Chapter Three: News

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Maria and Liam trotted up to the Three Arms Inn as the last streaks of sunset faded. The lamps up and down the street glowed softly as Snapdragon and Janice nickered and tossed their heads. Maria petted Snapdragon's neck and accepted Janice's reins as Liam went inside.

About ten minutes later, Liam came back. "We have two rooms with a bed and chest each. The horses have stalls in the stable with feed. I have gotten recommendations for three good eateries about the village. Several people have news of the creatures, some calling them undead, others half breeds. The town crier may speak of them at the dawn call tomorrow. That's all I have now." Maria blinked.

"You got all that? From a bustling innkeeper? How in the world?"

"You were born noble, Maria." Maria remembered every time he had explained away the ways of common folk with that phrase. She wouldn't get any more than that from him.

"Indeed, Liam." Maria led the horses around to the stable and found two empty stalls. Liam helped her put up the horses. Then they went inside the inn.

The innkeeper was a short, stout man with squinty eyes and a balding head. His name was Tucker Darren, he talked quickly, and he loved to gossip. Maria learned all this in the space of perhaps five seconds as he and Liam shouted to each other over the din of the pub in the room next to them.

"Thus 'll be tha quietest place heeyar in town. Ya won't find anotha like eet. The pub is ova thayer. Yer third floor, room twenny six," Tucker shouted.

"Thank you, sir. I'll see you in the morning when we leave." Liam sighed as he led Maria toward the pub.

(I don't know who made this art. Please tell me who to credit if you know. I brightened it slightly from the original picture as well because you couldn't see anything.)

"Places like this are hard to navigate, Maria. Do exactly as I say. Don't confront anyone." Maria nodded as she followed Liam into the darkened room. Several people looked up at the pair and then glanced back down at their mugs and food. One woman glanced up at them and held Maria's gaze in her steely one.

The woman was tall, with red orange hair and a practical fighting outfit. It wasn't the attire of a common mercenary, but not that of a prince's guard either. It was something in between. The woman stood up from her table and walked over to them.

"You aren't regulars." The sentence was quiet, but every word could be heard.

"No, madam. We are just travelers passing through," Liam said quickly.

"Haven't you heard about the creatures? The ones to the Northeast?" The woman stared them down.

"We have, madam. But there is a refuge in that area, held by my family for generations. It is there that I am going, and my sister with me," Liam skillfully came up with a story.

"Fools. When the Virī Mortis find you, you will wish you had not fled to your family. When your family joins their ranks, you will wish you had heeded me."

"I suspect they already have, madam. I go to check on them."

"I. I. Can't your sister speak? Or is she not your sister? She is dressed too finely to be a poor country squire's family. I suspect that you and she are running away together from her family." Liam's jaw fell open. Maria gasped. She considered Liam a second father, not a potential lover! How rude of this woman!

"No, madam. It is true I am nobility, it is true he only recently rose to nobility, but I would never! Sir Liam is a second father to me, NOT a possible husband. By your leave, we will get drinks and leave your company." Liam sighed. Maria knew she had probably said too much, but this woman had no right to insinuate.

"I applaud your boldness, Milady. I was only repeating an all too common occurrence in these parts. I am Anna Lois Taveen, formerly captain of the Southlake Castle guard. I am here because I will not sit still as the Virī Mortis spread, as they have over Eastlake already. I beg your pardon and seek grace." Captain Taveen bowed elegantly as she spoke.

"Grace and pardon, Captain. I was the one who spoke hastily in my annoyance. I will not sit still, either. I would avenge my family and destroy these, these, caput faegis!"

"Even in a pub, language should be watched, Milady."

"Indeed. Anyway, I am Lady Maria Harbinger of the Harbingers. This is Sir Liam Du Font. We are trying to escape the creatures, as you are."

"The story I told is not entirely untrue. There is a refuge we seek. Have you heard of The Keep?" Liam interrupted. Captain Taveen's eyes widened.

"But isn't that just a fairy tale? Made for children to go to sleep?"

"Things are never as they appear, Captain." Liam pulled two pieces of paper out of his pocket.

