Lost in the frozen wilderness

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Out in the frozen tundra, the troublesome trio continued their walk to the North Pole. "Do know what direction we're going in?" Deadpool looked at the compass then to his partner and Loki. "We're going the right way." Following his lead, they journeyed deeper into the tundra to find themselves lost. "We've been walking for hours." Roxy complained. "Are you even going in the right direction?" He turned to them saying, "Of course we are. We just need to to keep heading nouth and we're there." Both of them were confused. "Nouth? What kind of compass are you reading?" He handed her the compass. "This one." She took it from him. "That's south, we're going in the wrong the direction!" She was so mad that she threw snowballs and yelling every curse word known to mankind at him. Loki found it a bit humorous. "Reindeer head! Do something! Call her off!" He replied slyly, "She's your partner. I have no control over what she does."

4 hours later...

Roxy eventually calmed down and got tired from throwing snowballs and screaming at him. "Sorry, Wade. I lost my cool."
"It's okay. You were tired, hungry and looked liked you wanted to kill someone." He gave him a blank stare. "Let's just go before that really happens." Walking through the icy wasteland, they stopped to go over their plan again. "Here's how Wade and I see it," Roxy used a stick to draw out the plan. "When we get to the North Pole, we need a better and smarter tactic. Wade's plan was too straightforward and most likely to get us killed by Francis." The mentally unstable mercenary listened to his sidekick's plan. "Here's my plan for when we get there," She explained to them her own plan. "Once Francis is not looking, we use the element of surprise. Loki, you blast him with your scepter which will temporarily leave him dazed and confused and Wade jumps out and delivers the final blow." She said slamming her fist in the snow drawing of Francis. "Impressive but I see some flaws in your plan." Loki said taking the stick from her. "Your tactics are impressive yet, slightly weak." Loki showed her his own plan. "Nice, we'll go with this and my plan." Roxy said excitedly.

It was getting dark for them and some eskimo threatened them with a walrus tusk if they didn't get out of their igloo. They need a place to sleep for the night. As they walked, Roxy spotted a cave. "We can sleep in that cave!" The troublesome trio made it to the frozen cave where seemed like the perfect place to stay for the night. Deadpool built a fire with some sticks he found. They heard a growling noise. "Roxy was that your stomach?" She shook her head. The growling noise came back. "Deadpool, I do not wish to point out the obvious but there is a Polar bear behind you." He turned to see a big angry polar bear behind him bearing its razor sharp teeth. "Loki, you and Roxy get out of here while I take down the bear!" Roxy and Loki ran out of the cave.

"For you readers out there, it's best you look away from this. Things are about to get seriously ugly."

Roxy and Loki looked from the snow bank to find the polar bear running away from the icy cave. "Yeah you better run!" Roxy ran into his arms. "You wrestled that polar bear like it was nothing!"
"You know I did. Let's get back inside this cave."

"Look at us, in the cold, unforgiving, Canadian tundra traveling to the North Pole to save Christmas." Roxy fell asleep near the cave's entrance and was soon awoken to the beauty of the Northern Lights.

"Nature's light show and personal night lights just for me." Loki was asleep and Roxy decided to mess with him. "Loki, I can sleep." He turned to his side ignoring her. "Not my problem. Put yourself to sleep." She laid on his side childishly. "I can't the sky's awake so I'm awake. We must play." He wrapped himself more into his cape using it as a blanket in hopes of ignoring her. She went back to her spot and watched the aurora borealis in all its majesty producing an all natural light show until she let the tiredness take over her as she slowly fell asleep.

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