Chapter 18. Consequencies.

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After the encounter with the rogue Nikke we all walked inside the destroyed plane and founded a small black box. Anis watched the entrance in case that Nikke returns. Sin, Guilty and D went on their own to explore the area. Neon and Rapi were besides me, staring at the box.


Y/N:"Exia wants you to open the box, Rapi."

Anis:"Why does she want us to open the box."

Rapi:"There must be some reason. Stay back Commander."

Rapi approached the box, letting her rifle hang on her shoulder thanks to it's strap. The girl turned the box a little to the left and felt it, trying to detect something around the box. Once she was sure everything was okay, Rapi opened the box.

She twisted her head, confused. Rapi turned around and shrugged. She then sent a message to Exia.

Rapi: I've opened it.

Exia: What's inside?

Rapi: Nothing.

Exia: Okay, inderstood.

Exia: Proceed north.

Anis:"What is going on?!"

Y/N:"Let's head north. Rapi, contact Sin and tell them to advance north. If we're Lucky they could've cleared the area already."

Rapi:"Yes sir. Commander, was it wise to let them be on their own regardless of their wounds?"

Y/N:"That Nikke also sustained some injuries, it will take some time before she's ready to attack once again. Guilty was in a good enough condition to fight. D recieved repairs and is also ready. You shouldn't worry."

Rapi:"Hard to do so when that Nikke was about to-"

Y/N:"She failed once and she will fail again."

We left the plane and followed the direction Exia told us. Meanwhile, said girl decided to chat with us through radio.


Anis:"Why do you keep doing this? If you want to communicate with us just send a message or a video clip."

Exia:"Hey, don't take it on me! It's your own fault for being so paranoid. No wonder your teammates are giving you a hard time."

Neon:"True. Very true."

Exia:"Cat got your tongue? Or am I getting warmer?"

Y/N:"Exia I would appreciate if you do not taunt my troops in mid of an operation."

Exia:"Of course, Noob."



Rapi:"What is it."

Exia:"Had any good memory wipes lately?"

Everyone widened their eyes when Exia mentioned that. It was supposed to be confidential, yet she's aware of that.

Exia:"You all should know better than to fib. Even a Rapture could see through your flimlsy lies."

Y/N:"How did you know?"

Exia:"Well, to be more precise, it seems the memory wipe didn't have any effect on you. There is a record that indicates memories have been erased."


Exia:"The box you handled before. It can explode when opened. It's due a structural flaw. It was covered up via mass lobbying before being sold in the market. Therefore, there is no mention of this in the database. If you open while turning it 20 degrees to the left, it won't explode. Rapi opened the box 3 years ago and was injured." 

Anis:"Uh... she probably got that information after the memory wipe. Yeah, that's it."

Guilty:"Anis, stop lying. She caught us."

Rapi:"What's the point of all this?"

Exia:"Ah, yes. Just curious. That's all."


Exia:"When most people enter the Data Center, they'll take a good look around. This wasn't the case with Rapi so I started wondering... and it turns out I was right."

Anis:"And this is all just' cause your curious? You don't expect us to believe that, do you?"

Exia:"This video call won't be saved up in the records. That's why I'm using it to communicate with you now, despite how cumbersome it is. You're the noisy little detective that started doubting your own teammates. You should be able to crack the case. Or perhaps your teammates are the only people you suspect?"


Y/N:"Exia is as much of a sloth as you when there's soda around Anis. If she wanted to harm us we would've been reported to the Central Government already. I appreciate being careful with who you talk to, but you're going too far."

Anis:"Right. Hey, what do you mean with-"

Y/N:"Let's keep moving. Exia, you have our trust. I believe you can guide us through our destination?"

Exia:"Of course, I'll mark you the next location. However be advised, a Nikke has been spotted around destroying the raptures. Every rapture on your way."

D:"She knows where we're headed. She's hunting us."

2B:"We should stay together. Last time she caught us by surprise. It won't happen again."

Y/N:"I agree. Thank you Exia. Listen up, close formation everyone. Be ready for anything. That Nikke could be preparing another ambush."

