Chapter 9. Back to work.

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The two days have went by so fast I didn't even notice. My leg is slightly better but I can still feel it sore. It's difficult to move but I can move on two legs now. Progress is progress.

Today I was waiting for Andersen or anyone to give me a job. Litter sent me an email explaining we have enough materials to start building a hospital. Every apartment complex we wanted is already finished and our MPN's are quite happy. Also, it seems Mihara and Yuni are very pleased with their own room, so much they barely leave. I... really don't want to visit them.

In any case, while I try to figure out what else to do with the materials we scavenges besides building a hospital, Rapi and 2B work diligently with me. 2B insisted she wanted to help as much as possible so we gave her a little bit of space on my desk. Rapi wasn't very pleased with having another Nikke around my quarters 24/7 but she can't deny how useful she is.

Someone knocked on the door. 2B stood up to see what was wrong and saw Syuen on the other side. Anis, Neon and Sin were all following her to see what she's up to now. Oh boy...

Syuen:"Hey. Didn't I told you to clean this pigsty?"


Syuen:"Really? I must have forgotten. Then again, of course I would. I don't care about you that much to-"

Y/N:"What are you doing here?"

Syuen:"I've got another mission for all of you. Allow me to explain..."

Rapi looked at me and winked. She stood up and walked towards Syuen.

Syuen:"Hey, what are you-"

Out of nowhere, Rapi kicked Syuen in the stomach really, really hard. Anis gasped and laughed a little. Sin got a camera and made a photo, Anis and Neon posing on it. 2B had no reaction.


Anis:"Has she lost her mind?"

Neon:"Seems so..."

Sin:"That was hilarious! Do it again, do it again!"

Rapi:"Commander, we have an intruder. How should I dispose of her. Should I, execute her?"

Syuen:"What?! Are you insane?! Don't-" *Grunts* "-you know... who I am?!"

Y/N:"My most sincere apologies. Rapi over here had her memories wiped. She doesn't recognise you."


Y/N:"That's why please, I'd like to recieve a warning of when you come to avoid this kind of incidents."

Rapi:"...Is she someone you know, Commander?"


Rapi:"I'm sorry I did not recognise her. I thought she was an intruder. I felt she posed a potential threat and acted out. My apologies, once again."

Y/N:"Everything's fine. Well, all that's important at least."

Syuen:"Call... call..."

Y/N:"Come again?"

Syuen:"Call... a medic! I think she... broke my ribs!"

Y/N:"Oh dear."

I took my time to walk towards my computer, "failed" to dial the Missilis medical team number AND took my time to explain the situation, even talking with the receptionist about random topics for a while. Syuen was pissed, really pissed but hey, you got what you deserved.

Eventually, the Missilis medical team arrived and took her away.

Anis:"I'm afraid that'll be a one-and-done trick."

Rapi:"Fraid so."

Neon:"That stinks."

Sin:"Doesn't matter. I have a photo to conmemorate the moment we gave that little twink what she deserves! Look!"

Sin grabbed her camera and showed everyone the photo. Even 2B was a little curious.

2B:"Excellent form."


Y/N:"Why are you two posing like that?!" *Snorts*

Anis:"Because it's fun!"

Neon:"Where should we put this?"

2B:"I've noticed a small place on Y/N's bookshelves left for decorations. We can put the photo there."

While my Nikkes walk around to find the perfect spot to put the photo, my phone vibrated. I grabbed it to see Andersen calling me.


Andersen:"I heard Syuen is on her way to your place. Hide. I don't know what she's going to do."

Y/N:"She just left."

Andersen:"What? So soon? What did she say?"

Y/N:"The medics came and picked her up."

Andersen:"What happened?"

Y/N:"Since Rapi had no memories of who she was..."

Andersen:"HA!" *Ehem* "Are you alone now?"


Andersen:"Come to my office then. I have a job for you."

He ended the call afterwards. Did he just... laugh?

2B:"All good Commander?"

Y/N:"Yes. We have work to do. All of you are coming with me, including you 2B. This will be your first mission."

2B:"I am ready."

Y/N:"Rapi, send a message to Litter. She has permission to build the hospital. Also, tell her I want a toy store built too."

Rapi:"A toy store, sir?"

Y/N:"Mhm. For the small ones."


Y/N:"That being said, let us move."

Timeskip brought to us by Syuen, having a rant on how much she hates Y/N and specially Rapi.

