| Chapter 9, My choice

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|You could take my heart and you could take my home, but you'll never ever break my soul

|Song: Art of war, We the kings


Dawn's P.O.V

My whole body seemed to shut down when realisation was slowly dawning on me. Our brains, to complete the cure they needed our brains...Suddenly my hands started shaking and I bit my lip, taking a step forwards toward Janson. 'Why?' I whispered, breaking the stunned silence.
He turned to me, his voice deprived from all emotions. 'That what makes you Immune is hidden in your brain. The virus attackes the brain and settles there making a human go insane but since you are all Immune your brains are the key to unlocking the cure.'
'Then why put us through all those trials first?' Thomas questioned, his voice shaking.
'Because the Trials were necessary to determine what part of brain is needed to complete the cure. We had to study your brainpatterns and make blueprints of them in order to know what in your brain it was that made you Immune,' Janson explained calmly.
'This is insane,' Minho mumbled, anger visible on his face.
'This is necessary,' my father replied coldly.

Suddenly I snapped out of my daze and took a hold of Janson his arm.
He raised his eyebrows at me and I gestured for him to follow me.
I took him to the corner of the room where the others wouldn't be able to hear us. 'Why didn't you tell me this before?' I whispered, trying my hardest to contain my anger.
'Because you would never have cooperated if I did,' he answered then he took a deep breath and continued, 'listen Dawn, I know you want to safe Newt, that is why you betrayed your friends. Don't throw those sacrifices away now.'
Biting my lip I crossed my arms over my chest. My eyes wondered to the three boys bound the beds, they were whispering amongst each other, and then to my sister who stood silent as a statue in the corner of the room, the loaded gun still pointed at her head.

Fear settled in my stomach, a fear reaching so deep it made my whole body ache. I couldn't think straight, my mind clouded and my thoughts messy.
The only thing my mind told me to do was safe Newt. This one sacrifice and all the pain would have had a purpose. But my heart...my heart told me to free my friends and take a run for it.

Taking a deep breath I turned back to my father. 'Alright, but no one gets hurt, you use my brain and cure Newt, then you let my friends go.'
Something flickered behind Janson his eyes and I frowned at him when he didn't respond.
'Janson?' I questioned and suddenly he shook his head.
'I won't use your brain, Dawn,' he said, his voice not sounding like his own.
Raging panic took a hold of me. 'What?' I asked, raising my voice and taking the attention of the boys in the process.
Janson turned around and gestured towards the guards. 'Get the doctors,' he ordered.
One male and one female guard walked out of the room and my eyes widened when Janson walked towards the boys.
'No,' I muttered, my voice shaking and my breath uneven. I ran forwards, jumping in between my father and my friends. 'No! You told me my friends would be safe, that no harm would come to them!'
'Did you honestly think that I would sacrifice my own daughter?' Janson questioned.

Frowning I took a step backwards, stumbling on my feet, no words coming to me.
Janson gave a curt nod before walking around me and pointing to Thomas. 'Take him.'

Panic broke out in the lab as the guards walked towards Thomas his bed and started wheeling him towards one of the operation tables.
Thomas trashed around on the stretcher in a hopeless attempt to break free and Newt screamed while Minho spat the most horrible curses at the guards.


A clear voice echoed through the room. I turned around, tears staining my cheeks.
It was Lisa. She took a step forwards and had the gun pointed at her head again. 'Stop or I'll pull the trigger,' she said, her voice sounding far away and lifeless.

Thomas immediately lay still while Minho and Newt shut their mouths.
The guards took advantage of the moment by putting Thomas on the operation table and binding him there.
One of the guards came walking to me and took my arm in a firm grip, putting me next to Lisa and holding on to me so I wouldn't do anything to interrupt the process. Not that I could do anything, my whole body seemed to have disfunctioned at the strange bit of affection that Janson just showed. It was the first time he had come close to the father he had been a long time ago in my memories and it made me wonder if he truly did love me and Lisa still. Even though he had a strange way of showing it. He had never been one to talk about his emotions, Lisa had that trait from him.

The doors opened and three doctors walked inside together with the guards.
A frown appeared on my face when Brenda came walking in, dressed as a doctor as well.
Janson noticed her and walked towards the doctor who appeared to be in charge. 'Why is she here? You do know she has a history with these patients.'
The doctor nodded solemly. 'She does, but she also happens to be the best assistant I have and I can't do this without an assistant that I trust to make difficult decisions.'
Janson seemed to consider his words and then nodded. 'Fine, let's get this over with, I'll be in my office if you need me.' Then he turned and without as much as a glare over his shoulder he left the room.