As we march, I noticed the looks Anis and Neon were giving to one another. They were unhappy with the other's presence. I have to do something about that, but I'm not going to instigate an argument. If they remain silent, so be it.

The place was oddly quiet. Obviously it was thanks to that rogue Nikke, but it feels... spooky in a way. An entire wasteland filled with ruins and weird architecture completely empty.

The tension in our group was rising. Rapi stood close to me, watching the rear along with D. Guilty hasn't separated from me ever since that Nikke attacked. 2B was in the front, with Anis and Neon behind her. Both were about to explode in another argument.

Y/N:"You two should apologise."

Neon:"What? I have nothing to apologise for. She's the one playing Sherlock with us and accusing me of selling you guys out!"

Anis:"You can't blame me for being cautious! You're a spy after all, right?! So why wouldn't you sell us to your contractor?!"

Neon:"See?! There she is again! This buffoon is constantly attacking me! Wouldn't D have the same reasons to sell us out than me?! Or Guilty even! Hell, we've seen a YoRHa unit attack us right? Why wouldn't 2B do the same? Just me! I'm not going to apologise, screw you!"

Neon stormed towards 2B and passed next to her, taking the lead.

Anis:"You're not getting an apology from me either. There's nothing wrong from being cautious."

Anis also passed next to 2B, breaking the formation and going up ahead. I sighed and let them be. So long they're on our sightlines I don't mind.

Rapi:"C-Commander, the formation!"

Y/N:"Leave it be."


2B retreated, now walking a couple of meters in front of me.

2B:"What she said is true. YoRHa units are very extremist. Both for the good and the bad. She may be a traitor but I'm loyal to you Commander."

Y/N:"I never doubted that."

2B smiled and nodded.

D:"I don't have nowhere to go. I'm not going to backstab you."

Guilty:"I could, but I'll rather not."

Y/N:"No. It's not a matter of what you want to do Guilty, you simply cannot."

I stared at her, making Guilty look elswhere with a blush. Better to not show weakness in front of her if I don't want a rampaging criminal around... that would be bad.

After 16 minutes I ordered Anis and Neon to return to the formation much to their complaints. They've had time to think. Now, they have to focus on the mission.

Thanks god that I did. 2B told us to wait. She spotted something on the ground.

Ahead of us was a path made by humans way back in time. However, someone or something have been digging here. There's small holes made on the ground and there's many of them. You don't have to be too bright to see what those holes are.

Y/N:"Mines. Let's not go in there. I'm sure there's another path we can take."

2B:"Can't we run a purification secuence?"

Y/N:"Only the Central Government and the Intelligence Department can authorise that."

Guilty:"Our only option would be to find another route or go through the mines and pray they don't explode."

2B:"The mines were made by the raptures. They haven't been defused, so the other Nikke hasn't been here. If we go through another path, we could encounter whatever trap she prepared for us."

Y/N:"So the minefield it's our only option."

Anis:"What kind of mission is this?!"

Rapi:"Commander, it's too dangerous to go through a minefield without any kind of backup. Of course, if you give the order... I will follow."

Y/N:"No. I'm not gonna risk any of your lives. We could-"

Shifty:"Excuse me. Alva Particle purification secuence activated. Purifying."

Shifty started detecting the mines for us to pass. We patiently waited, some of us relieved they're not gonna die today. I was going to propose blowing them up with one of Anis grenades... but sure. This works too.

Exia:"I marked the mines. Proceed as planned and watch out for mines."

Shifty:"That was fast. Always nice to see a proper protocol aswell."

Anis:"More importantly, where the hell did you come from?!"

Shifty:"Sorry. I was worried about you guys, so I came back. Um, look, I get it if you think I'm up to something but it's not what you think! We all know how it works. You start getting close to the Nikke and before you know it, they're gone! That's why there's a clause in the operator code of conduct that tells us not to get attached to Nikkes."

Anis looked at the ground, a little hurt she doubted Shifty when she had good intentions.

Shity:"But... I can't do that. I want you all to come back. I don't want to be separated... from my friends. You have to believe me..."