Andersen:"I need you to go up to the surface and head North."

Back at Andersen's office, everyone stood behind me while I talk to our boss. As soon as Andersen mentioned north 2B started looking for info on her data base. Along with 2B were Rapi, Anis, Neon and Sin. A full squad of Nikkes. Mihara and Yuni will stay behind for this one.

Y/N:"North, sir? Does this have to do with Chatterbox?"

Andersen:"Yes. You said a Nikke nearly managed to take down the Chatterbox you came across. She was spotted in the North."

Y/N:"Unless he's dead, Chatterbox must also be around."

Andersen:"Precisely. Go and see if she knows anything about it's whereabouts."

Y/N:"This Nikke... what are they?"

Andersen:"Collectively they are known as Pilgrims. They are Nikkes who live up on the surface."

Y/N:"So our Pilgrim ain't the only one."

Andersen:"We don't know the details. But what is certain is that they live above ground and we have never had any official contact with them. They're incredibly elusive and nearly impossible to track. I'm sure you have many questions?"

Y/N:"Yes. The North is very vast. How am I supposed to locate her?"

Andersen:"There's a research base in the area. I've already sent the coordinates to Shifty. Once you arrive, our staff at the research base will provide additional assistance. Understood?"

Y/N:"Yes sir. Our Pilgrim is a Nikke, right? What if I recruit her to our cause?"

Andersen:"Although the chances of you doing so are low, it would be great to have her around. There's many questions we need answers for she can provide. Nonetheless, focus on the matter at hand."

Y/N:"Yes sir."

Andersen:"All right then, time's up. I have a meeting soon. Ah, yes. How's your leg?"

Y/N:"I can move it now. Barely, but I can."

Andersen:*Points at something on his couch* "Ingrid prepared that exoskeleton just for you. Think of it as a cast with some kick to it."

Rapi walked towards it and grabbed it so I can later on put it on myself.

Andersen:"Bring me back some good news."

Y/N:"We will sir."

My group and I left the room. Rapi crouched and immediately helped me put on the "cast" for better movement.

Rapi:"So, how is it?"

Y/N:"Man it feels... nice! I can finally move again! It hurts a little still, but I have perfect movement with it. I won't have to limp around the surface anymore. Thanks god..."

We took the elevator to leave the Elysion tower. We went inside, pressed the button and patiently waited for the elevator to go down. When it did, we talked while moving through the Elysion tower.

Rapi:"So, we're the only ones being assigned to this mission?"

Anis:"It's better this way. Otherwise, we'd have to watch what we say. Speaking of which, Commander, is 2B informed of..."

2B:"I am fully aware of Rapi's memory erasion going 'totally' okay, if you mean that."

Anis:"Right... good to know. So, we're headed to the research base in the north. Is that right?"


Anis:"Well... as far as I know, that place is completely inaccessible without a pass."

Y/N:"We'll find a way in."

Rapi:"Although it's a research base, it's protected by armed forces, and lots of them."

Anis:"One false move and that's all she wrote."

Rapi:"So Andersen didn't give you anything? No pass or anything like that?"

Y/N:"No. Perhaps he forgot. Those damn meetings he has at every minute. I'll go ask him-"

???:"Non. Non, non, non. That won't be necessary."

I looked forwards to see a figure wearing a weird suit, along with some type of... spotlights? behind him. I don't know what that is but it blinded me.

Neon:"What's that light up ahead?"

Anis:"Wait, that's a disco ball. Don't tell me that's..."

???:"Voilà! Exactment!"

Mustang:"I am the CEO of Tetra line, the greatest showman of the entire Ark! Mustang! Allez! Repeat after me, Entertainment!"

Y/N:"I'm really not-"


Y/N:"...Entertainment! Yay..."


This guy walked towards Anis. He wasn't happy for some reason.

Mustang:"Oh non, Anis, where is your applause?"

Anis:"Hello, boss. It's been a while."

Mustang:"You look well, chérie. Your eyes are filled with vie." *Looks at Y/N* "Could it be..."

Anis:*Blushes* "W-Why don't you tell us what do you need from us, eh?! Hehe..."

Mustang smirked as if he just realised something. That expression only made Anis even more flustered.

Mustang:"Tell me, cherié, when will you come back to me?"

Anis:"Um... I can't just yet."

Mustang:"Oh... C'est bon. The best things in life are worth waiting for." *Looks at Y/N again* "And you. Vous êtes Commandant Y/N?"

