain of command' that are trying to get in Ark. Some belive they do, others do not."

Y/N:"And the other?"

Andersen:"The harbor itself is currently conquered by the raptures. I want you and your team to capture that harbor for us. Now."

Y/N:*Sigh* "Yes sir. Anything you can tell me about the harbor or what we're up against?"

Rapi immediately looked at Y/N when she heard those words, knowing they are most likely going to get deployed.

Andersen:"The harbor itself is as big as a street. The tunnels are safe, raptures dislike water. This lowers the amount of places they can hide from. As for the raptures themselves, only the smaller types. Most of them have passed years in there, so I doubt they are taking orders anymore. If anything, they probably just wander around the harbor in look for something to kill."

Y/N:"Doesn't sound that bad."

Andersen:"I'm sure you can handle it. I'm sending a Nikke your way to aid you in your mission. She will stay in the ship once captured."

Y/N:"She will come to the Outpost?"

Andersen:"It's the nearest and safest place to the harbor so yes, consider this Nikke to be a permanent resident in your Outpost. She's not one of your squad members however."

Y/N:"I understand."

Andersen:"That would be all. I have to leave, there's a reunion I must go to. Good luck."

Andersen ended the call and Y/N putted his phone on his pockets. The boy sighed and looked at Rapi.

Y/N:"Get a team ready. We're going to the Lost Sectors."

Rapi:"What's the mission?"

Y/N:"Capture a port."

Rapi:"Roger that. I'll get the girls ready."

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N and various of his Nikkes on a helicopter, traveling through the Lost Sectors.

Two helicopters are seen flying through enormous tunnels filled with water. They decided to search for the The Harbor's exit with Shifty's help and go through there to avoid early detection. On one helicopter was Neon, Mihara, Yuni and Senti along with various Soldier EG's. In the other helicopter was Y/N himself accompanied by Rapi, Guilty, Sin, Noise and 4 Soldier EG'S. There was also a fifth Nikke. Helm.

Helm:"I believe we are all aware of the mission, right?"

Sin:"We are, but remind me again why are you here?"

Helm:"I am Admiral Helm, leader of the Aegis squad. I'm here to make sure you do not damage the Admire by mistake. The engineers and crew are waiting for us to come rescue them. No rapture must get near the ship."

Y/N:"Andersen told me nothing about this. What do you mean 'the crew'? There's humans there?"

Helm:"Elysium has managed to sneak humanity's last ship, The Admire, into the harbor. After a long time I managed to convince the high ups to construct a bigger fleet. We need space, so that's why we launched this operation. The crew will sail and get the ship inside the harbor without raising too much suspicion from the raptures. Those who stood in the Lost Sectors for too long loses connection to their command, which by extension make them more... 'docile'."

Rapi:"Why aren't you with them?"

Y/N:"Because she's here to supervise our work, not fight for us."

Helm:"You are correct Commander but do think I'll stay idle and watch as you fight the raptures. Just for today, I'm under your command. So long The Admire is out of harm's way."

Guilty:"How big is this ship of yours?"

Rapi:"You can answer that question yourself. Look."

Out of curiosity, all the Nikkes including the MPN's stood up and looked out of the helicopter, seeing a ship the size of a football stadium right there, docked. They all smiled and looked in wonder due to the mere size of the ship. Helm looked in satisfaction at the Nikkes.

Helm:"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Noise:"I-I've never seen something this size! We had more ships like these in the past?!"

Helm:"Yeah. Many, many more..."

Y/N:"Hmm... there's no raptures around..."

Helm:"See the Command Center over there? One of my subordinates, Mast, was ordered to lure the raptures into the Command Center by repeteadly trying to communicate to the CC's radio."

Noise:"Wouldn't that draw attention to the Admire too?"

Helm:"The Admire signal is undetectable. The raptures can only catch the CC's frequence."

Rapi:"And since someone's trying to talk to them, they all hurry inside the Command Center to figure out who and were. Smart."

Y/N:"Indeed. Pilot! Drop us near the building!"

Pilot 1:"Roger that sir."

Y/N's helicopter landed near the Command Center, the other following them and landed near their position. Everyone went out of the choppers and crouched around them to cover all flanks, just in case. Once the place was safe the helicopters left the scene to refuel.

Y/N:"Rapi, grab the MPN's and form a firing squad in front of the CC's entrance. If something leaves the building, kill it."


She gave a couple of hand motions to the MPN's to order them to follow her. They did as told, follwing Rapi towards the building and hiding behind cover in front of the entrance, aiming their guns at it. The other Nikkes crouched around Y/N to form a plan.

Y/N:"Do we have access to the security cameras?"

Helm:"We didn't had enough time to do that."


Shifty:"Easy. Give me a second... Ta, ta, ta.... Bingo! We're in! Centi, I'm giving you access to the CCTV footage!"

Y/N noticed how Centi had a small notepad on her arm. She extended it for the rest to see and touched a couple of buttons, showing everyone the footage on her screen.