Anis:"I'm sorry but I can't trust you entirely. Not yet... but I'll try."

Shifty:"...I understand."

Exia:"Aw, aren't you two adorable!"

Shifty:"By the way, I forgot to record Ark Rangers. Sorry..."

Anis:"Aw, man..."

Exia:"Nothing major really happened..."

Y/N:"How about we discuss this later one and we focus on the task at hand, eh?"

Anis:"Ah, of course Commander. Sorry."

Neon:"Let's pick up the pace."

Neon started walking through the minefield avoiding stepping on one. Anis stared at her and sighed, following her. We all walked through it. Since I'm the only one that can't see them, 2B offered her help. She holded my hand and guided me through the field.

Once we crossed we kept moving towards the munition factory. However, we saw a huge gun on top of it. It was aimed our way. It seems deactivated.

The raptures around were dead, all of them. Exia was right, that Nikke destroyed them all.

Anis:"Wow. She made quite a mess."

D:"Hmm... there's something wrong here."

Y/N:"You talk about the big gun aimed our way? Yeah, smells bad."

Guilty:"Looks old. Bet it doesn't work."

Neon and Anis walked forwards, making sure the Nikke was not present. Suddenly, the gun moved and pointed at the two girls.

Shifty:"The Particle Gun, it's charging! Anis! Neon!"

The two girls looked at the gun and widened their eyes.

Y/N:"Everyone, get into cover, now!"

Before I could move D grabbed my shoulder and made me crouch near a destroyed car, along with Guilty. Rapi and 2B hid behind a broken stone pillar. Anis and Neon run at each other to save the other. The two idiots dived and their foreheads collided. They fell to the ground and hugged each other, not having enough time to run. However, the gun malfuctioned.

Shifty:"...maybe it didn't have enough energy?"

Exia:"That was exciting."

Anis:"Sure, positively exhilarating."

We all sighed, relieved nothing wrong happened. We got out of cover and reagrouped with the two Nikkes. We're going to tear that thing later.


Anis:"...I'm sorry."

Neon:"Do you really not trust me? I'm a spy, I should focus on espionage yet here I am, putting my life on the line for all of you. I've almost died a lot of times for you guys."

Anis:"I know. I apologise. I shouldn't have said those things. Do you... forgive me?"

Neon:*Sigh* "Just... let's just get going. Yes, I forgive you idiot."

Anis smiled and hugged Neon a little tighter, making poor girl yelp and ask for help due to how heavy Anis is in comparison. I smiled and looked at the munitions facility.

Y/N:"Not wanna be a party popper but we still have a psycho on the loose. Get up you two. By the way, what the hell was that?! I told you to run into cover and you bump into each other?!"


Neon:"I... wasn't really looking."

Y/N:"You broke your glasses or something?"

Neon:"No but..." *Blushes* "I-I just wanted to help Anis."

Y/N:"Right." *Sigh* "Let's go in. Don't do that again."

Neon & Anis:"Yes Commander."

We all went inside the munition factory. As expected, more dead raptures. Something shocking to us is, the munition factory is still running. That had nothing to do with the rogue Nikke, the raptures were keeping it that way. That's... interesting.

Y/N:"We should make sure there's no more mines. If the Nikke is here, she could've put some traps for us. We also need to find the device so there's a lot of work to do, Operators."

Exia:"Shifty, initiate purification sequence."

Shifty:"Right away."

Exia:"After that, start searching areas with higher magnetic field densities and work your way towards the center."

Shifty:"Y-Yes, will do."

Exia:"Then, I want you to..."

Exia kept giving her orders. Meanwhile, we all waited for the two to end the purification sequence. My Nikkes were on cover, looking at every corner of the facility in case the enemy tries to ambush us.

Neon:"She's really riding her hard."


Anis:"Well, following protocol is important in situations like this. Even the CGI forgets that sometimes."

Rapi:"This is a good learning experience for us. It's a rare opportunity to learn from a Nikke who has extensive experience in the field."

Y/N:"Exia has been around for long?"

