Chapter 25

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The plane was large, Erza could never remember the names of the different aircrafts. She preferred to fly on her own pair of wings, and she hadn't been able to do that in centuries. This craft in particular was military grade, meant to hold dozens and dozens of soldiers plus their cargo. That was exactly what they were going to use it for.

Erza was helping her friends onto the plane, all but carrying Levy to her seat. Stubborn girl, she thought as she sat the blue haired girl down. She was still hurting, her loose clothing brushing against blistering skin enough to make her dizzy. Yet she still refused to be left behind.

Erza knew how to help though, in a small way.

"Try to stay awake til I get back," she told Levy as she straightened.

"Sure thing boss," Levy said, trying to keep the strain out of her voice.

Erza smiled at her before turning away, she always admired the girls fighting spirit. She wound her way through the quickly filling plane, nodding in greeting to those who spoke to her. She was on a mission, looking for one man in particular.

"Erza! Here!" she turned to the sound of the voice, seeing an arm waving over several heads.

She made her way to him, smiling when she reached him. "Freed, so glad ya made it."

"Like I'd miss the big fight, or keep Laxus away for that matter. " Freed was a tall man, a sorcerer with a thick British accent lacing his words. His long green hair was braided back from his face and his eyes a soft blue. He wore a sleeveless coat that stretched to his thick black boots, showing ancient writings tattooed onto his arms. A rapier rested at his hip, usefuly when the had to get up close with an enemy. "Besides, I had to deliver this to you didn't I?"

Erza easily caught the small red jar Freed tossed her way, tucking it into her jacket. "Your a dear lad."

"Not many people need essence of Caron anymore, especially since there's only one tree left."

Erza smiled, a bit sadly. "Those trees used to be all over the highlands, we used to tend to them. One of the young ones was injured badly in the Italy attack, she'll be needing all the help she can get. Any left over I'll use on the others."

Freed nodded as he turned to finish helping loading things into the plane, "Let me know if you need anymore. There's still time to harvest before it hibernates for the winter."

Erza nodded her thanks before turning back to the others. It took her a bit longer to reach them, there were more people on the plane than before, but soon she was kneeling in front of Levy. She was glad the girl had yet to put her jacket on, leaving her poor arms exposed.

Levy cracked her eyes open as Erza uncorked the jar, breathing in the sweet Caron perfume. "What is that?" she asked, her voice only slightly less strained.

"This is essence of the Caron tree. It is an ancient tree once cared for by us dragons," she informed her as she dipped her index finger into the paste. "There is only one tree left in existence, and it is in the hands of a trusted sorcerer. This is made with its sap, and has unique qualities." She gently dragged her finger against Levys skin.

The woman tensed and hissed in a breath, before sighing in relief and going boneless.

"What does that do?" Cana asked as she knelt beside Erza to watch.

"It helps ease pain, the scent alone does that, and helps increase ones healing rate."

"So, what, it's a magical healing potion?" Natsu asked.

Erza chuckled lightly as she continued to put the cream on Levys arm, writing in ancient Dragonic. "Not quite. Human bodies aren't meant for quick healing, yer cells and metabolism can't keep up. Unlike mine, which is made for that. The cream, along with the spell I'm writing, will start mending the major damage. The burns will lessen but wont go away all together yet, bones will begin to knit, as well as deep skin tissue. There is still a chance of scaring, but she will be in much better shape to fight. I'll use the left overs on those of ya who have more troublesome injuries."

By the time she was finished explaining the spell was written on both of Levys arms, and the girl was beginning to doze off. Erza set the jar down and took Levys hands in each of hers. Erza took a deep breath, and as she exhaled smoke drifted from her nose, and warmth spread from her to Levy. The cream on her arms glowed a warm honey gold before slowly dimming, and she released their hands.

Levy cracked open her eyes and smiled tiredly. "Thank you Erza."

"Not a problem lass. You should sleep the whole flight, it will help with the healing."

Levy nodded slightly and closed her eyes, falling fast asleep. Erza had everyone settle into their seats and began using the rest of the cream on Natsu and Cana. When she was finished the doors of the plane were closing, a hush falling over the overfull plane.

Erza stood, pocketing the jar as she did. "Get some sleep, it will be the last you'll have in awhile."

She turned and headed for the front of the plane, where she knew Jellal was preparing to take them into the air. As she made her way into the cockpit, she caught sight of his copilot, a slightly younger woman who was nearly Jellals twin, her long blue hair braided back from her face much like Freeds.

"Arina! I didn't think you'd make it lass!" Erza grinned as she sat opposite of her husband.

The woman grinned as she pulled on a headset. "You really didn't think I'd let you and my brother of all the fun again did you?"

"Are we ready to take off?" Came Lilys voice as he entered the cockpit.

"Say the word boss," was Jellals answer, the engines roaring to life to warm up."

"By your leave Fernandez."

With that, Jellal and Arina piloted the plane down the private runway in Denmark, taking off for the Siberian wilderness. In all actuality, they headed for a small island just off the Northern Russian shore between the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea called the New Siberian Islands. The plane would fly over the main island, delivering the first attack before landing on the Eastern coast of the island and unloading their army.

Once the plane was at its elevation, Jellal gently took Erzas hand and kissed her palm. "Get some sleep dragonfly, it will be the last you have in awhile," he said, echoing her earlier words.

Erza snorted lightly at the usual nickname but did recline in her seat, never releasing Jellals hand as she dozed off.

She was awoken several hours later to Lily called silence to the crowded plane. She stood, pausing when Jellal tugged on her hand. "Be safe love," he told her sternly.

Erza smiled and leaned down to press a tender kiss to his lips, one that soon grew hot and almost desperate. She reluctantly pulled back and squeezed his hand. "I don't do gallows kisses sweetheart."

Jellal smiled a bit guiltily, "Then be safe like I told you." He gave her another swift kiss before finally releasing her hand.

Erza made her way into the belly of the plane where Lily was informing everyone once again on the landing plan, finishing with "Flyers to the rear." She made her way to the back of the plane, along with about two dozen others. There were witches and shifters, as well as two of her dragon kin.

"Glad to see you made it Mirajane, Laxus." She greeted them.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Mirajane said with her usual bright smile, her Scottish accent matching her own. She was a beautiful woman, tall with long snow white hair that was currently tied into a bun at the back of her head. Her eyes were a deep gray, with a fire burning in their depths that her cheery smile hid well.

"Like I would miss fighting beside you again," Laxus said with a small grin of his own, his brogue rumbling in his chest. His short golden hair was spiked in a Mohawk, a jagged scar went over his right eye. He was a large man, even larger than Gajeel and was stacked with muscles.

"It'll be nice to spread our wings again," Mira said excitedly as she stretched.

Pleasantries were abruptly ended as, with a loud groaning, the back hatch of the plane began to open, revealing the barren land below them. There were commands for non flyers to stay strapped in so as not to get sucked out of the craft, having to shout over the rushing wind.

There were whoops of excitement as shifters and witches ran for the abyss, jumping out into the ether. The three shared a sharped tooth grin before following after the others, leading from the platform.

It had been ages since she had experienced the wind rushing through her hair, whistling in her ears and the feel of weightlessness. As the ground grew ever closer, she shifted.

{Hey hatchlings! So as usual, don't ask for updates. No other notes today! }

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