Chapter 12

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I'm back hehe... sorry😅

(Your point of view)

I was right it was memorable, because he took me to the catacombs underneath the city! It really was interesting, most girls would be frightened but I was amazed.

"Darn...hoping she...scared...need me." I heard Kyoya mumble something but I didn't really pay it any attention. I just continued my way through the catacombs.

"So then Kyoya since it's just you and me why don't we play our own game while we explore?" I turned to look at him and he smirked.

"Really? Because last time you picked dare and refused to kiss me?" He was teasing me of course however it kinda annoyed me.

I marched up to him and hit his nose with my finger. That surely shocked him to say the least, "I told you guys I was not allowing my first kiss to be because of a dare it had nothing to do with you!"

"So what your saying is I could kiss you right now and you would allow it because it's not a dare?"

And suddenly I flashbacked to my dream,

"Let me kiss you, please..." The want, need, and plea was all present in his voice. His black hair hung down a bit in my face as his hand was on my chin, lifting to look towards him while our foreheads touched.

"Kiss me."

I blinked rapidly trying to forget his pleading face and looked towards the real Kyoya who stood close to me but not as close as the dream. His eyes watching me, calculating.

"No I would not allow it, I will only kiss a man I enjoy."

"But you enjoy me don't you? (Y/n)." He purred to me and I shivered, darn why does he have such an effect on me!

And just like that I was blessed with a blonde haired boy. Tamaki came into my view jumping and grabbing me from Kyoya. I guess he found us after all, I was honestly impressed.

"We were so worried Guys! You shouldn't be so careless!" Haruhi scolded us but focused mainly on me probably figuring I instigated it.

"Can we get out of here? Usa-Chan doesn't like it very much..." I looked towards the small boy with a smile.

"Sure, come on Usa-Chan let's get you outta here." I let the boy get on my back for a piggy ride as we found our way out of the catacombs.

"We're hungry!" I heard the twins chorus and I sighed to myself.

"Your were just at a darn restaurant you should've ate!" I snapped back while still carrying Honey-sempai.

"We weren't hungry then we only got hungry cause we had to chase you and Kyoya around all of fricken Paris!"

"Not my fault you came looking for us you should've just let us be. Actually you should've just let me be, Kyoya I left so I could explore Paris on my own." I paused letting my words sink in, "All of you except, haruhi, have money you guys can go wherever you please. I may never come back here again... I want to make the most of my time here."

"Sorry." They all chorused except Kyoya, he just held a smirk in his face as he looked off enjoying his own thoughts whatever target may be.

(Kyoya's point of view)

Don't worry dear (y/n)... Soon enough you will be mine and I will make sure you are able to go wherever you please. That I can promise you, after all it's the least I can do for the situation that you have been put in because of my father.

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