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"Mumma, Dadda.... You people be here. I'll just be back. Don't move, okay... Stay here" Ragini said in her usual chirpiness before disappearing from her parents'sight.

"Ragu.... Be careful, child" her mother called out concerned.

They were in Mumbai to celebrate Ragini's birthday, afterall she was their only little princess. Yeah...'little'... She may have turned twenty-one today but she still remained that same little girl that they bought into this world two decades ago.

They were on their tour around the city savouring the local delicacies when something got Ragini's eyes, which made her vamoose, leaving her parents in the middle of the road.


'These lilacs are very beautiful, I'm sure they would love it' Ragini thought holding the bundle of flowers and admiring it's beauty.

"Bhaiyya, pack these" she said to the vendor.

"Ma'am, do you want me to write any message along with it?" the vendor asked taking a gift card to be placed among the flowers.

"To the world's best Mumma and Dadda. From the world's luckiest daughter" she said picturing the smiling faces of her parents when she would gift them these flowers and grinned to herself.


Her parents were standing exactly where she had left them with a worry stricken face. Here she just went for like ten minutes and there they were quite visibly worried about her. She could clearly make out the creases on her dad's forehead. She couldn't help but smile at their concern.

As she took long strides to reach them her vision blurred due to the bright yellow light and she was tossed back by a heavy blow, with the lilacs still held protectively in her hand.

The instant she opened her eyes all she could see were people running around her and the sight before her had her heart clench in agony.
There, right were her parents stood, now that only remained were ashes. The buildings lay scattered and the whole place burnt to nothing.
The plague of grief spread through each moving pair of eyes.

Ragini took small steps forward, her eyes brimming with unshed tears and the lilacs held close to her heart. The moment her eyes landed on the couple, burned to death but still holding hands, their faces faintly recognisable, she sat down on her knees with a thud near them. She kept the flowers beside their joined hands. She didn't knew how to react. It felt like thousands of needles were being pierced into her heart and she still couldn't feel the pain. She had gone numb and looked like a body without it's soul, only staring down at the lifeless forms of the two most important people in her life.

Ragini felt herself being dragged away from there and that was when everything settled in and she couldn't hold it in her anymore and all hell broke out. The tears that shed marked the flow of her emotions. She struggled in the hold of the strangers dragging her. All she wanted to do was break free and run to them, but the hands that moved her away were much stronger than her resilience.


Ragini woke up with a jerk, sweat drops trickling down her body and heat rushing up her face. The alarm clock showed a few minutes past midnight. The nightmare which she had locked inside herself broke free once again. And every time it came back with more vigour than the previous one. She used to have them on a daily basis during the initial days after the incident but with time it reduced to that one particular day of the year. Her birthday.

That day changed a lot of things in her life, infact changed her. It thought her how to be an eccedentesiast.

She had moved on with her life, have quite a good job and would be getting married in a couple of months' time. But the void her parents departure left still lingered.

Ragini noticed her phone screen lighting up and her ringtone echoed in the otherwise silent room. She ran her hands over her face to calm her nerves before picking up the call.

"Are you okay? Did you had the nightmare this time as well?" the concerned male voice on the other side made her break into a small smile despite everything. The thought that she was not alone in this world and that someone cared for her more than himself was in itself so overwhelming.

"Hmmm... But don't worry Sanskar, I'm fine now." she said and the silence from the other side guaranteed that he wasn't convinced.

"I know you are not. I'm coming there right now" he said over the phone. "And I don't want any excuses" he added before even she could protest and the line went dead.

Now that she think about it, he was the only good that had happened to her on that day. He was the only reason she could live through all those days, her solace.

Sanskar was one of the paramedics that arrived at the spot to treat the injured. He was an intern at that time.


The hands that dragged her happened to be someone from the rescue team that arrived. She was made to sit in one of the heavy rescue vehicles and they checked her for any injuries. Apart from the minor scratches she was perfectly fine, atleast physically.

Someone tried to take the lilacs from her hands and she held on to it more, clutching the flowers to her chest. She could feel people moving around her, someone was asking her something but despite all the commotion she was lost in her on world. That was until she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder, ever so gently.

Ragini lifted her gaze and met with a pair of chocolate brown orbs staring back at her with concern. The man was in his mid twenties and had sharp features. He was wearing a doctor's coat and a stethoscope dangled across his neck.

"Hey. I'm Sanskar" he said and she stared at him blankly. " You know, it's customary that if someone tells you their name you do the same"

"Ragini" she managed to uttered.

"So Ragini, would you mind handing me those flowers?" He asked gently and she reluctantly did as told.

She couldn't fathom why but maybe she just wanted a shoulder to cry on, she threw her arms around him and sobbed in the crook of his neck. Though he was taken aback by the gesture he gently held her patting her back until she was no longer crying. But soon exhaustion took over her system and she blacked out.


Ragini opened her eyes adjusting them to the sudden light and found herself in the confines of white walls and by the look of it, it wouldn't take a genius to guess that she was in a hospital room. She tried getting up only to fall back.

