Christmas is in danger!

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"Aren't you too old to write letters to Santa Claus?" Asked Roxy. "Roxerella, you're never too old to write letters to a jolly fat guy who brings you presents." He replied adding more stuff to his list. "Right, why do I do even bother?" She gave him a sly smirk. "Besides, my list is longer than yours!" She said pulling out her Christmas list which was six pages long. "Well played, Roxy. Let's get these letters to Santa's Winter Wonderland to send them off to the North Pole!" Both of them ran to the mall to head to Santa's Winter Wonderland. "Looks like there's a short line." Said Roxy. Both of them gave each other dorky grins as they waited in line. "Next!" Deadpool sat on his lap. "What do you want for Christmas... young man?" He said a bit strained. "I want ninja stars, a big white fluffy unicorn with a rainbow mane, flash bangs... " some parents looked at her. "He's my partner." She simply stated.

Many, many items later...

"I also want a red foam middle finger, a selfie stick with studs, a bazooka that launches grenades and rocket missiles, a fanfiction writer who doesn't write cheesy stuff and stupid rhymes,"
"Wait what?"
"I also want a lifetime supply of tacos and chimichangas!" The girl dressed as a Christmas elf took the picture and told him to put the letter he wrote in the colorful mailbox decorated with tinsel and fake snow. It was Roxy's turn and she got her picture taken. "Do you really think I'll get all my stuff that's on my list?" She nodded to her somewhat mentally unstable partner.

"Holly, do you seriously think that the fate of Christmas will fall into the hands of them?"
"Easy, Frank. I have full confidence in those two and they are the only ones that are able to save Christmas from being ruined."

"I'm just saying, why ask for a big fluffy unicorn when you got like a bunch of other stuffed unicorns. For which, I don't understand why you have so many in the first place." He realized that he didn't tell her why he has a lot of unicorns. He whispered in her ear reason why. Her eyes widened with shock and disgust. Mostly disgust. "Are you fricken serious?! That's sick stuff, man!"

Roxy saw a short man and woman struggling to carry their wrapped presents. "So you need any help?" The woman nodded. "Yes, and you're such a kind young lady." Roxy got hold of some of the wrapped presents. "Do you want to come with me to get out of the cold."
"We would like that very much."

"Usually, not a lot of people would find it in their hearts to help out someone."
"I didn't get your names back there, I'm-"
"Roxy, nice to meet you and Wade." She got weirded out for a moment. "How do you know our names?"
"I'm Holly and this is my trusty partner, Frank and we need your help." Deadpool had one of his own Christmas chimichangas hanging out of his mouth. "Your help for what, exactly?" Frank handed them a gingerbread man. "A gingerbread man? Wade and I made plenty of those but thanks anyway." Holly shook her head and pressed the gumdrop button to reveal video footage. "As you and Wade can see, someone was able to find the workshop and destroy a year's worth of work on presents and attack any elves who interfered." He looked closer. "What the-?! Francis?!"
"So you know him?" He ripped of his mask with an angry look. "Know him?! He did this to me!" Frank and Holly screamed and threw up red and green sparkles. "I don't blame you guys, I kinda reacted the same way. Except I threw up a little in my mouth." She was shocked to see pointy ears and colorful outfits they were wearing. "You're both elves!" Holly gave the teenage sidekick a "No duh, Sherlock" look. "Yes, we're Santa's little helpers and we got both your letters."
'That was quick.' Roxy thought. Holly held the two envelopes. "I think I know an elf who can make a bazooka that launches grenades and rocket missiles. He can even add a chainsaw and some tear gas to it as well. Our point is that Christmas is in terrible danger and it's up to both of you to stop Francis from destroying it! Billions of children are counting you both." Roxy and Deadpool looked at each other for a moment and then to the elves. "When do we start?" Roxy and Deadpool were told of the plan and that when Christmas Eve comes, they head to the North Pole to take down Francis and save Christmas.

Up in the North Pole, far, far away from New York
Ajax begins his dasterdly work with the desire for Christmas to expire.

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