| Chapter 1, Flashback

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2 years ago
9:00 a.m

Once all the boys had disappeared inside the testing room, Dawn seemed to wake up out of her shock.
She turned on her heels, reached out and pushed her sister against the wall. 'What do you mean we're not going in the Maze? I thought we were in this together!'
Lisa looked at her little sister, screaming right in her face. It hurt, it all hurt so bad.
Dawn groaned, frustrated with Lisa's silence and let go of her older sister. She turned to Teresa and Thomas, pain and rage fighting inside of her to get the upper hand.
'We're only here to help and built the Maze. We were never meant to go in it,' Thomas said carefully.
Dawn seemed to be in complete shock, her hands started trembeling and her eyes were searching for her sister's face. 'What does he mean, help to built it?'
Lisa didn't look back at her. She just kept staring at the ground while for Dawn the puzzle finally became complete. 'You never trained those Subjects did you?' Her voice was a whisper while she kept staring at her sister, who was still looking at the ground, standing against the wall.
Lisa slowly shook her head.
'And the test I did, capturing Newt and his sister...That was never a real test.' Finally Lisa looked up, her eyes watering. She was biting her lip, barely holding it together.

'You didn't know?' Teresa said, making Dawn spin around. 'You never knew the deal your sister made?'

Dawn clenched her teeth. 'What deal?' She mumbled as she turned back to Lisa who finally seemed to have found her voice again.
'When we first got here, Doctor Paige called me,' Lisa explained, talking slowly. 'She wanted me to help and built a device that could be put in someone's mind, making him or her able to talk to someone with that same device in his or her head.'
Dawn could only stare, thousand emotions raging inside of her, making it impossible to decide how to feel or what to do. So she just listened.

'Bit by bit I discovered the whole plan. To built a Maze, send people inside and study their reactions. But I also discovered how dangerous it was and I never wanted that to happen to you.'

Dawn squinted her eyes at her sister. 'So you made a deal?'

Lisa nodded, her eyes glaring at the floor. 'I went to Doctor Paige and asked her to spare you. But she wouldn't listen and told me there could be no exceptions made. So I purposed a different deal. We were going to let you do a test, tell you it was normal, that everyone had to do it. If you passed, you had to go inside the Maze. If you failed, you were safe. That way you would desperatly try to pass the test, Doctor Paige said, which was of course what she wanted. I was allowed to choose the test and...' Lisa bit her lip.

'And what!' Dawn screamed, pushing her sister against the wall again.

Thomas ran forwards and took Dawn her arms, pulling her away from her sister. 'Let her finish,' he whispered.

Dawn took a deep breath and kept her gaze focused on Lisa, silently telling her to go on.
'I choose a test I was sure you would fail, meaning you were safe,' Lisa whispered, barely hearable.
Dawn shook her head, disgust written all over her face. 'So, you betrayed two innocent people, two of our friends, just so I would be safe? You do realise that to safe one person you sacrificed two!'
Lisa opened her mouth to protest but Dawn didn't let her. 'And not just two, but our friends! The only two friends we ever had!'

'What else was I suppose to do! At least you are safe!' Lisa yelled, finally getting angry as well.
'You don't get it do you?' Dawn screamed, her voice echoeing through the empty hallway.
Thomas and Teresa shared a worried glare.
'I don't want to be safe! This isn't about me!'
Lisa stared at her sister, the real implications surrounding her actions finally hit her.

'I don't want to be safe as long as our friends are out there, fighting for their lives!'

A tear rolled down Lisa's cheek.

'I don't to be safe as long as Newt, Minho, Alby even little Chuck are out there. With the chance of being killed growing everyday!' Dawn screamed those last few words, completely out of breath. Then she shook her head and added with a whisper. 'I can't even look at you. You're just as disgusting as our father.' She spat the last word out like dirt, dust, a name that didn't matter. Then she turned around and ran out of the room, leaving a broken sister, a desperate Thomas and a confused Teresa behind.


So this is it guys! The first chapter of the final book, it has begun!

So let me know your thoughts and if you need to refresh your memory about what's going on, just read the first chapter of my first fanfiction: Dreams and second fanfiction: Minds. I'm sure it will all makes sense then. And if it doesn't, just ask!

Love you all



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