Chapter Four: Hide, Seek, And Murder.

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((Hey! Watch out young and innocent ones with this chapter! Sexual content ahead.))

Hioshi looked as if he was gonna pass out at any time. He was already tired this morning and this situation just made it worse. It's time to skip his first few classes. Something he rarely does, but should because none of the classes are challenging to him anyways.

Hioshi sighed and splashed his face with the small sink water. He gathered his thoughts and walked out.

Zion was watching him from behind the side of the lockers. He knew Hioshi needed time to himself so he watched as his teal headed host made his way down the hall in a hurry making it out, Zion glanced back again after he started pitter-patering in the opposite direction.

Hioshi walked with his head down as he was in deep thought about Zaiah. He shoved his hands in his black pants pockets. Hio wasn't worried about his stuff being left in the classroom because he was sure Axel would pick it up for him later.

The crunching of leaves were heard as Hioshi stepped off the sidewalk and sat next to a tree. He started to dose off and close his eyes. It was maybe a block or two from his school where he was sat. That was good enough for no one to notice-

Hioshi was violently shaken out of his thoughts when he suddenly gasped for air.

There, in front of his face, stood some of the bullies that survived,"Look guys! It's Zane Axel's little bitch!" the tall one holding his pale neck laughed.

"It'd be the-" he coughed, "o-other way ar-OUnd-" Hio choked out.

"Feisty. Isn't he boys?" he grinned while the other 3 guys shared the same creepy smiles and laughs,"ya know..." the dirty blonde cupped Hioshi's chin roughly, tilting his head from side to side as Hio cringed. "You're so pretty even a straight guy would fuck you." some of the bullies friends sniggered and chuckled while some said 'Yeah!'

Hioshi looked the dirty blonde in the eyes plainly challenging him,"Get the hell away from me-or suffer." he breathed out as he felt the guy's hand squeeze harder.

Completely ignoring the almost sixteen year old boy beneath him the dirty blonde smirked,"Yeah. Why don't we try it out?"

What..? Try what out?

Hioshi tried to punch the guy but before he could get a good chance-a rag was seen being shoved into his face. He struggled to get it away, trying not to breath in the toxic rag. He heard the faint sounds of laughing as he fought more and more almost getting away. But in the end-

Pitch black was the answer to Hioshi's fate.


Hioshi woke up groaning. He popped his neck and forcefully opened his lilac eyes. It's still dark...

Rattle. Clink.

Hioshi moved his hands, even though he couldn't see anything hardly he could still count on his other senses, hearing the sound of chains being clanked together. They were tight too.

Shit. The one day he had to fucking get caught off guard. Even bad things happen to good people. But was Hioshi really good? If he has voices, isn't that considered insane? As in-not the best.

Of course not everyone would think this; however, Hio was only thinking that to be the reason. In his opinion he was, in fact, a lunatic. Although, wouldn't being a psycho be a benefit in this case?

Hioshi sighed tiredly, feeling the cloth around his head covering his eyes. What the hell did they want with him? Damn wussies-instead of fighting like real men they shove a fucking knock out drug in his face.

He clinched his teeth as he heard the same dirty blonde's voice from before,"Someone's awake. About time too. I couldn't wait any longer-my pants are killing me." he said in distress,"The boys wanted to do it while you were out cold. I reminded them about what sounds you could make though, and so they waited patiently. As did I." he grabbed Hioshi's face with one hand squeezing his cheeks,"I'm honestly proud of ourselves. We deserve a reward-and I know just the thing you could give us Mr. Valton."

Hioshi chuckled slightly,"What? My virginity? Hate to break it to ya-that's been gone for months now." he snickered after he felt the others hand let go of his chin.

"What a smartass..." mumbling, a different males voice was heard.

"His vibe is scary. Aren't gays supposed to be happy?" another one.

"That's what I thought?"

Hioshi would have rolled his eyes,"Not all gays are always happy dumbass. We have feelings the same as any straight person like yourself." He lifted his head higher, smirking a small smirk,"No girls will give you the time of day, your dicks are so lonely that you find anyone. And what's sad is, I'm gay and not ONE of you are the least bit attractive to me. Doesn't matter if I can't see you at the moment- you're all ugly on the inside."

The dirty blonde's mouth was agape at the teal headed males words. He burned him and his friends to a crisp. Everyone was silent. Not saying anything until they heard their so called 'victim' laugh and rattle his chains a little.

"Speechless, huh?" Hioshi's grin was just dazzling until his ears concluded that one of them had said "Let's make him shut up already. My pants are tight."

Without any warning Hioshi's legs were parted and his black pants came undone. Flinching when a couple of fingers would touch him close down there. He growled and forced his legs shut tight.

No hesitation was sensed when Hioshi felt a hand slap him hard across the face. The main male yelled,"Open your damn legs!" he then felt a cold metal press against his neck,"or else you won't live to see tomorrow."

