Chapter 1

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{HATCHLINGS!!! THE OFFICIAL START TO THE MELTING POT! Alright so, this note is VERY IMPORTANT! YOU MUST READ!! For starters, updates may be slow as wifey goes to school and I work, plus we have other stories. Second, there are multiple languages used in this story. They will be written in english, but in different font (italic, bold ect.) so at the end of this note will be your guide. These will only be applied if someone is speaking. Nothing too difficult this first chapter, and I'll try and put the guide at the beginning of each chapter, especially when a new language is introduced. Welp, thats all for now!


Malayalam (Indian dialect) }

Levy was exhausted, plane rides always managed to do that to her, and she had to keep herself from drifting off while waiting at the baggage claim. By the time her powder blue bag finally arrived, she had memorized the welcoming speech playing over the speakers in several languages. "Welcome to Gold Coast Airport. Please make sure to take all of your belongings from baggage claims and thank you for visiting Australia. For arriving passengers-" The voice droned on and on, Levy was afraid she'd be hearing it in her sleep. She left the cool of the airport lobby and quickly flagged down a cab. It wasn't a particularly hot day out, but the air was muggy, and her thick deep red sari was a poor choice in attire.

The drive to her hotel was short, and she was soon paying her driver before disappearing inside. Once checked in she took the elevator up to her suite, of course she wouldn't be alone though. Levy smiled as she turned on her phone and saw two messages waiting on one of her applications. A chat sight named The Melting Pot, used to get to know people from around the world. She had made a group of wonderful friends, and they were finally meeting. She was a bit sketchy at first, but she had used all her resources and found that the sight was legitimate, and that her friends, all but one, were in the twenties.

The youngest was fifteen, a cousin to two of her friends.

Levy opened the message as she exited the elevator, the name OfEarthandStars, Lucy she found out, appearing at the top of the screen. Just arrived at the Honolulu airport! the first one said. The second was an hour later and read, Re boarding the plane! see you soon! Levy typed out a quick reply, her name ScriptsandScribes appearing. Just got to the hotel! I'll see you in two hours! Once the message was sent she tucked her phone away and finally entered their suit.

The room was large and spacious, one wall was completely glass and looked out over the ocean, as well as a balcony. A breakfast nook was tucked away to her left, the main room opened up to hold a large couch and a large flat screen TV. There were two doors on each side of the room, and she ventured to the right. Both doors held two queen sized beds, and she tossed her bag on the bed near the window, she hoped that Lucy wouldn't mind sharing with her. On the left side there was a third similar bedroom, she remembered the cousins said they would share, and the fourth door was a large bathroom. A roomy shower and a Jacuzzi bathtub, as well as a long counter that held four sinks with extra room on the ends for toiletries.

After a quick shower to freshen up, Levy changed into a deep purple bikini with a matching sarong tied around her waist. She looked in the large mirror above the sink as she brushed out her long blue hair, twisting the wet mop before securing it to the back of her head. She put in her gold jewelry, a small nose stud, several earrings and a bellybutton ring, before sliding into her sandles. She was the first of her friends to arrive, other than one that lived there to study abroad, and had a little time to spare before they all met at the airport. She had spotted a beach bar from the window, and decided to spend her wait there, she could use a drink from the long flight. Levy left the hotel and made her way across the parking lot to the waiting sand. She spotted the bar not far from the shore, its wicker shade calling to her. Levy made her way across the sand, sandeled feet slipping some on the small incline. Finally she reached it, the crashing waves like a gentle song that brought a cool breeze and made the bar comfortable. She lifted herself into one of the wicker stools, the sand around its feet compact to keep it from sinking under her slight weight. She set the book she brought along on the glass counter as a napkin was set in front of her.

"What can I get you?"

Hazel eyes snap up at the deep rumbling voice, the question was in English but held a think Russian accent. Leaning on the bar in front of her was a tall man, tan arms braced against the glass, and she could help but stare at him. He wore a white button up short sleeved shirt, a black vest buttoned over it and it seemed to strain slightly against the large muscles underneath. Those tanned arms were tattooed, the left with an abstract design that circled his bicep and disappeared under his sleeve. His right forearm was decorated with an old looking pocket watch, the chain wrapping around and disappearing under roses, the end appearing near his wrist with an old key. Each piece was black and white, the right one going over part of a scar, one of several that lined his arm. She finally looked up at his face, and she felt warmth pool in her lower stomach as she looked at his strong features. A hard jaw line, a nose that was slightly crooked like it had been broken once, sharp crimson eyes that watched her with a look she couldn't name. She saw the glitter of piercings, his ears were lined with them, as well as two hoops through his left eyebrow and a loop on the right side of his lip. To top it all off, his long black hair was pulled back into a bun at the back of his head to keep him cool.

Levy thought she was going to combust, and not from the heat.

It took her a moment to remember he had asked her a question, and an even longer moment to realize she had been staring. She quickly cleared her throat, "Sorry, a Sex on the Beach please." Levy had a weakness for the fruity beverage, and she had been dying for one since getting off her plane. The bartender gave her a crooked grin as he pushed himself off of the bar.

