[PR Fan Show] Green Mantis/"Sixth Ranger"

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-His name is Sage

-He's an insect nerd who's dad is an archaeologist in Egypt and his mother was a soldier who fought in Afghanistan war [she died when he was really young so he doesn't have any memories of her whatsoever, but nonetheless keeps her tags with him everywhere]

-He lives with his uncle in Merica, and really misses Canada so bad [something that he relates to Ana with since she misses Russia]

-He doesn't like approaching people because he doesn't know how to start a conversation, however, he did approach this one group that strangely had the same watch-like thing his dad got him [even though his dad did claim that it was something rather rare]

-He's mute from birth

-Did I mention he's an insect nerd? Like, he's obsessed with insects, that he'll correct you and name the insect by its species name, and sometimes even the genus

-He does wish to get into biology

-He also gets nervous and bashful really easily

-Has a notebook everywhere he goes in case off anyone not knowing the ASL 

-[he totally didn't jump happily at his first transformation]

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