The guards stood next to the door as the doctors walked towards Thomas who watched them with terrified eyes.
They opened a cabinet and started placing different surgical instruments on a table.
My eyes were glued to the scene while my heart was racing in my chest. It physically hurt to watch this all unfold and my mind was racing. I didn't know what to do, the decision seemed almost impossible.

'Let's begin,' the leading doctor said, then nodded at Brenda.
The girl from the scorch walked towards Thomas with a syringe in her hand. Before she turned to him however her eyes found mine and something in her gaze finally shook me awake. Taking a deep breath, I put my feet steady on the ground and that was all she needed to know that I was with her.
She leaned forward, bringing the syringe towards Thomas his arm. I could however see her whisper something in his ear and the second it took the doctors to understand what was happening, was the second Brenda had jumped up and pushed the needle in the arm of the doctor standing near to her.

Before anyone could respond I turned to my right, hitting the gun out of Lisa her hands. The fact that I took her by surprise was the reason the gun left her hand and fell on the ground. I dove down and took it, then jumped up, spun around and shot the guard who had been holding me, in his head. His stunned expression was the last thing I saw before he fell down on the ground.
In the meantime Brenda had freed Thomas from the operation table and they had taken down the last two doctors.
I took the Launcher from the guard I just shot and handed it to Brenda who shot one of the charging guards with it.
Two guards had reached Thomas and circled around him. Thomas, without hesitation, swung his elbow backward into the face of the guard behind him and then dove at the legs of the guard before him.
I ran forwards toward Minho and Newt and desperately pulled at ropes they were tied down with, trying to ignore the fighting noises from behind me.
'Wise decision, chick,' Minho mumbled, jumping off the bed
I threw him a glare and didn't respond as I moved on to free Newt.
He didn't even look at me, instead he ran forward once he was free and tackled a guard to the ground, Minho was punching another.
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Brenda fighting off Lisa and I was about to run toward her to help when a female guard swung her Launcher at me, hitting the side of my head. Pain exploded in my cheeks and jaw. I let out a yell, caught off balance and fell to the ground. I tried to push myself up but the female guard was faster, she dug her knee into my spine and I felt a hard metal press against my skull.
'You treaterous little bitch,' the guard hissed at me.
Before I could respond though Thomas jumped at her, pushing her off of me and hitting her head against the ground, knocking her out cold. Gasping I sat up, whispering a thank you at him. He nodded in return.

I let my eyes wonder around the room. All the guards were either dead or unconscious and so were the doctors. Lisa however was being held down by both Brenda and Minho while she was struggling against their grip.
'She's not coming out of it,' Minho yelled desperately, 'this isn't like before.'
I frowned while studying Lisa and then realised something. 'Janson must have told her something that made her do this voluntarily. Maybe that's the reason she can't come back.'
'Well, whatever it was we have to figure it out quickly,' Brenda panted, 'more guards will already be on their way.'
'I'm not leaving Lisa here,' Minho shot back at her.
Thomas and Newt shared a quick glare and Brenda stared at us with a question in her eyes.
'Janson his office is around the corner, we can go there and make him talk,' I suggested.
The boys stared at each other.
'Guys, please trust me,' I begged, my heart aching by the looks on their faces, 'I know I messed up but I had no idea that he was going to kill you for a cure. I would never have helped him otherwise.'
Silence filled the room until Thomas finally nodded. 'I trust you. Now let's get the hell out of here.'
A shaky breath of relief escaped me and I nodded at him.

Minho pulled Lisa up, bound her hands and pushed her towards the door. Her eyes were still a bright red and her face was painted with pure hatred.
'Let's go pay Mister Ratman a visit,' Minho mumbled as we all exited the room, leaving my last chance to cure Newt behind us.


This chapter was so much fun to write, though it was a little painful as well. Dawn is never going to be able to cure Newt now without having to sacrifice someone to do so.

Also that little moment of Janson admitting that he in some twisted way loves his daughters was my favorite part of this chapter to write. I wanted to show that Janson is way more complicated than just the evil guy who wants the cure for himself you know?

So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please leave a vote or a comment, it would mean a lot to me!

See you all wednesday!



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