Hanging around Frozen Hollow

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Oliver was showing the troublesome trio around the town giving them brief information about how it was founded and whatnot. Roxy laid eyes on a tall Christmas tree in the square. "The Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center is bigger than this tree." He turned to the black haired teenager. "You noticed? Each year, the townsfolk of Frozen Hollow go out into the woods to pick out the town's Christmas tree." He explains. "You mean like the old fashioned way instead of a tree lot?" He nodded. "That and the nearest Christmas tree lot is like hundreds of miles away from here by sleigh, snowmobile even by a sled pulled by Alaskan Malamutes and that's a type of husky. Not to mention the snow storms making it dangerous for us. So we preferred to pick one out in the woods with the weather being fair." A snowball hit Loki on the back of his head. "I hit a reindeer!" He turned to see some kids. "I'll have you rotten brats know that I am in no way or form a reindeer." One of the boys said, "Your funny-looking hat makes you look like reindeer." This made him mad. Roxy threw a snowball at him. "Cool it Loki!"(A/N: Pun intended. 'Cause he's a frost giant.) "They're just kids. Leave 'em alone."

"I'm glad we're eating something that's not reindeer meat." Roxy looked at her food. "This isn't reindeer meat, right?" Oliver shook his head. "Just meatloaf that I learned how to make by my neighbor, Lisanna." Deadpool wolfed down the meatloaf. "You gotta get the recipe from this Lisanna chick."
Roxy was lying down on the sofa. "What's wrong? Are you contemplating on life again?" She raised a brow at her partner. "Can a titan recover after the nape of it's neck is cut off?" He shook his head. "Should we tell Oliver the real reason why we're heading to the North Pole?" He shrugged, "It's your choice, Roxzilla. If he makes fun of us, I'll either throw him in the nearest frozen fishing hole or feed him to that polar bear I wrestled two chapters ago." She laughed softly. "We need another way to get to the North Pole." He moved a loose strand of her black hair, "We'll find a way and I'm good at this kind of thing."

Roxy heard some noise. It sounded like children's voices. "Daddy, will Santa ever come to Frozen Hollow?"
"Of course, Sally. Why would you say such a thing?"
"One of the kids say that he doesn't believe that Santa exists."
"Sally, many people have their own opinions and I know for a fact that Santa Claus will come to Winter Hollow on Christmas Eve." Roxy felt upset knowing that little Sally's hopes and dreams and the hopes and dreams of billions of children are in their hands. "I won't let Francis destroy Christmas." Oliver turned to see Roxy near the door. "What did you say?" She gasped. "I can't hide the truth from him anymore." She said mentally. "This may sound insane but..."

One long explanation later...

"...and that's why we came all this way up here and met you." Oliver was beside himself. "Roxy,"
"I get it, you don't believe me and yoy have every right to call me and my friends crazy." He objected. "No, I don't think you guys are crazy." He looked to where Deadpool was. "Most of you." He corrected. "He's always like that." She countered. "Right, anyway, I think it's a brave thing for you to leave New York and head all the way to the North Pole." Roxy smile grew a bit. "You really think so?"
"Yeah, all those children are counting on not only you but your two friends also. I can tell that you don't want to let them down." She saw Sally approach her. "Sally, my partner and friend are gonna save Christmas and when we do, I'll tell Santa that a there's a sweet little girl in Frozen Hollow that believes in him." Her eyes lit up with joy. She held her pinky out. "That's a Christmas promise that I won't break." Sally's little pinky linked with Roxy's gloved one. "If you do see Santa," She handed her a little letter that was written in crayon, "can you please give him my letter?" She looked into the little girl's amethyst eyes saying, "I will." Roxy pulled her in for a hug. Little Sally didn't want to let go of the teenage sidekick.

Outside of Frozen Hollow
Francis hopes to finish off the troublesome trio for good
By leading them to their frozen doom.

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