[Anthropod Force] Just some creativeness goin on+more facts

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-Surprisingly enough, both Anastasia and Albin actually work really well together outside of the battlefield. Anastasia would always come over to help Albin with his fashion designs and Albin would review Anastasia's story ideas and characters in turn

-Juda is pretty intolerable from time to time, being a bit of a bossy jerk who expects everyone to bring their A-game or else they're useless in his mind (he has no filter whatsoever is what I'm trying to say) and that really plays a huge role in a hypothetical episode where a body switch happens between him and the Monster of the Week

-Zephyr is always late as mentioned before. From getting to his classes to going to team meetings, the only time he's not late is probably anything related to English and drama. He's just too obsessed over those two subjects to care about anything else (hell sometimes he didn't come to the battle at all that they had to go and drag his ass to the battle

- Everyone thinks that Kuroka is weak personality and is naive. She's not. She's just too polite and quite because she doesn't believe in te point of arguing since it wouldn't solve anything especially with two of her teammates to be one of the most difficult people ever (Possibly at one point they dealt with a monster that had the ability to make anyone say the truth, and Kuroka was a victim of it. Let's say everything that came out of her mouth wasn't pleasant)

-Sage possibly has an insect encyclopedia in his jacket somewhere like twenty four seven of the time.

-Sage also feels like the odd one out because he really doesn't know how to integrate into an already formed team that already follows a certain plan

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