Chapter Five

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Alright, Fairies! Wifey is much faster at writing these chapters than I am, so here's the new one!!! :D (Also, I'm sorry. Blame her.)


It had been nearly a week since their trip to the mall, and everyone had been considerate of Wendy. Gajeel was touched. If they decided on somewhere that would potentially be crowded, they always made sure to go early, leaving before all of the people arrived. They spent many days at the beach, Levy was progressing nicely with her surfing, Lucy finally gave up. Today they were at a summer carnival that took place at the boardwalk, Wendy was perched up on Gajeels shoulders.

"I could carry you too Wendy," Natsu almost seemed to pout as he looked up at the small girl.

"Gajeels taller," Wendy teased with a bright grin, causing said man and the women to laugh.

"Aww, are you feeling left out Natsu?" Lucy teased as she fell back slightly. Before he had the chance to answer, the blonde yelled Catch!, and launched onto his back. The group burst into laughter as Natsu squawked, barely managing to stay upright as he latched on to her legs, her arms winding around his neck.

After only mild grumbling, Natsu took off through the crowd, and squeeling Lucy still perched on his back. Juvia and Cana had also branched off, Gajeel could see them watching a spray paint artist. Levy chuckled beside him, "Looks like it's the three of us! Where to first?" Gajeel looked down at the tiny woman and, as always, he could feel his heart beat faster. The first time they had met at the bar, he had thought she was beautiful, even radiant. After finding out just who she was and spending the past three weeks with her, she only seemed to grow more so. Tonight she wore knee length beige shorts and a red halter top, her long hair braided curtesy of Wendy. She shone to him as if she wore a ball gown.

Wendy giggled on his shoulders, and he had to fight back a blush when he realized what he had been doing. "Well uh, why not start with the carousel. Wendy loves it." With that, Wendy cheered, and off they went. The ride was brightly lit, glowing all colors of the rainbow, and it took a bit of waiting before they boarded it. Gajeel let Wendy off his shoulders, planning on letting her go and watching from the exit. As he expected otherwise though, the girl had grabbed his and Levys hands, pulling them along with her. Gajeel fought back a groan, he would do anything for Wendy.

He lifted her onto a large white dove, the feathers with painted delicate, the false saddle painted soft pastel colors. At Wendys look he grudgingly climbed onto the manliest thing he could find near her, a black cartoonish dragon just to the front and left of her. Its underbelly was dark purple and the saddle was dark green. Beside him, Levy had already climbed onto a jaguar, the saddle red and gold. She almost looked like a jungle warrior to him, the lights casting shadows across her dark skin.

The ride slid into motion, and Levy grinned at him as the music sounded around them. "I didn't expect you to get on!" she called over the noise.

"Have you seen that face?" he called, jerking a thumb towards Wendy. "You can't say no to it. Physically impossible, especially if she gives you the eyes."

The pair laughed as Wendy shouted up at them, puffing out her cheeks in a pout. They rode much longer than Gajeel would have preferred, but he didn't mind when he got to watch Levy and see her smile. Once they finally stopped, the trio left and headed towards the game stalls. "You have motion sickness?" Levy asked when Wendy practically shoved a drink at him.

"I just get a bit dizzy on repetitive rides. Natsu though, Lord help him if blondie drags him onto anything faster than a kiddy ride. It's different when he's driving and surfing, he has control over those. Plus he takes meds, though that probably won't last long." Gajeel ruffled Wendys hair as he thanked her and drained his drink. "Your turn to pick short stuff."

Levy pouted up at him but turned towards the rides and stalls, looking through them all. As she was deciding they spotted Lucy who was waving, a bright grin on her face. A rather pale Natsu was beside her, though he tried to grin. The three made their way over, "Already trying to kill him Lu?" Levy asked as she looked at Natsu sympathetically.

Lucy snorted and lightly punched the boy in the arm. "He should have told me before we got on the rollercoaster." They all ignored his whinned, But it looked like fuuuun. "You won't believe what I found though! I never thought I'd see one way down under," she grinned and waved beside her. A sign that read American Mechanical Bull Riding sat in front of a small ringed area. Inside was a rather large inflated bag that took up most of the fenced in area, only walking space was left. In the center was a mechanical bull torso and head, a rather drunk tourist was being tossed from it. "Anyone want a go?"

"Oooh look at the fire in Lulus eyes! I'll give it a go with ya!" The group turned to Cana and Juvia who approached, Juvia holding a small white stuffed bear.

"Alright Cana! Anyone else?"

"Sure blondie, lets see what you've got." Gajeel grinned and followed the pair to the gate, after settling Wendy with Levy.

Cana was the first to go, several men whooping as she tied her long hair back out of her face. She turned and blew a kiss towards their friends, Juvia blushing slightly as she winked before climbing on. Once she had a grip of the handle, her free hand raised, the bell sounded. The machine bucked forward and back before spinning and tossing the Italian onto the inflated mat. She laughed loudly as she rolled to her feet, "Hot damn, havn't had a ride like that in ages!" There was a loud round of laughter, as she hopped the fence and returning to their friends.

Lucy gave Gajeel a pat on his shoulder before giving him a grin. "Good luck, it's a bit rough on the boys."

