Chapter 3. The Outpost.

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Today's the day. The day we get kicked out of the Elysion tower and kindly escorted to the Outpost. I was walking out of the tower with Anis and Neon. Mass Produced Nikkes were our escort. In the meantime I was smoking one of Adrian's cigarettes. I need to calm myself somehow.

Neon:"Master, ain't smoking bad for your health?"


Neon:"So why do you do it?"


Anis:"He's stupid. That's why."

Y/N:"Aren't you a sunshine? Why so angry this morning?"

Anis:"I don't know, maybe because we got kicked out of our rooms without having breakfast AND we're now going to live in what I could presume it's a hell hole?!"

Y/N:"C'mon be a little optimistic. Perhaps it ain't that bad."

Anis:"We'll see."

We remained quiet for the rest of the walk. The MPN stopped following us as soon as we arrived at the elevator. We went inside and waited until the elevator stopped at the Outpost. When it did...

Y/N:"Okay perhaps it is that bad."

The Outpost is... well, just that. An Outpost. There's sand everywhere and only a few buildings made. I can hear gunfire in the distance yet it's barely audible. I don't panic because I know what it is. The Outpost defenders are taking care of some raptures. Nothing to be afraid of. Many other buildings are still in construction or haven't been started to begin with. At the very least we do have a projection of the sky. Something is something...

Anis:"What is this place?"

Neon:"Apparently, it's called the Outpost."

Anis:"I know that! I still don't know why we have to live here!"

Neon:"Cause we are upstanding citizens who protected the Master and destroyed the power station?"

Y/N:"Actually yes, that's exactly why."

Anis:"Be that as it may, how are we going to survive on this pl-"

Before Anis could finish her sentence Neon aimed her shotgun at the sky and open fire. Not because there's a rapture or anything, just because she decided to.

Neon:"Anis, Master, did you see that?! I can fire as many rounds as I like and no one will bat an eye!"

Anis:"That's... awesome..."

Y/N:"..." *Smokes harder.*

Anis:"Never mind. Even it this is all a mistake, it's not like I'm completely free from blame."

Y/N:"That's not true."

I looked at her and placed my hand on her shoulder. Anis looked at me with curiosity.

Y/N:"You merely followed my orders. You are not to blame. If there's any culprit here for this it's me. End of the discussion. So, I'm sorry girls. I brought you two here."

Anis:"I-I see..."

Anis smiled and looked at the ground, happy. Neon on the other hand was on her own world, ignoring whatever conversation we had.

Neon:"If you think about it it's like a big camping trip! Oh man, I'm so pumped!"

Anis:"I hate camping."

Neon:"But, Master, where do we sleep?"

Y/N:"Follow me. Our dormitories should be around here."

The girls followed me. I was told the biggest building (at the moment) is the Command Center where the Commander and his Nikkes sleep. The building it's located at the center of the Outpost. As soon as we walked in Anis and Neon dropped their mood even more.

The main floor consisted of only three rooms. A dining room with a small couch and a tea table, the kitchen which it's completely decorated with everything a kitchen should have and the most important part of the main floor, the dormitories which are beds built on the walls one on top of the other. There's enough beds for 6 people. There's also a small bathroom so small barely 2 people can fit in.

Neon:"Is this it?"

Anis:"I thought it was a warehouse."

Neon:"And that's our dining room?"

Anis walked inside the kitchen while Neon tests the couch. By her expression I know it's not very comfortable.

Anis:"There's canned goods and military rations over here. They're about to expire tho."

Y/N:"I'll make a list of things to buy. Food has to be one of'em."

Anis:"Add soda to that list!"



Neon:"So... the bathroom is..."

Y/N:"On that corner."

Neon stood up and went inside. I heard the sink's tap moving. No water.

Neon:"There's no water!"

Anis returned to us and sighed.

Anis:"Feels like we're in the desert."

Neon also returned. This time, with a blush.

Neon:"There's something else I'm concerned about. It's the Master going to live with us? If so, that's going to be a big problem."

Y/N:"Don't worry about that Neon. I have my own room."

Anis:"Oh really? Perfect."

We stood in silence for a couple of seconds. Anis looked at my smug face and realised what that meant.

Anis:"Wait a minute... let me have a look!"

Anis went up the stairs towards my room. She opened the door and gasped. Neon and I followed her. Oh man was it a difference.