Y/N:"Oui, c'est moi."

Mustang:"Bravo! Magnifique! Bonne réponse! You are heading to the research base in the north, no?"


He grabs a card and shows it to me.

Mustang:"Take this pass."

As I'm about to grab it he pulls it back.

Mustang:"However, this pass is, shall we say... particulier."

Neon:"Does anyone else hear music?"

Mustang:"Take a good look, Commandant. I will only show you once!"

Then he started... oh god.

Author notes:"If the Commander has to see it, so do you." 

Anis looked unimpressed, knowing this is most likely the usual thing with him. Neon had her eyes glued at him. Rapi rolled her eyes and sighed, watching his movements. I see lines of code in her eyes. She's recording it. Most likely to make sure we remember the moves. Sin is tapping her foot on the ground, liking the moves. Hell, she's even moving her hips a little. 2B had no reaction. As for me... well, I had my mouth open like an idiot.

Neon:"No kidding!"

Mustang:"Do you see?"

Y/N:"D-Do I have to do that?"

Mustang:"Look at the pass now!"

He then shows me the card. It is glowing. So he's not bluffing, I actually have to dance to make the card useful. I-I mean, I guess raptures can't dance so you make the card useless for them but... still... they could blow the entrance so...

Why making the card react to dance moves?! Who the hell made this?!

I grabbed it and nodded.

Mustang:"If you do the same, you too can activate this pass. This pass is the crowning achievement of mon enterprise, Tetra Line!"

Neon:"Wow! What technology!"

2B:*Sigh* "What a waste of it however..."

Anis:"Exactly. An awful big waste of technology."

Mustang:"You got it? Or shall I dance again, si vous voulez?"

Y/N:"No thanks. I got it."

Mustang:"Oh, la danse was so difficult, yet you remember it by just seeing it once? Très bien!"

Anis:"Uh... boss?"


Anis:"I appreciate it but what exactly are you doing here?"

Mustang:"Bonne question, ma Anis. Do you realise how popular Counter is in the Ark right now? Très populare indeed! As the Ark's finest showman, it behooves me to have such promising starlets as yourselves to be in my debt!"


Mustang:"I was also curious to see the squad that Ingrid is so pleased with?"

Anis:"Hmm? What was that at the end?"

Mustang:"Hmm? Oh, nothing. Best of luck with your opération. Eeeeentertainment!"

Just like that, he leaves. Dancing.




2B:"Dot. Dot. Dot."

Neon:"That guy really knows how to put on a show!"

Anis:"That's one way of putting it."

We all walked outside of the tower and walked towards the hangar in silence. I got us a transport ship that could drop us on the artic wasteland on the north. We walked inside and we took our seats, Rapi on my left and Anis on my right. I was still looking at the pass Mustang gave me. One by one, I looked at everyone who was also staring at it.

Anis:"Like hell I'm making those moves! M-My... they could bounce! And you would stare! Pervert!"

2B:"My programing lacks dancing moves, Commander."

Neon:"I-I would trip! I'm too clumsy!"

Rapi:"I don't know how to dance Commander. I'm sorry."

Sin:"I could dance for you... or rather... with you⁓"

Rapi & Anis:"No."

Sin:"You guys are no fun."

Y/N:"I hate you all."

Sin:"And we love you!"

Rapi:"I certainly do."

Anis:"And so do I!"


Anis:"Of course!" *Glances at Rapi* "A-As my Commander, of course. I love being your Nikke."

Neon:"So you agree you're his?"

Anis:"I'm not going to take any type of teasing coming from someone who calls him 'master', Neon."

Neon:"I-It's a nickname you meanie! I don't mean it in any weird way unlike you!"

2B:"I do not comprehend the point of this conversation."

Y/N:"In time, you'll do."

2B:"I see."

Timeskip brought to us by Anis scolding Sin for trying to teach 2B "unconventional ways of raising the Commander's affection points".

The transport ship dropped us in mid of an artic wasteland, as I mentioned earlier. There's snow and ice everywhere. This had to be once an ocean since there's a lot of old ships around. Far in the distance we can see buildings buried in the snow, but they are extremely far away. I also don't need to mention how cold is this place. I'm freezing here, but it ain't too bad yet.

Suddenly, our radios activated. Shifty was talking to us.

Shifty:"Test, test. Do you copy?"

Y/N:"Loud and clear."

