[All Story Idea Development Short Stories]

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Equinox: The Black Sheep 

She stared down at the unidentifiable lump of icy flesh that stared right back at her. Her young consciousness couldn't wrap over the fact that it- or he as her patriarch called the lump- was colorless. His eyes were lumps of black, dull coal, with the ugly cool gray surrounding it hideously, or so her matriarch would note.

"Patriarch, why isn't he blue?" asked the child in curious motivation, her sharp neon green eyes not leaving the mysterious lump alone.

The monarch's head shifted towards his eldest daughter just as an unamused chuckle escaped his thin lips. "Well Al'ice, it's just how your brother is. He's just-"

"-a Whiteout," came in briskly with icy daggers laced into every letter of the words that came out of the matriarch's mouth. Though it was hoarse from the recent days of effort, it held a strange weight that Al'ice rarely ever noticed. "A useless creature my dear little reptile, an Elemental with no significant powers of any sorts. A disaster that should be left in the dump! Where it belongs!"

The little daughter flinched as the words rolled out sharper than ever. Her now wide eyes stared at her matriarch in surprise and slight fear as she stumbled to the safe haven of her father's frozen legs.

She looked up just to see his eyelids slanted into a glare. A frowny face, she noted. Patriarch wasn't happy. Al'ice saw his scales flaring open in one swift movement. His face was tattered with spikes, the small Cyroaquanis shuddered slightly as she backed away from what she considered to be something to hide behind once the talons sprang forward.

"It. You called him it! How disgraceful of you to call our son it! A disaster that belongs to the dump you claim? What would you know about him!" roared the king in a hissing rumbly voice that echoed back at every soldier and every wall.

Al'ice couldn't stand a chance against what was happening. All she knew was stumble away crying, escape what was yet to come. Why did her patriarch transform into some monster for some weird brother? Why is her brother useless?

Pumpkinhex: Shallow Flowers

"Uh, no? How bout we avoid Lil Flowertown and just head straight to the slums? Ain't it be better than to pass by those show offers?" called out Erwat nervously from the passenger seat as his hollowed eyes glowed straight at his pumpkinhead brother pleadingly.

"Why? All the clues lead to Little Flower!" responded Jacko with a rare enthusiasm. "We finally have a lead! Something to work with, something to finally dwell on! It-"

"Yadda yadda," cut off Erwat. He shook his lengthy green head with an unusual frown plastered on his face. "You don't understand you seed brain! They won't help! They're all what they are! A bunch of petals with no emotions! Nothing! Just some beauty obsessed maniacs!" he yelled in fear.

Jacko quirked an eye at his step-brother before he shook his head with a confused smile. "What happened to the Erwat I knew? Did we switch personalities? Where's your confidence?"

The watermelon head glared at him before sighing in despair. "Ok. One more chance just hear me out. The guys there, they won't help yea buddy. Understand that. They despise anyone who isn't a flower. They despise anyone who they don't consider 'beautiful' by their standards. They are evil with strangers especially. Even if they do have a lead! What makes you think they'll give it to you? They're just like what they look like Papery nothingness!" His hands flew up, emphasizing his point in frustration.

Jacko hadn't responded with a word but instead with a sigh. They just passed the Carnivorous Tribes and it was the opposite of what expected, why would this one be different?

Anthropod Force: Strokes of Inspiration

Usually, Speculo would have been with the other Heralds, ordering them to search for opportunities of a smooth invasion with no disturbances on his free time.

Usually, Speculo would be having a conversation with the plantoids he cared about what's it like to be under a real sun on his free time.

Usually, Speculo would not be stalking the Red Scorpion laying down on some cloth sheet in front of a lake during his own precious time.

I'm just stalking her to ensure her location, that's all, he thought to himself bitterly enough, selling in a lie on his own. He knew it wasn't the case, much to his chargen. A small growl barely escaped his organic form with his growing curiousity taunting him from the inside. The Herald-Leader couldn't lie to himself any further, he can't deny his curiosity for human culture and humans themselves. Speculo might have considered himself savage, but he wasn't a monster. Even after those days, his thirst for legends and cultures hasn't changed the slightest. 

He just wished he hadn't accepted back in the day.

The Plantae soldier shook his head slightly and stared back at the redhead. Speculo observed her pulling out some... Stick-like thing. And was that a pad in the other hand? The violet and grey monster scoffed a second. Why isn't she using a tablet? Much more efficient and reliable... Why such primitive tools then? Is it to keep a sense of tradition?

The questions kept rolling into Speculo's head as he tapped his shard-like finger on the bark of the tree anxiously. His lust for information was slowly destroying  his patience, but he knew better than to charge away from his hiding place and question his enemy.

Though  come to think of it, the more he observed Red Scorpion the more she seemed... Peaceful. A strange word to describe her, as he would have used something along the lines of violent. Inpatient. Destructive. Or was he describing himself?

Speculo merely peered further into the bushes, a few more steps and... There! The monster finally spotted what the redhead was doing and she's...

Drawing funny-looking things that resemble insects. The last thing he would have thought of from such a violent leader. Am I in some other dimension where the Red Scorpion isn't Red Scorpion or what? he thought in confusion as he was taken by surprise at the human's interest in such a peaceful hobby.

::Hey Mirror, where are yee? I just found this great flower store and holy Solar Plasma they take care of their flowers so well compared to the other shops?:: came in a shriek from his communicator in his head.

"GAAH!" yelped out Speculo in shock and surprise as he leaped out of his hiding place like a cat who was just sprayed with water.

"Who's there?!" heard Speculo as he turned around only to face a furious looking redhead glaring at his direction.

"Oh it's you?! Why do you guys keep on coming back like weeds that never die off!?" she roared at him as her hand slammed on her watch at once for a transformation sequence.

I am in so much trouble, thought Speculo as he felt his framework shake again. The savage returned back to its host once again.

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