First of all my room is just as big as the building is, which means various people could live in here. The bed is a king-sized one. The desk is big enough for various computers to be on. In fact, two people could do their work in there without being a nuisance to one another. I have my own leather sofa, one that is much more comfortable and big that the one below. A big T.V where I can see anything in the Intranet. Various bookshelves where I can put all my books and even more. I also have my own personal gym to work out.

That's not all. There's also my own personal kitchen with actual food (although about to expirate too) and a big bathroom with water.

Anis:"This is unfair! This place is massive! I could run laps in here!" *Jumps in the sofa* "Wow! The sofa is super comfy! What's a sofa doing here anyway..."

Neon:"I need to confirm something."

Neon sprinted towards the bathroom and moved the tip. This time, we could all hear water.

Neon:"I'm so dissapointed in you Master."

Anis:"We're in a desert meanwhile you're in an oasis! Then again, it's not entirely unreasonable for Commander's quarters to be like this..."

Y/N:"Cool, ain't it?"

Anis:"Hey, I have an idea! How about we swap!"

Y/N:"I have a better one! How about we don't!"

Anis quickly hugged my arm, looking at me with a smirk.

Anis:"Think about it, the needs of many outweights the needs of the few! Don't you think so? Hmmm? Commander?"

Y/N:"Weeell, there's enough room for three on my bed. Even four. Such a shame only I will enjoy it!"

Anis:"Oh c'mon!"

???:"Besides it won't be good for any of us if you're pampered too much."

Someone walked in, grabbed my cigarette and turned it off by pressing it on her finger. I turned around to see Rapi with her uninterested yet iconic expression on her face. I don't know why, yet as soon as she looked at my eyes she looked... angry.

Anis:"Ah, there you are."

Y/N:"Welcome back Rapi."

Rapi:"Thanks Commander. Now that I'm here, you'll be able to withstand your smoking habits more efficiently."

Anis released me and sat on the sofa, a little annoyed she's gonna have to live downstairs.

Y/N:"How are you feeling?"

Rapi:"Good. Don't worry Commander, I'm okay." *Looks around* "So, this is our new home now, huh? The Outpost."

Y/N:"I heard everyone's complains already. Your thoughts?"

Rapi:"Not bad." *Sniff, sniff* "I want to make something clear."


She looked at the two Nikkes behind me and then at me again.

Rapi:"You smell."

Anis:"Really? I turned off my olfactory sensor so I didn't know."

Neon:"That means we're the only ones dirty here! How embarrassing!"

Y/N:"Use my shower. I'll be waiting outside."

Anis:"Thanks sir. Neon, you first."

I went out of my room and out of the Command Center. Rapi was following me, so she wanted to have a private moment.

Rapi:"Going back to what I wanted to say earlier, I'd like to make it clear that... we Nikkes are not humans."

Rapi looked at me with a stern look. She's about to scold me for something? I know where this is going and I'm not really interested in arguing about this topic.

Rapi:"We are weapons. Formidable and unkillable weapons meant for dispatching mankind's sworn enemies, the raptures. It's common practice for a Nikke to come back with a new appearance after being severely damaged. So you can wipe that look off your face."

 Y/N:"What look?"

Rapi sighed and turned around, looking at the projection in the sky.

Rapi:"Commander, what do you see us as?"

Y/N:"Not as a soulless robot, that's for sure. Some of you are more human than many other actual humans."

Rapi:"I'm glad that you treat us with human dignity. However, this will only hurt you in the end. The longer you stay with us, the longer you will see us as some kind of... 'other'. I hope you will keep this in mind."

Y/N:"What's your point exactly? That war is cruel and people die? You think I wasn't aware of this, that I enlisted thinking it was going to be an easy task? I know we could die at any moment. Hell, I could've died in my first mission and you almost did yesterday. That doesn't mean I have to build a wall around me and refuse to interact with the rest of the world. That has a name. Cowardice."

Rapi:"Cowardice you say? You don't understand. You and I are not meant to be friends. You are my Commander and I'm your soldier, your Nikke. That's all there is to it. That's all we are meant to be."

Y/N:"And who told you that? The engineer that repaired you? The same Deputy Chief that banished us for doing our job? God? The only thing I know is, no other human has saved my ass the two times I was on the surface. A Nikke did. So if you, Anis and Neon are the closest thing I can have to friends then so be it. I don't care if you are a Nikke or not."