The CC's main room had various raptures going to different directions without a clear pattern. They are just mindlessly walking around. The bathrooms were empty, for no one's surprise. The barracks had two raptures doing nothing, just standing there. The Commander's room on the other hand was absolutely filled with them. More than 20 raptures in a tight room, looking at a big screen showing The Harbor's information. They were trying to figure out what was that ship to no avail.

Centi:"Jesus. There's a lot of'em there."

Noise:"Ooh, this situation calls for me don't you think Commander?"

She spinned the cylinder of her grenade launcher with anticipation. Y/N looked at Helm as if asking permission. She sighed and shrugged.

Helm:"Command said no damage to the Admire, not the CC. Do as you wish."

Y/N:"This is what we're going to do. Noise, Yuni and Mihara and Centi, listen closely. Yuni will break the wall with her rocket launcher and Noise will fire a barrage of grenades inside the room. Centi will help you two find the perfect place to fire at. Mihara will give all of you cover fire. Helm, the Admire is tall enough to give you vision from there. Go up there and use your sniper to cover everyone. Guilty, Sin, you two are going with Rapi and the MPN's. Clear the CC, there may be more of them we can't see through the cameras."

Nikkes:"Yes sir!"

The Nikkes spread, Y/N going with Centi and her group. Helm started sprinting towards The Admire, climbing up the ship and entering the ship's bridge and breaking one of the windows to support her sniper there. Sin and Guilty placed their backs on the entrance's walls, each one of them ready to open the doors and give Rapi's squad line of sight inside the building so they can go inside while having cover.

Meanwhile, Centi grabbed a small laser pointer to help Yuni aim better. Once she made all the calculations of how the explosion should go to reduce the damage to the building, Centi pointed the laser at a certain part of the wall. Yuni aimed her rocket launcher with Noise doing the same thing with her grenade launcher, both waiting for Y/N's orders.

The Commander looked at his Nikkes. Everyone was in position.


Yuni fired a rocket, making a huge hole. Debris flew everywhere yet none fell on top of any friendly troop. The raptures looked at the explosion to see various grenades being launched their way. The grenades exploded upon touching the raptures, Noise scoring many kills. Out of the 4 survivors, two got in cover while other two peeked out of the hole, one getting shot by Helm and the other shredded by Centi and Mihara.

Guilty and Sin kicked the doors down and quickly hid, the MPN's and Rapi immediately opening fire. Various raptures were about to exit but they got caught by surprise, quickly getting destroyed by the sheer amount of bullets fired their way. Once they wer done, the two criminals walked inside side by side.

The two Nikkes walked up the stairs, going straight to the barracks. Rapi and the MPN's also walked inside. She saw three doors. One leading to the bathrooms, other that leads to a basement and one leading to a canteen.

Rapi:"I want one of you to cover the bathroom. Two on the basement door. The rest, look at the canteen. At the mere sight of movement, fire."

MPN's:"Yes ma'am!"

Everyone scattered while Rapi goes out to tell Y/N of the other rooms.

Rapi:"Sir, there's more two rooms we have no info on. One leads to a basement."

Before Y/N could respond, gunshots were heard. Guilty and Sin were dealing with the remaining raptures.

Y/N:"Everyone, go with Rapi. Mihara, get two MPN's and cover the basement."

They nodded and did as told. Y/N looked at Helm and signaled her to come. The Nikke grabbed her sniper and quickly sprinted towards the Commander.

When Helm arrived, more gunshots were heard this time coming from Rapi, the MPN's and Guilty's guns. There were more raptures, as expected.

Y/N:"What's in the basement?"

Helm:"It's better if I show you. Is it secured yet?"


Helm:"Then let's get to it."

Y/N nodded and walked inside the building. Sin decided to stay with Mihara to aid her. A single nod from the Commander was all they needed to kick down the door and walk down the stairs. Mihara and Sin went first, the two MPN's behind them to offer cover fire. Y/N and Helm were behind those two, Helm really close to the Commander to protect him if something went south.

A single rapture appeared and tried to fire at everyone. Mihara used her ability to change the pain receptors and fired three bullets on her leg, making the rapture trip and fall. Sin quickly sprinted towards the robot, piereced it's visor with her AR's barrel as soon as Mihara deactivated her ability and fired various bullets, killing it. The two MPN's peeked inside and scattered, making sure no more raptures were present.

Around were many crates filled with ammunition for the admire. The basement was enormous, bigger than the Command Center itself. So was the cargo. Rockets, bullets, fuel... even weapons and spare parts for ships.

Y/N:"There's enough ammo here for a second Admire."

Helm:"Indeed. Now you know why this place was so important. Thank you Commander, we can consider this mission accomplished, right?"

Y/N pressed a finger on his ear and asked for a situation report. Everyone was safe and sound, no more raptures around.

Y/N:"Yes. Mission Accomplished. Shifty, we need evac. Get us out of here."

Shifty:"I'm on it Commander!"

Helm:"There's one more thing to say, Commander..."

Welcome to the Navy.


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