Caroling together

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Maddie was on the payphone talking with Roxy. "So, will you, Deadpool and Loki come Christmas caroling with me and a few buddies of mine? You will?! Oh thank you so much, little sister! I'll see you guys there and if you wanna look for me, look for a girl wearing a Christmas themed Lolita dress with a white faux fur coat and matching hat with a holly pin.

"I'm so happy you guys agreed to come with me and my sister caroling." The troublesome trio made it to Central Park where Maddie is just like how she described herself in the phone call she made with her younger sister. She waved at the three of them. "You guys came!" She pulled her sister in for a hug. "Roxy, these are my friends, meet; Erica Diaz, William Tanner, Cassandra Bishop and Eve Braun. Since your friends are new to this we'll explain the concept." Maddie and Roxy explained to Loki and Wade that each year, she and her friend go caroling in the streets of the city and to St. Mary's Hospital for Children where the both of them attend the annual charity Christmas party the day after. "The charity party is a non-formal event and each year, I do volunteer work there. I was also given the chance to choose the theme. This year's theme is gonna be, "Christmas: Holiday of the Innocence". Pretty neat, right?" Roxy nodded. "I chose that theme because the kids look most innocent during this time of the year and how they keep the spirit of Christmas alive in their own sweet way." 

They went around the city caroling and some people rudely slammed the door on them. Maddie's singing was amazing, Deadpool struggled to get some of the words right while Roxy and Loki didn't sing a note. Loki says that he can't sing even if he tried and Roxy is "too shy" for this kind of thing. "C'mon you two, I know you guys can sing, I believe it and you should do the same." Roxy and Loki nodded. "She's right, we might get pelted with snowballs for our horrible singing afterwards." They stopped at thr Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. With the lights shining and twinkling brightly in a multitude of beautiful colors. Roxy began to sing the first words of "White Christmas" softly. "C'mon, little sister, you can do better than that." Loki joined her singing a bit louder. Her vocals along with his sliver vocals sounded amazingly magical. Their singing got the attention of several people. Maddie smiled as she saw the sight of the trickster god and her sister singing in perfect, yultide harmony.

"Roxy, that was amazing. Words cannot describe on how proud I am of both you and Loki." Some tears of joy ran down her face when she said that. She quickly wiped them away so they won't freeze on her face. It was the first time someone in her family said that they were actually proud of her. Who knew that it would come from her big sister. "C'mon, let's head to St. Mary's Hospital for Children. We still have to sing to those children who don't have the chance to spend the holidays with their families."

"Thank you so much for coming with me and my friends." Maddie said hugging the troublesome trio. "Same to you, Madeline. Now you and your sister know that I don't have a hatred for this Midgardian holiday." She wrapped her around his shoulder. "What did I tell you? Who in their right mind would hate Christmas?"

The troublesome trio began their journey to the hospital where the children, with their hearts aglow with Christmas cheer, love their yultide singing.

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