Neon:"Hey Anis! Catch!"

Neon throws a snowball at Anis. The two got into cover and started making snowballs. Sin joined the two on their fun. 2B stood next to me ignoring the three kids. As for Rapi, she watched over them in disbelief of what they are doing in the middle of an operation.

Anis:"Holy moly! How you'd end up with such a big snowball?"

Neon:"The bigger the better!"

Anis:"No, no. You've got it all wrong. It's not the size that matters in a snowball fight, it's how many you can make. You've got to crank those suckers as quickly as possible."

Sin:"So... like this?"


Sin started throwing a barrage of snowballs at Anis and Neon. They were enjoying themselves.





Shifty:"Terribly sorry to spoil all the fun but, does anyone copy?"

Y/N:"I told you I did Shifty. Loud and clear."

Shifty:"I know Commander, I was waiting for the rest to acknowledge me. It seems I was wasting my time- The density of Alva Particles in the north is low, so I won't commence the purge sequence. There shouldn't be many obstacles to the research base and the route is simple enough."

2B:"The ice and snow are problematic enough. The Commander is human. The clock is ticking, he will eventually freeze to death if we stay for too long."

Y/N:"I like your optimism."

2B:"Thanks Commander."


Shifty:"Exactly. You have to be careful, particularly of the ice."

Y/N:"Yeah. Don't wanna ask questions I shouldn't to a girl, but I'm sure everyone except me weights quite a lot. If we step on ice you will fall over. I must also assume swiming it's a no-no?"

2B:"Putting aside how I do not know how, Nikkes cannot swim due to our weight, yes."

Y/N:"Well, that's all. Let's get moving."

Rapi:"Right. Anis, Neon, Sin, enough with the snowball fight. We have to-"

A snowball hits Rapi's face.


Sin:"Oof! That gotta hurt!"

Neon:"Nice shot! You didn't use to play baseball by any chance, did you?"

Anis:"Nope! Natural-born talent, baby!"

Rapi:"...Commander, let's just go."

Y/N:"Agreed. Uhh... you've got a little something on your face."


We started moving and the three robotic-big kids decided to stand up and follow us, partially annoyed their fun was over and still waiting for a chance to do it again.

While we walked, I noticed how Neon was having a blast by just walking.

Neon:"Crunch, crunch! Crunch, crunch, crunch! Crrrrrruuuuunch!"

Anis:"What are you doing?"

Neon:"I like the sound the snow makes when we step on it, so I'm imitating it."

Anis:"Hey, is this your first time seeing snow?"

Neon:"I've seen artificial snow before, but the real thing is so much different!"

Anis:"How about you Commander? Is this your first time seeing snow? How are you feeling?"

Y/N:"It is my first time. Should've brought a jacket. It's so cold... but I like it."

Anis:"Right? That's why I feel the surface isn't so bad sometimes."

Neon:"Humans living in the past must have been used to all of this."

Anis:"Guess so."

Neon:"Now they're not so lucky."

Rapi:"That's the reason why we exist. We're here to help them bring back those times."

Y/N:"And then, to live with us. So long you don't mind."

Rapi:"I'd love that."

Anis:"Huh... what's going on here?"

Rapi immediately changed the subject, not wanting to answer that.

Rapi:"Commander, how's your leg?"

Y/N:"I'm fine. I'm more bothered about the cold."

Shifty:"I'm not surprised, considering it's an exoskeleton made by Elysion. You should be able to walk with it in a cast without any issues."

Sin:"If they're so effective, why not making more? Why stop?"

2B:"It was not meant for human but us Nikkes. Eventually, Elysion realised it's better to make a new leg than wait for it to heal."

Anis:"...has technology really advanced so much?"

Shifty:"Yes. It's not an exageration to say we've taken Nikke production as far as it can be taken. Nikkes can be produced on any assembly line with lightning speed and using the bare minimum of materials."

Everyone except 2B looked to be... saddened by the thought. I guess being told you will be immediately replaced upon death is a not very good thing to hear.

Shifty:"...sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."

Rapi:"It's all right. We're just relieved to hear that there's enough substitute materials to go around."


In front of us were a big group of raptures coming our way, not aware of our presence yet. We all quickly scattered around to get into cover. I was hidding next to Anis and Neon behind a piece of a broken ship. Rapi and Sin were on the far left, behind a small snow mountain. As for 2B she was behind what seems like a frozen streetlight? It's like a pole, but frozen. I can't really see what it once was.

