chapter 1 Sky

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AN/ the chapters will be named by whatever character the POV is so this is in Sky's POV OK now enough talking let's get on with the story!
Today's the day!!!! Today is finally the day!!!!!!!!YYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!  Wait what time is it? I sigh and turn around. Only 3:42 Ugh there's still 18 more minutes until I'm officially 12! Well until me and my twin sister are officially 12! 18 more minutes... 18 more minutes until we're finally trusted to go to earth! I turn around. Ugh no point in falling back asleep I don't think that's possible for me rn anyways. I wonder if Marci's still awake? Guess there's only one way to find out! I hop out of bed and tip toe over to where my twin sister Marci is sleeping. Even though we live in a castle Marci and I share a room. We don't have to we just like to. I jump on top of her and shake my sister violently.  "Marci wake up wake up WAKE UP! " I whisper yell quoting one of my favorite movies frozen. She opens her eyes barely " what is it Sky? " she asks still half asleep.  " 18 more minutes till our birthday! " I say jumping up and down.  I glance at the clock "OK now 17 more minutes ". "so? " she asks raising an eyebrow.  " 17 more minutes till we're  officially 12 !" I say excitedly.  "OK I'm going to say this again so? " she asks again.  "17 more minutes till we're officially old enough to go to earth! " I say excitedly I peek at the clock again "now only 16 more minutes!! " . Marci rolls her eyes at me " I don't see what the big deal is it'll probably be just like mewni " she says tiredly.  "what? No it won't be it'll be different a good different! We'll make new friends try new things it'll be amazing it'll be an adventure!! " I gush excitedly. Marci laughs a bit "good for you I'm glad your so optomistic! But you know what I am sleepy so can we please continue this conversation in the morning? " . I sigh " fine " I say walking back over to my bed "your no fun! " I pout.  "good night to you too " she says back and next thing I know I'm sound asleep...

............time skip to morning cause I'm lazy................
I wake up to my little puppy running into me and Marci's room, jumping on my bed and licking my face. I laugh "good morning Joey! " I say petting the puppy. I look over to where Marci is and hear her snoring.  I laugh and get out of bed grabbing my fluffy puppy.  "Marci... " I say. Nothing .
"Marci " I say a little louder.
Nothing .
"MARCI! " I yell and guess what?
ugh that girl could sleep through a sparkle storm and a monster attack! I sneak out of our room and grab my megaphone from cheerleading then I tiptoe back into our room and walk over to my sleeping sister.
"MARCI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " I yell very loudly into the megaphone. " AH SKY WHAT THE NARWHALS WAS THAT FOR!!! " she panicked sitting up.  "well how else am I supposed to wake you up! " I reply smirking and shooting some glitter into the air with my magic.  "um oh I don't know how about you DON'T wake me up! " she says flopping back down on her bed.  "what fun would that be? " I say petting Joey and possibly adding some glitter to his fur. She doesn't say anything.  "come on your really gonna give me the silent treatment? On our birthday? " I exclaim dramatically throwing my hands in the air.  "oh yeah Happy Birthday sis " she says not sitting up. I laugh and walk back over to my side of the room "Happy Birthday to you too " I says shuffling through my closet " what to wear what wear! " I says throwing outfits off hangers. "what did your clothes ever do to you? " Marci asks dropping down to the ground.  We both start laughing hysterically.  "so what are you wearing today? " I ask getting up from the pile of clothes. Very fabulous clothes to be specific.  Just before Marci could reply mom and dad walk in with cake. Yyyyaaaaayyy cake!  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!" mom exclaims bouncing up and down dropping the cake. Dad catches the cake and rolls his eyes. I run over to mom and dad and give mom a hug " HUUUUGGGGGSSS!! " we shout simultaneously.  Marci walks over and takes the cake from dad " thanks " she says walking back to her bed. She grabs a big piece of cake and shoves it into her mouth.  I laugh and run over to my cake covered sister.  "hey I need sugar toooooooo 🎶" I sing song grabbing a piece of cake. Mom skips out of our room. "get ready we're sending you to earth soon " dad says chuckling before walking out of our room slowly.  "YYYYAAAAAYYY!!!!! " I scream dropping a piece of cake and running back into my closet. I finally pick out an outfit and walk out of the closet to see Marci stuffing goldfish into a suitcase.  "hey M what you doing? " I ask watching her awkwardly stuff them into the red polka dot suitcase. She turns around and looks at me "duh I'm packing what does it look like I'm doing 's? ". I laugh "how many goldfish packs have you packed so far? " . She grabs a checklist "let's see so far I have 5123872282385258267242384675268557425380086855688442580000000 packs " . I just stare in awe "w-what? " . She rolls her eyes "I said so far I have 5123872282382385258267242384675268557425380086855688442580000000 packs of goldfish duh " she says as if it's obvious. I roll my eyes "dumb it down a bit for us non geniuses " I say gesturing towards Joey. She laughs "me have lots of goldfish in my suitcase " . "I said dumb it down not speak moron " I said laughing hysterically. Just then our friend Kyle walks in "sup Twinkies you ready to go to earth yet or you need more time to fix your hair " he says chuckling. "nope we're ready and I think your the one who should fix your hair " I shot back smirking. "whateves " he says smirking back.  "sup weirdos are we ready to go or not? " Marci says walking over to us. "yep we're ready! " we both say at the same time. We all laugh. Kyle is kind of like the brother we've never had. He's none us since birth and he's always protected us! Well me at least Marci doesn't need to be protected. I mean neither do I but he still tries guess it's the thought that counts.  "now come on let's go!!! " I say happily. Kyle smirks "OK princess let's go " he says grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. I grab Marci's hand and drag her along.  We walk outside to see a carriage ready to take us to earth . "you ready? " Kyle asks looking at me and then Marci. I nod enthusiasticly "I was born ready " I say smiling widely. "ready as I'll ever be " Marci says and before we know it we're off to earth......
AN/so did you guys like it? Yes no maybe oh wells thanks for reading

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