Just then she heard the door creak and in came the man, in whose arms she fainted. He passed her a gentle smile as he found her awake and walked to her bed.

"Hey... It's good that you are finally awake" he spoke checking her vitals. "Don't worry, we had informed your family and they are waiting outside. I'll let them in in a moment"

The word family struck a chord in her and her eyes glistened with tears. The events of the incident played before her and her breathing became laboured, sweat beads forming on her forehead.

"Relax. Just try to breath with me. Okay?"" Sanskar said holding her palm in his. " Take a deep breath... That's it... Now gently release it.... You are doing good, Now again breath in with me" he continued to inhale and exhale air with Ragini following suit until her breathing was normal and made her drink water.

"Thank-you. How long have I been out?" She asked, her voice sounding strained.

"Four days"

"What?" She sounded surprised.

"After you fainted we bought you here, to the hospital and you had been kept under observation as you were getting these panic attacks " he said as a matter of fact.

"How long before I get to leave?" she was never a fan of hospitals.

"A few more days maybe. The senior doctor will talk to you more about that." He said filling the form that he held. "Your aunt and uncle are waiting outside. I'll let them in now. Just call me if you need anything." He said passing her a benign smile before making his way out.


Sanskar had been a constant visitor at her ward. The visits paved way to their friendship. He was with her throughout her therapy sessions prescribed by the doctors to treat her depression, making her feel at ease. Infact, Ragini started looking forward to meeting him each day.

They shared bits and pieces of their lives. It was Sanskar's idea that she look for a job in Mumbai once she finishes her studies. He said it would be a fresh change for her.


Ragini sat in the cafe, fiddling with her phone, waiting for Sanskar. It had been almost an year and 8 months since she started working in an MNC and her work place was not far off from Sanskar's. They used to hang out often and he was her greatest support as she moved to this unknown city that took away so much from her life and gave her a new beginning.

She was looking at the entrance time and again when finally he arrived. He immediately took the seat infront of her passing her a smile.

"Sorry, I'm late. Have you been waiting for long?" He asked seeing her foul mood.

"Well no. Infact I have been waiting for like just half an hour." Ragini replied flaring her nose, angry at him for keeping her waiting.

"Really sorry. I was caught up with a patient and couldn't come sooner." Sanskar said apologetically.

"It's okay. But this is the last time. Now tell me why you wanted to meet me." She said twisting her lips and Sanskar let out a low chuckle at her childishness.

"Well. I don't want to beat around the bush. I wanted to let you know that... To tell you that... That I like you." He said in a single breath. "I really like you Ragini. Maybe way more than I should and not just as a friend but someone more than that." He continued, his eyes closed while hers remained as wide as possible.

"I want you besides me in every step of my life. I want to share my happiness and sorrows with you and maybe a happily ever after." He finished puffing out a chunk of air and finally opening his eyes to look at her. Ragini sat gaping at him, unable to form words and was snapped out of her trance as she felt a hand holding hers.

"I don't want you answer now. Just take your own time. But whatever your decision I don't want it effecting our friendship in any manner." He squeezed her hand to let her know that he will be okay with whatever choice she made.

"Now. I need leave. I have an appointment in right about ten minutes." He informed glancing at his watch. He stood up and left with a haste goodbye while Ragini sat there unable to process what happened just a few moments back.


That night Ragini couldn't sleep. Not for the next few days as well. Her mind was stuck on Sanskar's proposal. She found herself smiling to herself just thinking about him.

She thought of the different scenarios with Sanskar not being a part of her life. And nothing ended with her being happy. Also, the mere thought of Sanskar being with someone else, saying all those things to that someone made her blood curdle.

And she knew what her reply to him would be. Maybe she had known it for quite a while now but took her own time to acknowledge it.

And just like that they had turned from strangers to best friends to being in a relationship and not so long after to being engaged to each other. Life couldn't have been more beautiful for the both of them. Though the circumstances that brought them together weren't pleasant, they had found each other.


Ragini was broken out of her trance when she heard the doorbell go off. She could hear the maid opening the door to her apartment and not long after she saw her doorknob being twisted.

There stood the man who meant the world to her and the concerned look on his face told her that she would never regret her decision of choosing him.

He walked to her bed and engulfed her in his arms without a word and she could feel her resolves crumbling. She cried in his arms and he stayed there without saying anything. That was the beauty of their relationship. Words weren't necessary to express themselves. That simple gesture told her that he is there to stay and would always be there for her as long as she needs.

He repeated sweet nothings to her and that sounded like a lullaby to her ears. Soon she was drifted off to a dreamless void while he sat beside her, his hand gently stroking her forehead.

And she knew he will be there every time she need a shoulder to cry on, every time she needs someone to share her happiness with, every time she feels lonely and she couldn't have asked for anything more. She might be troubled by her memories but he was always there with her to overcome every bit of it.


Heya guys,

Hope you all would like it.
If you did, do hit 🌟 and tell me how you felt about it.

Stay blessed and stay happy 😘😘😘😘

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