Darkness should be considered good why is it misconcieved?

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So ever since I finished watching Magiranger I was thinking what kind of extra ranger I would add that represents good shadows/darkness.

Because I hate the trope of shadow equals bad. And if anything, it's misleading in my own opinion.

Here's why. If light decides to go out of control, and presumably take over the world, what can stop it?

It's darkness. Darkness can stop it.

"But oh no wait a moment! Light means good! Why would light go crazy?"

Here's a reason why shadows/darkness should be given a consideration of at least being anti-hero. When the sun is getting way too hot or bright, what is your first instinct? It's of course using some type of thing to block it out. And what does said object do? Cast a shadow.

That's why at the moment I am creating a Magiranger OC who is an extra hero and only comes in a movie special to stop a rogue Heavenly Saint (who is light) from destroying the world, and said extra hero represent darkness.

Darkness is good. Every single time I see Darkness in is always if it's creating the imbalance of light/darkness, or if it's the one that is redeemed. I need something that shows me that light can also create an imbalance and destroy the world. Give me a dark centric warrior who uses darkness to fight the antagonistic light.

Darkness or light are not bad. What's bad is an imbalance of one of the two properties. That's the trope that should be created. It's the reason why the yin yang symbol is so iconic.

Again, it's also not good to just have switched roles between the two. If anything, prejudice would be nice, given the default mentality of everyone being good=light, bad=darkness, it would Venice to have a darkness warrior fight the misconception.

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