Rapi:"But why? Our chances of dying are too high. The outnumber us, overpower us. Our chances of survival are so grim. That's not even considering we now have to live here! Why going for so much unnecessary pain when you can just-"

Y/N:"-insult you? Treat you like a monster? Execute you the moment you refuse to follow orders? That's what you want?"

Rapi:"That's not what I said."

Y/N:"Then why are we having this conversation to begin with? Aren't you okay with how things are going on? If you want me to be simply a Commander then say so. I can act like that. But you are no one to tell me how am I suppose to act around others. I'm who I am and I refuse to treat Anis or Neon as bait for raptures. They are my allies, my friends and if they die tomorrow, just like Marian did... then I'll remember them as the great persons they were. The great moments I spend with them will forever be cheerished in my mind."

Rapi:"I don't want to be mourned by you. I don't want you to feel pain when I die."

Y/N:"There's no need for you to die."

Rapi turned around and stared at me. It was obvious we were in a stalemate. I can't end things this way. C'mon Y/N, think...

Y/N:"Rapi, look."

I walked towards her and grabbed her hands. It's obvious this action surprised her since she jumped a little. Still, I can't feel her being uncomfortable since she's letting me do so.

Y/N:"We both have different views of how things work or should work. I don't consider myself to have the answers to everything but I'm open minded and I'm always looking to learn from others. You can do as you please but, if you want we can look for those answers. Together."

Rapi smiled, holding my hands too.

Rapi:"I'd like that a lot Commander. I can't promise to be as open minded as you are but... I can at least try."

Y/N:"It's all I can ask for. So, are we finished here? Anything else you'd like to talk about?"

Rapi:"One more thing. Thanks. For talking with me. For spending some of your time on me. For taking care of me."

Y/N:"Hope you can do the same for me, Rapi."

Rapi:"Will do so. Starting with your smoking habits. I suppose you're not planning on buying more packages aren't you?"

Y/N:"No comments."

Rapi:"Since I'm your assistant I'll be keeping a closer look on everything you buy and at every request, Commander."

Y/N:"Ain't that great..."

Anis:"Hey Commander!"

Rapi and I looked up. She was looking out of a window with a towel on her head.

Anis:"We're finished here! It's your turn!"

Y/N:"I'll be there in a second!" *To Rapi* "Rapi, do you mind taking my things off my bag?"

Rapi:"Of course not Commander. I'll do that right away."

I nodded and we both went back inside the Command Center. I walked upstairs and entered my room. Neon was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed while Anis dried her hair.

Rapi:"Hey. This is the Commander's quarters not your own room. Now that you're clean you can leave."

Anis:"What about you Rapi, huh? You can stay?"

Rapi:"I'm the Commander's assistant and was tasked to help him."

Anis:"Ah c'mon Commander that's favouritism!"

Y/N:"Eager to get to work Anis? No problem, I'll find something for you to do later."

Anis:"Y'know what? I can stay downstairs. Let's go Neon, before Y/N kills us with work."


As soon as the two left I grabbed a pair of clothes from the duffle bag, a towel and went inside the bathroom. I'm not gonna lie, my bathroom is quite the improvement over the last one I had.

After having an amazing hot shower I dried myself, got dressed in a new pair of clothes and went outside. All my things were already organised the way I liked it. Rapi was sitting in front of my leather chair in my desk, with her own chair. She was writting something.

Y/N:"Thank you Rapi. What are you doing?"

Rapi:"A list of everything that's missing. Food, clothes and a couple of personal requests from Anis and Neon."

Y/N:"Will it take too long?"

Rapi:"Almost finished. Why?"

Y/N:"I was thinking of exploring the area, meet the other Nikkes."

Rapi:"I'll go with you sir. By the way I... added our BlaBla contact numbers to your phone in case you need to call us."

Y/N:"How did you do that?"

Rapi:"...some things are better left unanswered sir."


Rapi:"Okay, I'm done. Let's go."

Rapi placed the list on one of her pouches and followed me out of my room and downstairs were Anis was already laying on the couch, looking at the ceiling doing absolutely nothing. Neon was cleaning her gun.

Y/N:"Anis, I'm going to meet everyone else in the Outpost. I assume you're not in the mood of coming?"



Anis:"Commander wait! Before you leave, could we go crash in your quarters at least till you come? Please?"