"Coming right up." His deep rumbling voice was going to be the death of her, she could tell. She could listen to it all day, in both the most innocent and most intimate ways. She watched him make her drink, he somehow made the simple drink with such a flare it looked like an art. "I wouldn't mind sex on the beach with such a yummy man." She couldn't help but muse to herself.

Levy had a bad habit of underestimating people, and at times like this, it liked to bite her in the ass. The man set her drink on the napkin, a smirk playing across his features. "Enjoy, it's on the house." Levy froze, her dark skin becoming flushed with embarrassment as she realized he had heard what she said.

And understood.

The man chuckled, shooting her an almost playful wink before moving down the bar to another customer. Levy quickly downed her drink, barely registering it before she quickly got up, she didn't want to embarrass herself further. She decided to walk to the airport to burn her time, hoping to clear her head before meeting with her friends. The walk took just long enough that she arrived just as the plane from Honolulu was disembarking, and didn't have to wait long. Other than the cousins, none of them had seen each other before, so it was a bit of a search to find Lucy. Levy remembered that she said she was blonde, and after a quick message that said I'm at baggage claim C, Levy was easily able to find her.

The girl was all long legs and full figure, her long blonde hair tied into a high pony tail. She wore shorts and a simple tank top, along with a dusty old pair of cowboy boots that Levy couldn't help but chuckle at as she snuck up behind her. "Well aren't you a cliche if I've ever seen one!" The blonde jumped, nearly dropping her bright red suitcase before spinning around.

"Levy?" She asked,her voice carrying a thick American, southern accent , and the bluenette grinned, nodding excitedly. This time Lucy did drop her bag, pulling the girl into a tight hug. Levy laughed as she hugged back as best she could, her arms squished to her sides. "It's so nice to finally meet you face to face!" Lucy said excitedly, and Levy could tell she was a ball of sunshine and energy. Lucy pulled back and latched onto the arm of a man Levy only just noticed. "Look who was my seat buddy!"

He was tall and dark skinned, it looked rough like he spent a lot of time on the ocean, being buffeted by the rough waves. His ears were pierced, and a tribal tattoo wrapped up his arm and disappeared beneath is red tank top. His hair was spiked in an undercut, and good god was it pink. The color alone was enough to tell her who it was from all the times his cousin teased him. "Natsu!" Levy laughed as he pulled her into a hug that lifted her off her feet.

"I was starting to feel ignored!" He laughed, his accent also American, but obviously Hawaiian, as he finally set her down.

"Its kinda hard to miss with this," Levy ruffled his hair, earning a giggle from Lucy as Natsu pouted. The trio talked briefly, Levy told them about their suite and the bar on the beach, though she left out her embarrassing encounter. Lucy told her how she and Natsu met while they waited in Honolulu, showing her the pictures they had taken at the gate.

"Natsu!!" A voice called, drawing there attention to a figure only slightly shorter than Levy, dodging through the crowd. Once she was close, the young girl launched herself at Natsu, who easily caught her and spun her around. The girl had short midnight blue hair, styled into the most adorable pixie cut Levy had ever seen, a set of bright blue beats headphones around her neck. Natsu ran his hand through her short locks and let out a dramatic gasp.

"Wendy! You cut all your hair off!"

The girl laughed as Natsu set her on her feet and ran her own fingers through, "Do you like it?" She asked, her accent was a thick Mandarin, English was not something she spoke often, but was still nearly fluent. She bit her lip to hide a smile as Natsu pretended to think.

"I love it Wen!" He said with a bright grin. "Though I'm sure old Iron Head is gonna be shocked. Might even have a stroke!" This had all three girls laughing as they made their way to a small sitting area. Wendy plopped onto Natsus lap as Levy and Lucy sat across from them.

"So when is Gajeel going to be here?" Lucy asked as she propped her boots on her suitcase.

Levy checked her phone, a new message from GearsandClockwork flashing on her screen. "Actually he's here now, he's on his way in." At that Wendy perked up and began peering through the people towards the doors behind the girls. They laughed lightly at Wendys eager attitude to see her cousin, before she suddenly squeeled.

"Gajeel!" She jumped off of Natsus lap and ran towards the door. The girls turned, and Levy immediately felt her face burn as she sank into her chair. Of course it was him, it was her luck after all, she should have known. Gajeel, the bartender from the beach bar, easily caught Wendy as she jumped at him, the pair laughing as he swung her the same way Natsu had. He barely set her down before Natsu was yelling his name and running at him. On instinct, Gajeel caught him as Natsu lept at him. The three girls burst into laughter at the scowl on the bigger mans face, laughing even harder when he unceremoniously dumped him on the floor. Abandoning their groaning cousin, Wendy took Gajeel hand and lead him to the waiting pair. Again, Levys face was on fire as their eyes met, and that smirk was back on his face.

"Nice to, officially, meet you." He grinned.

This was going to be a long summer for Levy.

{Cover art by rboz of tumblr. Edit by Otaku_Anime_Addict }

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