D:"Back before the invasion began, although she wasn't a Nikke back then."

Neon:"At least Exia is nice about it. She explains everything in such detail."

Anis:"Hmm... maybe she wants someone else to do her work for her."

2B:"Regardless, it's most helpful."

Anis:"Anyway, this has to be tough for you Rapi."

Rapi:"A little. I try not to focus on it too much."

Y/N:"If you need to talk about it..."

Rapi:"No. I appreciate the concern but this is not the place nor the time to talk about my worries. Once we leave however, we could chat. Besides, I'll rather not mention things that could compromise us, given who we're working with."

Neon:"So we're not telling Shifty?"

Anis:"It's too dangerous. She's too closely tied with the Central Government."

Neon:"Anis the skeptic... I figured as much."

Anis:"Am I that predictable?"

Shifty:"Location of scanning device confirmed. I will mark it on the map."

Anis:"That was fast."

Exia:"It would've been much faster had I done it, but I figured it would be a learning experience for Shifty."

Shifty:"...I'll try harder next time."

The facility was enormous. It's not hard to think it was made to hold massive ships and vehicles here. Walking through it we found many more dead raptures. We ignored them, but kept our guard raised. It's obvious she's here, hiding.

However our top priority is to find that scanning device and find out what this bullet is.

The scanning device was just as big as the rest of the facility. I suppose it makes sense, since it was made to scan vehicles not small bullets. Regardless, I approached it and dropped the rifle bullet on top of it. It requested a CombiLink connection.

Exia:"Commander, connect the CombiLink."

Y/N:"2B, do it."

She nodded and approached the scanning device. While she connects her CombiLink with it, we all heard someone walking behind us. As soon as we turned, nothing. This time however she's not going to catch us distracted.

Guilty and Rapi went towards a couple of crates without having to order them. They are watching the path we took to get here. D walked towards the exit door on her own and kept it safe. Neon and Anis were looking at the ceiling, more specifically the metallic platforms she could be hiding on.

Y/N:"She's here. Time for payback. Protect 2B at all costs, we have to figure out why Snow White gave us this bullet."

Rapi:"Understood Commander."

Loud footsteps coming towards me, from above. I looked up to see the same Nikke that attacked us standing on the platform above me, about to break it and make it fall. I sprung into action and dived towards Rapi. As expected, the YoRHa unit broke the platform but failed to kill me.

Rapi and Guilty immediately started firing at her, forcing the rogue Nikke to block with her weapon. D carefully aimed, waiting for a perfect opportunity to fire. Neon sprinted towards 2B to cover her now that she knows where our enemy is. As for Anis, she fired a grenade that exploded as soon as it touched the Nikke's sword, launching her out of the platform.

She fell on our level and hit her head. D rushed at her with her axe out. She tried to thrust it in her shoulder just for the Nikke to block the attack and kick her away. The YoRHa unit stood up and went for a focused 2B who was ignoring the fight.

Before she could do anything to her however, Neon put herself in mid of the two and fired her shotgun launching the rogue Nikke towards D. As soon as she landed on the ground with a huge wound on her chest, she got kicked by D on the face forcing her to face the ground. D sat on her back and grabbed her arms, restraining her.

Y/N:"Good job. Guilty, help D out. Shackle her."


We all approached her, eager to know who the hell she is. Guilty removed one of her shackles and tied the YoRHa unit up. They were way too heavy for her, so she was unable to free herself. D stood up and disarmed her, letting her greatsword rest next to 2B. The Nikke tried to stand up and retrieve her weapon but was unable to move due to the shackle's weight.

Y/N:"Well, well, well. You fucked up. Who are you."


Y/N:"Look I'm not in the mood for this. Answer or I'm gonna have to use other methods to make you talk."



Guilty pressed her foot on the Nikke's chest and started applying force. She was crushing her troso, making her scream. By raising my hand, Guilty stopped.

Y/N:"I'll ask again. Who are you?"

A2:"YoRHa unit A2. Team leader of YoRHA squadron Nº401."

Y/N:"Where's your Commander? And the rest of your squad?"