Y/N:*Sigh* "Yeah. Do whatever you want but don't break anything!"

Anis:"I won't! Thanks Commander, we love you!"

Whatever. Rapi and I went out of the Command Center and walked towards the Outpost Defense. We can see a couple of enormous watchtowers, AA turrets and barricades made for the MPN defending this. One of them, wearing a blue badge approached me.

Soldier EG:"You're the new Commander right? A pleasure to meet you sir. Welcome to the Outpost."

Y/N:"I appreciate it. A lovely place isn't it?"

Soldier EG:"Sadly we lack the time to appreciate the view when we have to constantly deal with raptures but hey, I'll take your word for it."

Y/N:"How are things going around here?"

Soldier EG:"Fine for the most part. Deputy Chief Andersen is never late with the supplies. We have enough ammo for months and repair kits to repair the entire Ark if needed."

Y/N:"Then what's the problem?"

Soldier EG:"Well, we've been asking for a long time to get proper houses for my girls. Living inside a barracks for the rest of your life is not a pleasant experience."

Y/N:"Rapi, take note of it. I'll do all I can to provide proper homes for your Nikkes miss..."

Soldier EG:"A-Ah... I don't have a name sir."

Y/N:"Then mind if I call you Blue? For your badge."

Blue:"I-I'd like that a lot sir!"

She got... very happy after hearing that.

Y/N:"In that case, keep up the good work Blue. If there's anything else you need please contact either my assistant or me."

Blue:"Okay sir~"

I walked towards the last building on the Outpost. Rapi caught up with me and tapped my shoulder.

Rapi:"I would be more careful if I were you."

Y/N:"What do you mean?"

Rapi:"MPN's are built to serve humans. Unlike us, their personalities and thoughts are programmed by the engineers. Many times we heard of many reports from Commanders who treated their MPN's nicely saying how they... started being praised as gods by the MPNs."

Y/N:"Does that always happens a 100% of the times?"


So Blue is now going to act as a serveant of sorts? Great...

The next and last building seems like a foundry of sorts. It lacks ceiling and is made out in the open. I can see two Nikkes working on stuff that I do not comprehend. A small one and a tall one. The small one turned at me and smiled, walking towards me. Now I notice a robotic dog was following her.

Liter:"Hello Commander! I'm Litter, the one tasked to maintain the Outpost working and take care of the construction of new buildings. This good boy over here is Bolt, my own assistant. That over there is my student, Centi. CENTI! GET DOWN HERE, NOW!"

This Centi was on some metallic stairs, manipulating the foundry. She went down the stairs and walked towards me. They are very enthusiastic Nikkes both of them...

Centi:"Greetings Commander! A pleasure to know you! I'm Centi and my job is to take care of the repairs for our Nikkes and build decorations for the buildings Liter make. Sadly, there's no much work around here these days."

Y/N:"You won't have to worry about work. I'll take care of that right away."

Centi:"N-No pressure Commander, I'm fine right over-"


Centi:"I'm eager to get to work!"

Y/N:"Good. I've been noticed our MPN's are not happy with living in their barracks."

Liter:"Yeah but without Andersen's approval we cannot start constructing."

Y/N:"Not anymore. Since the Outpost is now under my command I can do as I please with it. How are we doing about resources?"

Liter:"We sell every part we can obtain from the destroyed raptures to gain credits and buy ammunition for the Nikkes. So if we're talking about credits yeah, we're okay. I'll give your assistant the details of the Outpost bank account."

Y/N:"Much appreciated. When would you be able to start building?"

Centi:"W-Well we have to make the preparations and-"

Liter:"Right away."

Centi:"No! I mean, yes..."

Y/N:"Good. I'd like to build a couple of apartment complexes for the girls to live in. Centi, you do decorations right?"


Y/N:"Then you can make as you like. Get a catalogue of furniture and start working. The Nikkes will come here to buy themselves the furniture they like..."

Rapi:"...which would make us have all the credits we waste in materials return to us. Pretty smart Commander."

Liter:"Oh, I like you already Commander! We will get to work right away! Oh I'm so pumped to finally build something!"

Liter and Centi went to grab their things. I finally met everyone so now it's time to buy us some food and whatever the girls and I might need.

Y/N:"Rapi, I'm going back go the Ark to buy some stuff. Can you make a group chat with Neon and Anis so I can message them both?"

Rapi:"Of course Commander."