Y/N:"Let them come. As soon as they enter the ice, fire a grenade."

Anis:"Got it. Hope you like water you damn robots..."

Neon:"They could say the same about us."

Anis:"We're not robots!"


Anis peeked and fired one grenade aimed at the raptures' legs. When it blew up, the ice broke, making part of the group fall into the cold water to their deaths. They can't go up. The rest of the squad moved around to try and flank Anis.

Y/N:"Nikkes, enter combat formation!"


Rapi and Sin immediately started firing to give 2B cover fire. They scored some kills. 2B quickly sprinted towards the remaining raptures. She jumped on top of one of the raptures and thrusted her sword into it's optics, killing it. Neon fired a couple of shots into two other raptures that were aiming at 2B who quickly retrieved her sword, deflected a laser beam from another rapture and by making a dash she reached her attacker. It was over for it, the robot got slashed in half.

Some aircrafts appeared from behind the destroyed ship trying to ambush 2B. She quickly got behind cover, dodging the laser beams coming from the robots. As for said robots, they got annihilated by Rapi and Sin's combined fire. It was a massacre.

Y/N:"Enemies neutralized. Good job people."

Shifty:"Rapi. Our com signal seems to be weakening. Anything we should be aware of?"

We all looked behind us to see a snowstorm coming. It's still far away but it will eventually hit us. It was starting to be too cold. Very, very cold...

Rapi:"Looks like the snowstorm is really kicking up. Our visibility is short."

Shifty:"I'm picking up a bunker in your vicinty. It should be visible in your map. Can you see it?"

Rapi:", I can't see it."

Shifty:"Then I'll give you the direction and distance. Start heading north west."

Rapi:"Got it."

Anis:"Commander, are you all right?"

Y/N:"I-I'm okay."

Anis:"Your lips are starting to turn puprle. You don't look fine to me. Neon."


Anis:"Take off your clothes and snuggle up to the Commander."


Anis:"You need to use your body to get the Commander's temperature up!"

Rapi:"I-It's just that, when you put it like that it sounds a little..."

Neon:"Anis! Must you give me a hard time with every little thing? Why can't you do this simple task?"

Anis:"N-No! No way Jose!"

Neon:"Why not? It's a perfectly reasonable thing to do!"

Anis:"Are you kidding? How do you expect me to do something like that? How embarrassing!"

Neon:"How would it be any less embarrassing for me?"

Anis:"If you don't wanna do it then say so! Or is it that you dislike the Commander?"

Neon:"Absolutely not! You're the one who doesn't like him!"

Anis:"As if! I love the Commander!"



2B:"Fine. Guess I'll do it myself." *Starts undressing*

Y/N:"2B, stop! I'm okay! I don't need such a thing yet! Let's look for the bunker, then we'll see."

Rapi:"Let's get moving."

We all followed Rapi who was headed towards the bunker. Or at least, what Shifty told us to go. It's true that I'm not reaching the point I need other's warmth to keep me going, but I'm still freezing. I need shelter. Just my luck eh? A freacking snow strom as soon as we get here...

Anyways, we eventually founded a small town where the bunker should be. Things aren't as easy as they should be however. There's raptures nearby. We all hid behind what seems a house, a house that's now partially buried in the snow. I peeked to see how the situation is.

Y/N:"The bunker is up ahead, but there's raptures in the vicinity. We're gonna need to clear that first."

Anis:"We can't do the trick from earlier. No ice."

Y/N:"But there's more cover. Anis, stay here with me. Rapi and 2B, flank them from the right. Neon, Sin, to the left. Move it Nikkes."

Nikkes:"Roger roger."

Everyone went to do as told while I wait here, making sure they are in position before I order Anis to fire. Now that we're alone, I notice how Anis was very slowly getting closer and closer to me until I could feel her breath on my nape. I turned around for a second almost bumping her head with mines.

Y/N:"What are you doing?"

She's blushing.

Anis:"W-Well I just wanted to help you with the ice problem..."

Y/N:"Right. Well, you can help me later in the bunker. Now, worry about the raptures."

Anis:*Loudly whispers* "What do you mean by that?! The 'later' I mean?!"

Y/N:"You'll see."

Anis:"I wanna know now!"

Y/N:"What I meant is you can cuddle or anything if I'm freezing sheesh Anis! Calm down!"

Anis:"O-Oh... right... that..."