A2:"Dead. All of them."

Y/N:"Who killed them?"

A2:"The Commander killed my Nikkes. I took his life."

Y/N:"And now you take other's lifes?"

A2:"I have only met one good Commander. The rest of you are monsters that treat us like toys. Whenever you're done, you throw us. We're expendable to you."

Y/N:"Not to me. Even then, your actions here are not justified. You attacked us unprovoked and tried not only to kill a Commander from the Central Government but various Nikkes aswell. You will answer for your crimes."

A2:"...let me guess. You're going to execute me?"

Y/N:"No. You will be thrown in a jail and go through a process of rehabilitation. If you do not manage to rehabilitate we will dismantle you."

A2:"Least you are honest."

Y/N:"Guilty, take her for questioning. 2B, situation report."


Exia:"Scan complete. Component materials analyzed. Now, let's see... A normal rifle bullet, nothing out of the ordinary."

Y/N:"I don't buy it."

Exia:"Let me finish. There does seem to be a strange component mixed with it... Vapaus?"


Y/N:"You know what that is?"

Shifty:"Umm... no."

Exia:"Me neither... Vapaus... I'll check all the databases in the Ark. As for everyone else, you can make your way back."

Y/N:"Shifty, call the chopper. Tell them to get us the hell out of here."


We all left the place and made a small campsite to rest while the chopper arrives. Guilty was watching our prisioner who seems to be unbothered by all of this. After a while Exia came back.

Exia:"What a pain... if it has a name the system should turn up at least a few results. There is, however, a possibility that the record was erased after-the-fact. Shifty, can you access the database of the Central Government?"

Shifty:"No, I don't have authorization."

Exia:"Hmm... I'll hack into it then."

Y/N:"Absolutely not. You will get in real trouble if they find you."

Anis:"Yeah! Are you crazy?!"

D:"That's not a good idea."

Exia:"That won't happen."

Y/N:"Exia, I said no. That's an order."

Exia:"Sorry but you're not my Commander. Even then, if there's something I can't stand it's not knowing something. I'll be quick. Hacking initiating."

Shifty:"Uh... are you serious?"

Exia:"Would I joke about a thing like this? Now please, be quiet. I have to focus."

Shifty:"Uh... is there anything I can do?"

Y/N:"Don't say anything about this. You're supposed to be watching a show right now. That's what will figure in my report. You're not involved in the operation."


I walked around our camp, nervous of what Exia is doing. I don't know... something's wrong, I can feel it. You don't just hack into the Central Government without consequencies. Before I could keep thinking of all the bad things that could happen, someone contacted me through radio. It's Centi. Centi?

Centi:"Commander? Is everything okay?"

Y/N:"Yes, of course. Shifty just sent the choppers to evacuate us. Why?"

Centi:"What do you mean choppers?"


Centi:"They're here. We haven't recieved any orders."


Centi:"Yeah, they've been waiting here for orders."

What? Why would Shifty- shit.

Y/N:"Tell them to come, now!" *To Exia* "Exia! Stop the hacking! It's a trap!"

Exia:"...That explains how they got me."


Exia:"Triangle it's on their way. They'll be here in no time."

Y/N:"Okay, listen up. We can still save you. So long you stop trying to access their information the squad sent your way won't shoot you. Raise your hands and surrender, I'll try to-"

Exia:"Don't worry. I will incinerate my brain in order to keep the secret safe.

Rapi:"Wait, is this beacuse of me?!"

We heard someone breaching through her room, followed by gunshots and a body falling to the ground. It doesn't take much to know she's dead. I lowered my head and kept quiet, the comms are on. Whoever's there could hear us. I looked at my squad, all of them were standing up and looking at me wide-eyed. I placed a finger on my mouth to signal them to remain silent and looked at 2B, who was working on ending the signal.

Nikke:"Kill confirmed."

Nikke 2:"Play with fire, and you're gonna get burned. Trying to hack the Central Government... what was she thinking?"

Nikke 3:"Everyone. Here."

Their faces were showing on our video comms. Rapi recorded their faces and tried to censor Exia's remains.

