| Chapter 15, Inside Denver

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|I watched the city burn, these dreams like ashes float away

Song: Let it burn, Red


Lisa's P.O.V.

'You guys ready for this?' Brenda asked, once the cargo door had closed behind us.
I didn't respond, afraid I'd let out all the butterflies that were flying around in my stomach right now. I wasn't ready, I didn't know if I would ever be ready to see what our lives could have been like. But I was determined to get Wicked out of my head once and for all, and if that meant facing this, I would.

Before us, just a hundred feet away stood a huge cement wall with big iron doors in it, stretching as far as I could see.
Jorge snorted. 'Forgot what a friendly place this was.'
'You sure you know what you're doing?' Thomas asked.
'Just keep your mouth shut, hermano, and leave things to me. We're using our real first names and fake last names. All they really care about is that we're immune. We won't have more than a day or two before they hunt us down and hand us to the government. So best is to keep your yapper shut,' he threw a glare at Minho, 'same goes for you, hermano.'

I took a deep breath as we started to make our way towards the doors. My heart was beating in my throat. There was no time to think about if this was a great idea. Also no time to think about leaving Dawn and Newt behind. I couldn't think about anything except for getting that shuck device out of my head.

We reached the immense door, an electronic buzz sounded from somewhere, followed by a female voice. "State your names and your business."
Jorge answered very loudly. 'I'm Jorge Gallaraga and these are my associates, Brenda Despain, Thomas Murphy, Minho Park and Lisa Tremaine. We're here for some information gathering and field testing. I'm a certified Berg pilot. I have all the necessary paperwork with me, you can check it out.' He pulled out some cards from his pockets and held it in front of a camera in the wall.
"Hold please," the female voice answered.

Taking a deep breath I clenched my hands, wishing they weren't so sweaty.

After what felt like several minutes a series of clicks echoed through the air. Then one of the doors swung open, revealing a narrow hallway with another set of doors at the end.
'Come on,' Jorge said.
We all followed him inside. Then I noticed some screens and panels in the wall. Jorge pressed a button on the largest and began to enter our fake names and identification numbers. Then the voice sounded again, making me jump. I was making myself nervous with being so tense but I couldn't help it. "Papers are in order. Please move on to the viral testing station."

Frowning I watched as Jorge stepped to the right in front of some mechanical arm. It was a strange thing and reminded me of the things Wicked built. The free world suddenly seemed a whole less friendly.
Jorge leaned forward and pressed his face in the machine. A small wire snaked out and pricked his neck.
I winced, not able to stop myself. There were several clicks and then Jorge stepped away. The whole device then disappeared in the wall only to be replaced by one that looked just like it.

"Next," the lady announced.

I shared an uneasy glare with the others and then stepped forward. I had sworn to never use one of the devices Wicked had built again. Biting my lip I reminded myself this wasn't Wicked, then leaned forward to be pricked by the weird wire. I had expected it to hurt, but surpringsly enough, it didn't.

After we all had done it the lady spoke again. "You've all been confirmed immune. You do realize the opportunities for your kind are vast here in Denver but don't advertise it too much on the streets. Everyone here is healthy and virus free but there are many who are not kind to Immunes."

I had never realised how special it was to be immune. Never had I thought what it would be like to wake up with fear every morning, wondering if you would still be sane by the end of the day.
Newt his face flashed before my eyes and my heart ached.

A loud beep woke me out of my thoughts and slowly I watched the doors open in front of us.
Next to me I heard Minho take a shaky breath. Turning to him with a smirk on my lips I said: 'Not afraid are you?'
He raised his eyebrows. 'In your dreams.'
I shrugged at him before stepping through the doors, followed by the others.

While the doors closed behind us I blinked against the sunlight. Then slowly a smile broke through on my face as I watched my surroundings.
A huge crowd of men and women, many with rags covering their mouths, filled a huge atrium topped with a glass ceiling far above, letting in loads of sunlight. Around the corner I could see a whole row of skyscrapers, the glass sparkling in the sun.

I could only stare, then realised my mouth was open so I quickly closed it. When I had been in the Scorch I had tried to imagine the city alive but never had I imagined it would be like this. All I could say was I loved it. And I realised that if the situation had been different I would have lived in a place like this as well. Enjoying my freedom everyday.

'It's beautiful,' I whispered.

'I kinda like it,' Minho added.

'What is this place? Who are these people?' Thomas asked while craning his neck to look at all possible directions.

For a second Brenda and Jorge looked almost embarassed but then their expressions changed, especially Brenda's. She almost looked sad. 'I keep forgetting that you've lost your memories,' she murmered, then opened her arms and gestured around. 'It's called a mall, basically it runs along the entire wall surrounding the city. It's mainly shops and businesses.'
'I've never seen so many...' Thomas began, but he voice trailed off. He nodded towards a man who was walking right at us and reached us before anyone could do something.

My heart started beating fast in my chest as I reached for where my gun usually was only to realise I didn't have it.

Watching the man like a hawk I watched him as he gave us a curt nod and then announced. 'We know some people escaped from Wicked. And judging by the Berg you came in on, I'm guessing you're a part of that group.'

I shared a quick glare with Minho while my heart kept beating wildly.

'I highly recommand you accept the advice I'm about to give you. You have nothing to be afraid of, we're only asking for help and you'll be protected when you arrive.'
He handed Thomas a slip of paper, spun on his heel and walked off without another word.

'What in the world was that all about? What does it say?' Minho asked as I let out a breath I hadn't even realised I had been holding.

Thomas looked down and read it. 'It says "You need to come meet me immediately, I'm with a group called the Right Arm. Corner of Kernwood and Brookshire, Apartment 2792.'

I frowned at his suddenly startled face. 'And?' I pushed.

Thomas looked up, his face pale. 'It's from Gally.'

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