He lightly gasped feeling the blade press further into his skin. His pride...what was to become of it now? He couldn't let them kill him. Not when he had his family and Axel to watch over, he wanted to do so much with his life honestly.

And so an inch of pride left as he slowly opened his legs feeling partly defeated. He would never give up though.

"Good boy. I'm glad we see eye to eye." he praised and then laughed,"not that you're seeing much at the moment."

Hio had to admit, they were clever with the whole blindfold thing. He couldn't see what the house looked like where he was. But, they had made the mistake of showing their faces and that's something reckless and stupid to do.

Hioshi then could feel two pairs of lips. One pair going down his neck in a sucking matter, the other trailing up to his mouth not wasting any time to get there. His pants were further being undone by the forth hand that was on his body. So many things happening at once he didn't know what to do.

The first thing he noticed was the wet lips that licked their way over the side of his cheek, getting closer to his mouth. He quickly clamped shut his own lips. Nasty! Absolutely nasty! He hated the feeling of the licks, sucks, and touches to his body.

The dirty blonde was irritated. The fifteen year old was ruining the fun. He grunted out,"You're being a bitch!" he forcefully opened Hioshi's mouth and his victim was fighting hard to keep his mouth closed,"stop fighting me!" the leader then grew silent looking at one of his friends, he nodded his head downward. The friend knelled down to Hioshi's waist level-

Hio gasped a tiny moan trying to hold it in,"No-egh-" he was then kissed deeply by the main brute. He was trying to keep quiet and pull back but it was no use as the other man took the chance to slide his tongue in over his.

Hioshi panted, he couldn't focus on fighting them when his dick was getting damn salivated to the tip. He hated this so much. He'll fucking kill them with his bare hands when its over! If he could get them out of the chains that is. Hioshi needed help. He Needs someone now.

Without a thought, Hioshi tried to speak but couldn't fully. He kept trying and trying until an unexpected name moaned out,"Z-ZA-ZAIAH HELP ME!"

Some of the boys stopped to cringe and glance at each other in question.

Hioshi didn't care anymore if they heard the name of one if his voices.

He screamed out,"PLEASE ZAIAH!" the bullies could hear him perfectly now.


Hioshi heard the cries of the bad men. He couldn't see, but he could listen. And what he could hear made his heart jump with ecstasy. That smooth and calm voice-

"Hioshi, I'm here. You don't have to fret anymore."

Hio showed his confused pout. Why did it sound like Zaiah wasn't in his mind? It sounded he was standing right in front of him. He turned his head forward.

Zaiah sighed, sadistically smirking,"Let's play a little game assholes. You hide. I seek. However-" he creepily laughed,"if I DO find you, you'll be dead." he then frowned looking over at the already bloody and dead leader. He knew he should have killed them in the first place. "I'll count to five. Better go hide or you'll end up like your boss." the three boys pleaded and screamed. "Ready?"



Hioshi listened to one of the males scream. Is Zaiah That scary? He doesn't know what he looks like but he must be terrifying.

"One..." Zaiah counted as the young men still yelled,"Two..." the boys were now getting sense and they started to run and hide, Zaiah didn't hesitate,"Three." he clearly lied about counting to five.


Hioshi breathed heavily, he didn't hear Zaiah anymore, but he did listen to the loud breathing of the other three guys. They were hiding. If they get any louder-

Zaiah personally loved the ending part of this game. Hide, seek, and last but not least-


Zaiah walked quietly over to one hiding behind a table. He smirked,"Heh. Found you." the male gasped-

The noise was hushed to where Hio could no longer hear it.

"Pay the consequence." and with the snap of his fingers the other two choked and gasped for air. But their unfortunate fate silenced them further.

Hioshi smelled the blood. He thought there was something wrong, as he didn't care at all that they died.

He was safe, thanks to Zaiah.

"H-hey Zaiah?" he stuttered as he felt him undoing the chains.

"Hm?" Zaiah hummed and frowned.

Hio stood up, fixing his pants. "Thank you."

Zaiah glanced down at the blindfolded male,"You're wel-" his eyes widened...

He was being hugged by the shorter boy.

Hioshi blushed when Zaiah hugged him back softly.

He wanted to take off the blindfold. But as soon as he tried he felt Zaiah's smooth hand touch the side of his face, holding the blindfold in place.

"Not just yet, I'm afraid, my dear Hioshi."


Hio opened his eyes up seeing the leaves and branches above his head shifting with the wind. He was back at the same tree from before. No telling what time it was at least in the afternoon. But why should he be worried about the time?

That couldn't of been a dream. Could it?

"It wasn't a dream." Zaiah stated sadly. He didn't know how he felt about the situation...he hated the fact that Hioshi was rapped. Yet, in the end he killed them, but that surprisingly wasn't the best part this time...

The hug was.

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