Gajeel snorted lightly as he strode in, easily climbing onto the bull and taking the same starting position. The bell sounded and it bucked into action, tossing him forward and back, spinning before finally throwing him. Now he knew Lucy wasn't kidding when she said rough on the boys. He lumbered up as the others cheered, Natsu laughing uproariously as Gajeel hobbled over the fence.

The group sat as Lucy finally approached, a fire in her eyes as she took position. There were cheers as it sprung into action, even louder as she hung on, the bull never tossing her. The group was on their feet, practically roaring their cheers when she finally let it throw her, easily rolling to her feet and striding forward. "That was awesome!" Wendy cried as Lucy approached.

Lucy had never stopped grinning, "That things got nothing on Ol' Mac at my farm. He's meaner than hell and puts up a real fight." They all laughed before making their way back through the carnival. They played various games and rode several more rides before finally heading back to their hotel.

Everyone was winding down for the night, an old movie pulled up on the TV in the main room. As was usual, Gajeel sat on the floor in front of Wendy, her legs draped over his shoulders as she brushed out his hair. Levy was beside him, her hair already free of its braid and untangled, her head on his shoulder as she started to doze off. He chuckled softly as he felt the brush slow before stilling in his hair. He gently nudged Levy, causing her to sit up and rub her eyes. "I think it's bed time," he says softly, pouting over his shoulder. She looked behind them and smiled softly at Wendy, who was fast asleep with the brush limp in her hand. Levy stood, carefully lifting Wendys legs off of Gajeels shoulders so he could stand. "Thanks Lev."

"No problem," again she smiled softly, watching as Gajeel took the brush and set it aside. He carefully hooked his arm under Wendys legs, the other behind her shoulders and lifted her from the couch. Levy opened their bedroom door for them, Natsus snores escaping from inside. "Good night Gajeel," she told him quietly.

Gajeel smiled gently, quietly returning "Good night Levy," before she shut the door. Gajeel pulled the covers back on his bed, Wendy easily tucked into him as he laid down, laying her out beside him. She murmured slightly, snuggling into the mattress as she fell deeper asleep. Gajeel chuckled slightly as he removed her headphones and set them on the nightstand before falling asleep himself.


Gajeel was used to odd wake up calls, with Natsu in the vicinity it wasn't uncommon. What was uncommon was a frightened Wendy.

"Gajeel.... Gajeel wake up! There's someone in the living room..." though her voice was quiet, the fear was clear as day.

He was immediately out of bed, pointing at Natsu as he headed for the door. "Wake him up." Wendy was already scrambling for his bed when Gajeel exited. He stopped when he came into the main room, a man was sitting on their couch as if he owned the place.

A number of things unsettled Gajeel. One, he was in their suite at eight in the morning. Two, Wendys very tangible fear, she never met a stranger and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. Three, the man looked like he could do some serious harm, even bare handed. He stood as tall as Gajeel, though built broader, his muscles thick and corded. His hair was spiked into a short faux hawk, its pink color only slightly darker than Natsus. A scar ran from his left temple and down, disappearing under the collar of his black shirt. He also wore tan cargo pants and heavy black boots. His startling green eyes were locked on to Gajeel, and it took everything he had to repress a shiver.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man snorted, his lips quirked slightly as he stood to his full height. "Good morning to you too Gajeel. I just thought I'd make myself at home." His accent was think, Russian, like Gajeels own.

"I said, who the hell are you?!" Gajeel was not a patient man, and everything about this stranger had him on edge. Something wasn't right. Not to mention, how did he know his name?

"My my, didn't Metalicanna teach you manners? No matter, I suppose I'll humor you. My name is Etherios, I've come to offer you and your friends a proposition." A noise brought his attention to the other side of the room, where the women were emerging, yawning and rubbing sleep from their eyes.

"Gajeel it's so early, why are you so-" Levy trailed off as they caught sight of the man and they all froze. Cana stepped forward, hands on her short clad hips as she put herself slightly in front of the others.

"Friend of yours Gajeel? You should have told us, I would have put on my good bra."

"No friend of mine. As a matter of fact, he's just leaving."

Etherios was unmoving as he looked back towards Gajeel and continued as if without interruption. "My associates and I are very aware of each of your... Gifts. And we would like your assi-"

"Leave, now!" Gajeels booming voice startled the others, all except Etherios and Natsu, who was now at Gajeels side, dark eyes hard as he glared at the man.

"It is unwise to turn me down Redfox, but I do suppose this is unexpected. I will be lenient this once. You have three days to consider joining my associates and I, we could use your talents. If not," A sick grin twisted the mans face and Gajeel could hear Wendy whimpering behind him. "Though where's the fun in sharing everything." The group was silent as the man strode from their room, shutting the door as if he were never there, only leaving tension and fear.

"What in all hell was that?! What was he talking about?!" Lucy practically shouted as she stormed towards the door and throwing it open, peering down the hall before closing it again.

A small hand gripped his tightly, and he immediately pulled a quivering Wendy into his side.

"I need to call Lily."


Wifey yelled at me for that last note... X'D 

ALRIGHT! Some things get explained in the next chapter! Yay for plot points!

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