One was of a mountain pass, the other of a tall castle painted fancifully purple.

"But that's impossible! I've been in those cliffs before! Nothing like that has ever been seen. Your information must be wrong." Captain Taveen shook her head vehemently.

"How many were your men?"

"Perhaps two thousand. Not more than two legions."

"The pass is ten men wide, and very small. Two thousand would not find it. It trails steeply up to The Keep, a hidden refuge for times of trouble. The art exaggerated the size, but not so the architecture. It is well built and will make good living. Would you come with us to live in it?"

"Surely you jest! A magic castle, a perfect hideaway, and an invitation to stay! You cannot mean it! But what staff would this Keep have?"

"Merely ourselves. I am one of few who know of it, and the rest dare not leave their home in Eastlake. Fair fortune to you, if you do not come because you think I jest about such a thing." Liam walked away, Maria following. Maria kept her head down and alert. Captain Taveen was gone when they had ordered. All seemed normal.

The rest of the night went by peacefully. Maria's room had a single bed, Liam's had two.

After they had settled in, Liam came to check on Maria.

"Are you alright? Seeing your parents and sister turned before your eyes..."

Maria sniffled and patted the bed beside her. Liam sat down and held the girl close to him as she cried. Small tears fell down his face as he recalled teaching young Alice to dance, or eating dinner with Lord and Lady Harbinger as they discussed the girls' studies.

"We are lucky we survived, Maria. We will find a way to turn them back, I promise."

The next morning, Liam and Maria left the inn and stood by the town crier's stage. The man was tall and thin, with a loud voice and soft eyes.

"Salvete, villagers. To begin with urgent news: a creature known as the Virī Mortis are spreading from Westlake and north near the river mouths. They are mutated humans who transform others through scratches and bites. Beware of them. They are extremely dangerous and we should barricade the village immediately, by order of Councilman Meager.

"Also, search warrants are out for Captain Anna Lois Taveen of Southlake Castle. She deserted on the Ides of March. Rewards will be given if she is found alive.

"In less dire news, Princess Regina Hamworth of Southlake will be marrying Prince Davis Marquis of Westlake next month. Lord and Lady Mardune of our own town, Durville, will be attending. Good day." The town crier stepped down from his podium and walked away.

Both Maria and Liam turned to Captain Taveen, who stood behind them. She shrugged at them. "Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."

"Hello," said a voice that belonged to none of the three. A girl looking similar to the Captain stood behind them. A ripple of displeasure passed across the Captain's face.

"Bella, go home. Don't follow me everywhere."

"No. I go where you go."

"Bella, I have new companions. Go home, you are not a wanted deserter and treasonous villain."

"Shut up, Anna. I go where you go for a reason. If the young Lady Harbinger and Sir Du Font are your new companions, then I wish to come. Lady Harbinger is renowned for her escapades around Lihanna. If she leaves against the Virī Mortis, I do too." Captain Taveen sighed and turned back to Maria and Liam.

"This is my sister, Lieutenant Bella Taveen of Southlake. She was recently deployed to Westlake, where she learned of you. It appears she will be joining us." Maria smiled at them.

"Of course. It will be better if we travel in groups, I think. Would you be prepared to leave today?"

"Would I?! I've been itching to leave for days, Milady!" Lieutenant Bella cried. Captain Anna groaned.

"Well, it appears we will be companions. Feel free to call me Maria and him Liam." The matter seemed plain to Maria. Liam, however, grasped her arm.

"The younger seems dangerous. Watch yourself." Maria nodded almost imperceptibly.

"I too am prepared, and you may call me Anna or Anna Lois, and her Bella. To where exactly do we go? You mentioned the cliffs?"

"As far Northeast as we can. The Keep is in the cliffs." Clearly Bella was not expecting this.

"The impassable cliffs? The famed, impossible to climb, monster filled, cliffs of folly? You jest!"

"Your sister said that even yesterday. It is no jest. Prepare. We meet back here in twenty minutes," Liam was short and businesslike, instead of the gentle man Maria was used to.

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