Y/N:"Look. They're ready."

Anis:"Should I start this show?"

Y/N:"Roger. Give'em hell, Anis."

Anis:"Oh I'd love that."

Anis peeked just like our first fight and fired a couple of grenades into the enemy group, scoring multiple kills. She went into hiding to avoid getting immediately spotted and to reload. The raptures advanced towards us, shooting everywhere not really aware of our actual position. Once they passed next to my troop's ambush the four of them open fire.

Y/N:"Help them."


Anis peeked once again to throw even more grenades. The cross-fire was more than enough to destroy many of the raptures. Only 2 remained, 2 that 2B rushed down and quickly slaughtered. The first one got slashed in half and used as a projectile. She performed a roundhouse kick and threw the remaining piece of metal into the last rapture standing, stunning it. She quickly dashed to said rapture and thrusted her sword inside the robot, pulling it upwards to fully destroy it.

2B:"Encounter won. All enemies have been eliminated."

Y/N:"Good job. Let's move."

We reagrouped and walked together towards the bunker. Anis was still staying too close for comfort, something Rapi did notice. When we saw the bunker, Rapi walked to the entrance and open the doors. It was dark. Very dark.

Rapi:"We've found the bunker. Heading inside now. Shifty, do you copy?"

No answer.

Rapi:"Communications are officialy cut off. Commander, let's go inside the bunker and wait out the snowstorm."

Anis:"Let me check the inside of the bunker first."

Sin:"I'll go with you. I'm also worried."

Neon:"Why bother? Look at the size of this entrance! No way raptures are getting through there."

Anis:"Raptures aren't the only thing we should be worried about."


Anis:"We'll be right back. You all stay put."

Anis and Sin went inside the bunker. In the meantime the rest of us waited outside.



Rapi:"If you end up being in a situation where you must get close to one of us... please, tell me in advance. I'll be ready to do as it takes."

Y/N:"Don't worry Rapi, I'm okay. I don't need any of that."


2B:"We should get inside now. The snowstorm is only getting worse."

Neon:"Y-Yeah. Even I'm starting to feel it."

From the inside, we can hear Anis voice.

Anis:"It's safe! Come in!"

We all walked down the stairs. 2B closed the door behind us and made sure it was impossible to breach through. In the meantime we explored the place. A lot of shelves with crates filled with food, some sleeping bags, medicines that have already expired... and most importantly, it was warm. I like it already.

I sat on top of one of the sleeping bags and released a sigh of contentment. Man, I really want to get out of here now. Rapi sat next to me, putting her head on my shoulders. I grabbed her hips and pulled her close, smiling. Anis and Sin glanced at us and quickly went to do something else, the former refusing to look our way any further.

Rapi:"Get some sleep Commander. We'll be here for a long time."

Y/N:"Right, right... wake me up if you guys try too cook something and burn an oven, okay?"

Rapi:"T-That won't happen. At least I hope so..."

Y/N:"If it's Anis the one cooking perhaps. Sin or Neon..."

Rapi:"Right. I'll make sure they stay away from anything kitchen related. Now, sweet dreams Commander. We need you with as much energy as possible."

Y/N:"Okay, okay. I'll go and sleep now. Wake me when you need me."

I layed on the sleeping bag and closed my eyes to try and get some sleep. I heard them whispering to avoid waking me up. After some minutes, a conversation between Anis and Rapi. I couldn't hear much since I was falling asleep. And eventually...

I did.

Chapter 9-1 You were amazing, Commander⁓ (Anis/Neon/Rapi.)


It was the end of my first recovery day. Finally, I can get to bed and rest a little. Today was very exhausting. From Rapi coming back, Eunhwa and her shennanigans, 2B...

Suddenly, my door opens. I was not in the mood of dealing with anyone so I just pretended to be asleep. Three pair of footsteps came towards me and suddenly. T-They started to climb on my bed?! One was on my left and the other two on my right. As soon as I heard their voices... oh man am I going to punish them tomorrow.

Anis:"Scoot over, it's too tight!"

Neon:"J-Just squeeze in..."

Neon, the one on my left, quickly got under the sheets and got close to me. I can feel her breath on my left cheek. She was nervous. Why are they doing this anyways?!

Rapi:*Embarrassed* "...Is this really necessary?"