She grabbed her own phone and made a group chat on BlaBla. Counters it's called.

Commander: Okay listen up you two. Rapi and I will leave to buy stuff for the Command Center. If you want something now's the time to tell us.

Anis:Coca-Cola please. And Pepsi now that we're on it. If they have Fanta that too.

Rapi:Coca-Cola. Got it.

Neon:Master! Today the new Noise disc gets released! Could you please buy it for me? Pretty please?

Rapi:Neon, only important stuff.

Commander:How much is it.



Neon:Ty Master! Anis and I love you!


Rapi:"We shouldn't waste our credits on that sir."

Y/N:"Who said I was going to waste the Outpost's credits? Rapi, do you know where I come from?"

We walked inside the elevator and I pressed the button to get to the Ark. Rapi negated with her head, not having a single clue.

Y/N:"I was raised in the Royal Road."

Rapi:"Oh. Then I guess credits won't be a problem for you."

Y/N:*Laughs* "Not for the time being, at least."

We stood in silence for the rest of the ride. As soon as the elevator came down we walked out and entered the Ark's main district. Once again, it was very crowded and once again, Rapi felt weird.

Y/N:"You don't like people?"

Rapi:"I don't like crowds of them."

Y/N:"Stay close to me then."

Rapi walked very close to me. First, we walked inside a supermarket to buy all the food we need. I grabbed a cart and started buying a little bit of everything. Since I have the credits I decided to not but aliments with Splendamin in it. Biscuits, bread, meat, vegetables... a little bit of evrything. And yes, the soda.

Next thing we did was walk towards an electronic store to buy a new laptop for Rapi. She insisted she wanted to help me with managing the Outpost so she will need one to make reports, requests and keep record of everything.

Lastly, we went inside a music store. It was extremely crowded and made Rapi very uncomfortable so I told her to wait outside with the bags. She's stronger than I so she can handle them. As soon as I bought the disc I saw a group of teens talking with Rapi. She wasn't comfortable nor happy.

I approached the group of teens ready to give them a piece of my mind.

Y/N:"What's wrong."

Rapi:"Nothing Commander just-"

Teen 1:"You're her owner?"

Y/N:"What did you just say?"

Teen 1:"If you own this thing."

Y/N:"Look, if you don't want me to send you to the hospital you should leave, now."

Rapi:"Commander, no..."

Teen 2:"Commander? So you're one of those clowns that think they're all mighty for suiciding on the surface right? Look pal, you should just give us that Nikke and-"

He tried to grab Rapi's arm so I pushed his away and grabbed my gun. They raised their hands, scared.


Y/N:"Putting your hands on top of a military officer or their subordinates is more than enough of a reason to get thrown into a rehabilitation center or on the worst of cases, execution. You want me to make an example with you?"

Teen 2:"N-No! We're deeply sorry!"


The three of them sprinted away. I holstered my gun and prompted Rapi to leave with me. People stared. It made her uncomfortable and it started to make me a little bit too. Honestly? Still worth it.

Rapi:"Commander... you didn't have to do that."

Y/N:"Nonsense. I won't tolerate anyone messing with you. Not if I'm here."

Rapi:"You could find trouble for this."

Y/N:"I'll gladly accept the consequencies of my actions but I won't have regrets of what I've done today."

Rapi smiled and grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and followed me around. Although she was happy I helped her, she still wanted to leave. Understandable honestly.

Y/N:"Hey Rapi, I know a place. A restaurant near the elevator that not many people goes to at this hour. We could sit there and have dinner, what do you think?"

Rapi:"You don't have to waste more money on me Commander."

Y/N:"It's not a waste if we both enjoy it."

Rapi:"In that case... I'd like that a lot."

Y/N:"Let's go then."

When people stopped looking at us, Rapi finally felt good enough to walk besides me without hiding. She was still a little on edge due to the previous event.

Y/N:"Why didn't you defend yourself?"

Rapi:"Nikkes cannot attack citizens unless the Commander's safety is at danger or they disturb an operation."

Y/N:"I don't care about the rules Rapi. Don't let anyone hurt you like that ever again."

Rapi:"But Commander the rules dictate-"

Y/N:"That's an order Nikke. No one will ever put a finger on you. No one. Understood?"

Rapi:"Roger Commander."

