Anthropod Force: Population/Setting

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The one thing that I would definitely include is the newspaper

Like you cannot tell me that those slaggers aren't going to be crawling around the fight scene especially if there is a monster fight going on

Hell we'd actually get two types of news stations: The ones who are glorifying and rooting for the new team of heroes, and the other station that is calling them a hoax and will try the impossible to let the population hate them (think of it like JJJ's style of reporting Spiderman)

Also going for the Zords: I'll go for a mixture of Shinkenger and Magiranger/Mystic Force. The Shinkenger part is the whole "mini Zords" part, but here's the thing. The Rangers can actually merge with those mini Zords to become the Zords themselves. It's actually one of the things that I admire about Magiranger, where te Rangers themselves fight but as te Zords? It's pre cool in my own opinion...

Yet I'm imagining it being really really weird transformation ._.

Oh well! Here are the mini Zords and their personality:

Scorpion: A lot like his partner, is a bit of a jerk. He always pinches his partner at the wrong times, and sometimes he'd leave a snicker or two and get Ana in trouble because "it's funny to see her face get red from embarrassment." He's like the younger sibling that Ana wished to never exist

Honeybee: Juda from time to time feels like as though his mom decided to perch on her shoulder for the rest of his life. She's a very busy lady (or so she calls herself) and is scolding Juda on every single thing that at one point Juda shoved her into a container because she kept on criticizing him.

Cricket: Very romantic. Always a flirt and romance advisor. He enjoys being melodramatic like his partner and is always supportive for Zephyr no matter what. He's like a mini cheerleader for him

Dragonfly: She's the shyest of a them all, always hiding on Kuroka's head like 24/7 and whispers instead of talking. Dragonfly at times spaces out in the middle of battle which can create issues at times

Spider: like Bee, he is a criticizer BUT unlike her he only does constructive ones. He's always seem making something, always energetic an never seems to be stopping at anything. Movement, talking, making, all in turn a bit annoying.

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