Anis:"Think about it. When Y/N wakes up tomorrow we'll all be in the same bed. Just imagine what a shock it'll be⁓ Then we can say, Commander⁓ You were amazing last night⁓"

Oh god. Anis, here I thought we say no dragging Neon into the dark side... oh am I going to punish you. Damn right I will.

I heard how Rapi gasped at the thought of saying such a thing. Neon twitched, not really ready even think of what that phrase was implying.

Anis:"Haha! This is gonna be so fun!"

Neon:"Shh! Master will wake up!"

Rapi:"C-Commander, are you asleep?"


Neon:"I think master's asleep! At least, I'm pretty sure."

Anis:"Pretty sure?"

Rapi:"L-Let me check the vitals..."

No no no!

Anis:"Let's just... get to sleep already..."

I noticed how both Rapi and Anis also went to sleep. The former had half her body on top of me. She was making sure not to put pressure to hurt me. The latter was hugging my arm. I'm trapped here. And I can feel things. Things I should be feeling right now.

Anis:"Sleep tight, Commander⁓ See you in the morning."

Neon:"You had a rough day, master!"

All right, just hang in there bud. We can make this together.

Rapi:"...Good night."


Timeskip brought to us by the three Nikkes asleep and Y/N hanging for dear life to not unleash the monster within.

I open my eyes after a bad day of sleep. I looked at my right to see Neon turning her back at me, hugging my pillow. On my feet was Anis who somehow got there and was cuddled like a dog. She was having a nice dream. As soon as I turned my head to the right I was met with Rapi's eyes. I don't know for how long she's been staring at me, but it was a little creepy.




Y/N:"Good morning."

Rapi:"A-AH... Y-You were a-am-amazing last-"



Y/N:"I heard it all."


Chapter 9-2 The talk. (Anis/Rapi.)



The Commander has finally fallen asleep. Rapi was looking around the bunker for a blanket or something. Meanhwile, Anis who was pretending to search for supplies turned around to look at Rapi. Her face was one of slight jealousy and confusion mixed with sadness. The Nikke approached her patrner and tapped her shoulder. Their conversation was done in whispers to not wake up their Commander.

Anis:"I see you've gotten closer to him."

Rapi:*Smiles* "So you've noticed. Yeah, we are a thing now. I think. So long he's happy then so am I."

Anis:"You're lucky. I would do anything to be in the position you are right now."


Anis:"What? I'm not going to do anything. But please, we both know you are not the best at handling this type of stuff. Just... don't hurt him okay? The first time we find a Commander that's not a jackass I don't want him to change because of you. Or us."

Rapi:"I'll do what's in my power to prevent that from happening."

Anis:"Thanks. I hope you two are happy."

Rapi:"We can be happy together..."

Anis:"What was that?"

Rapi:"I said, this happiness does not have to be only mines..."

Anis:"Wait what? Are you trying to say... Rapi, are you crazy?! Share him?! You will open Pandora's box by doing that! Anyone who will set their eyes on the Commander will now be a danger! It'll be open season! How will the Commander even react?!"

Rapi:"I just want him to be happy, I don't care with whom... if he only wants the two of us then so be it. If he refuses then I'll be okay with his decision. If he brings Sin, 2B hell even Shifty in this... it'll take time, but I will be okay with the decision. I've ruined many human lifes already. I want to make one happy."

Anis:"You don't have to sacrfice yourself for that."

Rapi:"I'm not. He also makes me feel... things."

Anis:"And you want others to feel the same? I'm starting to think you've gotten mad, Rapi."

Rapi:"If you don't want to take the chance then so be it. But don't judge me. Now that I finally found a way to be better you're not going to support me? Even though it will also make you happy too?"

Anis:"It's not that! Of course I want to be closer to him. I'm ecstatic that you're with him but... are you sure this is what you truly want? That, you'll be able to live without regrets?"

Rapi:"I can't promise you that. What I can say is, I'll be really happy if you and I can be with him. To end this secret rivalry of ours."

Anis:*Sigh* "Okay, fine... I'll give it a shot."

Rapi:"You act as if you were doing me a favour. You want this."

Anis:*Blush* "Of course I do! But not if it meant breaking an established relationship!"

Rapi:"I know. That's why I'm glad to be your friend."

Anis:"You better be. This is not something you'll see often."

Rapi:"Thanks, Anis."

Anis:"No big deal. Now... what are you looking for?"

Rapi:"Huh? Oh. A blanket and some food for the Commander."

Anis:"Let me handle the food. I know what he likes."


Yeah. Chocolate.

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