Blue-haired Nikke:"Video communication? Who's on the other end?"

Before they could see us, the signal was cut. 2B looked at us and nodded, telling us is safe to speak.

Rapi:"I disconnected it..."



Anis:"M-Maybe she isn't dead."

D:"Don't be foolish. We heard the gunshots. We heard how her body fell to the ground. No chance she's alive. And if she is..."

Guilty:"She'll get dismantled." *Sigh* "I'm going to miss her."

Y/N:"Shifty. Let me ask you a question."

Shifty:"Of course. I'm sorry about-"

Y/N:"What's my favourite drink?"


Y/N:"Don't you remember? When we both went to grab some drinks. You invited me. What did I drink? What did I told you I loved drinking?"

Everyone looked at me confused, some angered that I was asking such a thing at this moment. However, they all slowly realised why was I doing so. Specially when Shifty went radio-silent for a moment. I'm sorry, do I mean Shifty? No. That person is not Shifty.

Shifty:"'re awfully perceptive."

Her voice changed and so did the image in our video comm. I wasn't expecting fucking Syuen but I should've known better. Everytime something bad happens to us, she's involved in one way or another.

Syuen:"Ta-da! It's me, the one and only Syuen! The CEO of-"

Y/N:"Shut the fuck up."

2B ended the call with her, cutting her mid presentation. I sighed and sat on a rock, watching the helicopters approach us. I should've known they could impersonate Shifty... I have to get better or else next time, it could be one of my Nikkes. Damn it.

Anis:"Wait! So, where's the real Shifty?! What happened to her?"

Y/N:"I'll figure it out once we reach The Ark. Even if we let her speak, we're not going to gain anything. I doubt she raised a hand on her tho. Shifty is a member of the CGI and has nothing to do with us other than being our operator. If I have to take a guess, either she's on vacation, working for other Commander or simply doing one of the routines the operator do."

2B:"What do we do now? Syuen knows we tried to-"

Y/N:"We didn't do anything. Exia did. She went rogue."

Rapi:"What?! Commander, she was helping us!"

Y/N:"And that got her killed. Look, as little as we like it, Exia died so we could live. We have to cover each other up or we're next. One of the Big Three is trying to fuck with us. The way I see it, all of you could get dismantled and I executed. Unless we discard Exia having anything to do with us. It's scummy, I know. But if it's for you guys I'll gladly do it."

Anis, Rapi and Neon looked at the ground, conflicted at what was I saying. On one hand, they don't want to do such a thing. On the other, they know it's the best course of action.

2B:"And after that?"

Y/N:"We're gonna have to tell Ingrid and Andersen the truth, Rapi."

Rapi:"Are you sure?"

Y/N:"Yes. If we want to avoid repercussions for this mission we need their help. Syuen's angry with us. Real angry. She could try to convince the other two to do something horrible to us. Mustang has ties with Anis so he won't do anything unless there's convincing evidence against us."

2B:"The video calls were not being recorded neither our conversations. It's Syuen's word against ours."

Y/N:"Exactly. As for Andersen and Ingrid... Andersen is obsessed with the Pilgrims and the Heretics. I have info he wants. So long we're useful to him, he won't stab us in the back."

D:"In other words, we tell him about Rapi, the bullet and Vapaus?"

Y/N:"And one more thing. I... know how to contact Snow White. Well, more like she knows how to contact me."

Rapi:"...that explains the white hair on your clothes..."


Rapi:"Nothing. And if they don't believe us?"

Y/N:"They will. If you cooperate with me, of course."

Rapi:"Y/N... if you wanted me to throw myself over a bridge I would. I..." *Looks at everyone, sighs* "I love you. I don't want them to execute you. I'll do whatever you say."

Neon:"Me too Master. You guys are my friends... I don't want them to hurt my friends anymore."

Anis:"I-I love you too. They're not going to take you away from me. Not if I can help it."

Guilty:"Don't worry Commander. So long I'm with you they won't lay a hand on you. I'll break theirs."