We arrived at the restaurant I mentioned Rapi. She noticed I was saying the truth. There's barely just a couple of two around here. We took some seats outside of the restaurant where we can see the Ark's projection. These seats are always the most privileged ones since from inside of the restaurant you cannot.

A waitress came to take our order.

Waitress:"What will it be?"

She looked at Rapi who looked at me for confirmation. I nodded and she started looking around the list of plates she can order, not really knowing what to do. The Waitress looked at me and whispered:

Waitress:"A Nikke?"


Waitress:"How about we make her a burger?"

Y/N:"That'd be nice. Rapi, how about a burger?"

Rapi:"A-A burger? I've never eaten one of those."

Waitress:"So, a burger for the lady. What will the man take?"

Y/N:"Same as hers."


Y/N:"Water please. We're going to have more than enough soda at home and I'm not really not in the mood for coffee."

Rapi:"Same as he."

Waitress:"I'll get your food in a second!"

The waitress went inside the restaurant. Rapi finally relaxed and looked at the projection in the sky with a smile on her face.

Rapi:"Perhaps you're right."


Rapi:"I've never... had a chance to enjoy life this way. I envy you. You have a great family that loves and cares about you. That raised you. I have none of that."

Y/N:"Had. Now, things will be different."

Rapi:"I don't know if you can keep surprising me like this sir. But I'm still looking forwards to it."

Y/N:*Chuckles* "Is that a challenge, Rapi?"

Rapi:"One I will enjoy no matter what."

Y/N:"You regained your confidence, eh?"


Rapi stared deeply in me. She smiled. Her smile was a warm one. It made me feel... something inside. It's great seeing her like this.

Timeskip brought to us by Rapi staring at the Ark's projection.

We finally came home. Liter was still working hard on the buildings. Centi was also busy with her work. When we went inside the Command Center Anis and Neon helped us with the bags, the former putting the food in the fridge and the latter grabbing her music disc, immediately going to listen to it.

I walked to my own room and layed on the bed for a moment. Rapi was downstairs making sure Anis doesn't drink the soda before it's cold. I looked at the ceiling and smiled.

I can make this place a good place to live in. Just you wait.

Chapter 3-1. A girl's feelings. (Anis.)

Today I sent Rapi and Neon to help the Outpost Defense a little. We wouldn't mind getting some more rapture parts to sell so it's just Anis and I.

Said girl was keeping me company. While I take supply requests for the outpost and read all the thoughts and worries the MPN send to my email, Anis sat on my couch watching T.V

She was watching a cooking program. Something about chocolate. I can also see the program focuses on couples. Never thought Anis was so interested on this stuff...

Anis:"Commander, do you like chocolate?"

Y/N:"Yes. Why?"

Anis:"No reason..."

I noticed how the T.V. glitched for a second. Anis eyes shine and you can see lines of code in her eyes. She's recording the program.

So long she doesn't break the T.V. she can do as she pleases. I recieved an interesting e-mail from Andersen. They are manufacturing more YorHa units. Huh, let's request one. Why not?

While I write all the information I needed to try and obtain my new Nikke, Anis stood up and walked towards the kitchen. After a couple of minutes I started to smell something coming from the kitchen. Smells like chocolate.

I kept reading different mails from my Nikkes. Per example, it seems some want me to build hospitals, others rather have different types of markets, Centi sending me emails of cats- wait what?


Hearing my name made me turn at her. It's the first time she calls me by my name. Anis had an apron on top of her clothes. I can see chocolate in it. On her hands were a small trail with chocolate in the form of hearts. Anis had a blush on her cheeks.

I grabbed one and ate it. It tastes sweet. Very sweet.

Y/N:"It's sweet. Just like the one who made them."

Anis:*Blushes* "Wouldn't mind if you tasted me too, you know?"

Y/N:"Ha! Not bad Anis."

Anis:"It wasn't a joke."

Y/N:"Oh really?"

Anis:"I-I mean, can you blame a girl for having feelings towards a Commander that saved their life twice... and looks good... and cares about me... and-"

Y/N:"Okay, okay. I get it."

Anis:"So... does that mean..."

Y/N:"I'll think about it."

Commander! Don't tease me!

C'mere you!


There will be more side chapters next time but you guys have to make a decision. What character should Y/N be getting more affectionate with? Something to keep in mind is, I've written a couple of chapters before uploading this one. I will keep this decision in mind, however.

Wait for a different Nikke.

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