D:"The Outpost is my home now. I'll defend it at any cost. That also includes you."

2B:"We talked about loyalty already. You don't have to question me Commander, I'm yours."

Y/N:"Thank you all."

A2:"Very beautiful and all, but-"

Before she could say anything, Guilty hit her in the face with her shotgun.

Guilty:"Shut up, filth."


Chapter 18-1 Wait for me, Y/N. (Maiden.)


Finally. After what felt like an eternity, I was given permission to roam the Ark freely. I've been an Elysium Nikke for years. They didn't let me leave without supervision due to my... 'conversion'.

When I was turned into one I went on a rampage to look for Y/N. I had to protect him and I didn't know where I was. After reducing me, they subdue me. Knowing seeing Y/N could be a trigger for me, they kept me hidden. Until now. I've done all they wanted and finally was given the chance to face my consequencies for his death.

I arrived where the L/N's live. It was a beautiful house, similar to the one they had on their home. I approached the entrance and knocked.

???:"Wait a second please!"

That voice. Y/N's father is here. Alex. I missed his chats a lot. It was him who told me how much Y/N liked videogames.

Okay, calm down Maiden. We went over this many times. Just tell him the truth and accept whatever may come. Let's do this...

The door was opened and I could see Y/N's father. He didn't had his iconic beard anymore. A shame. As soon as he saw me, he widened his eyes and smiled. He... hugged me?

F/N:"Is it you Maiden?! Oh, praise the Ark! I'm so happy you're alive! What happened?! I thought you-" *Releases me, realises something* "Of course. Elysion, isn't it?"


F/N:"That's why they never let us see you... bastards, they didn't bury you. They turned you into a Nikke." *Sighs and takes a step to the side.* "Please, come inside. There's much to talk about."

He's treating me... way to nicely. I knew he treated Nikkes like friends back in his prime, but I expected him to either hate me or at least, not want to see me. Hell, I thought seeing me could bring him back bad memories.

Unless... no, there's no way. A rapture killed me and Y/N was way too small to fight a rapture on his own. There's no way he survived. Right?

I walked around and went directly to the living room. I slowly sat on the sofa, making sure I don't break it due to my weight. It's comfy and it seems it's prepared to hold a Nikke. Interesting.

F/N quickly came and sat in front of me.

F/N:"I'm so happy you're here. Angela will also like to see you."

Maiden:"R-Really? I thought that... well, since he's not here... you wouldn't like to know about me."

F/N:"Well he may not be in the Ark but that doesn't mean you should have zero contact. We were friends before you were Y/N's caretaker."

Maiden:"I know but I couldn't protect him!"

F/N:"You tried and payed the price for it."

Maiden:"That's not gonna bring him back!"

F/N:"Calm down dear, he's in the Outpost not dead!"


F/N:"I know being exiled is bad but he was given free access to the Ark a couple of months ago. He will be fine. Besides, his Nikkes have him covered... you know what I'm talking about, right?"

Maiden:"Y-Y/N is alive?!"

F/N:"Yes. When you..." *Clicks teeth* "Let's not talk about that. Thing is, someone came in and saved his life. Y/N is not dead dear. You didn't know? Elysion never told you?"

Maiden:"No! They hid every detail about Y/N, his mother and you! They... they..."

The news overwhelmed me. Years of constant pain, of beating myself up for his death when in reality Y/N was alive all this time?! Elysion... I hate you so much...

No, think positively Maiden. Y/N is alive! I need to go see him. He said he was exiled to the Outpost so he has to be a Commander. Maybe... I can join his squad. I have to.

F/N:"Let me guess, you want to go see him right?"

Maiden:"H-How did you-"

F/N:"You may wear that mask now, but you're still as easy to read." *Laughs* "Go. I'm sure he will be very happy to see you."

Maiden:"What about-"

F/N:"I'll tell her when she gets home. Now go! He's not gonna wait forever you know?"

As soon as I heard that I stood up and stormed out of the house, running towards the elevator that takes me to the Outpost. I... I just want to see him. That's all.

Wait for me Y/N, I'm coming.

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