Meeting Wolverine

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In a living room where decorations were neatly placed, a young teenager who is about 13 walked in with an eager smile wearing a green sweater decoration eith jingle bells, tinsel and some small plastic ornaments sewn on met up with her parents. "Check out this ugly sweater I made in Home Ec class!" The woman, assuming that it's her mother looked at her with a very disapproving look. "Roxanne, that is very unbecoming and childish for a young lady your age." She frown as she looked down her hand-made sweater that she worked hard on. "I made it myself and I want to wear it for our Christmas party."
Her mother shook her head. "No, I don't approve of you wearing such a ridiculous sweater. What will everyone say when they see you in that thing?" She said sadly, "They'll think I'm not a proper young lady."
"Exactly, now take that thing off and wear your party dress. Our guests will be arriving soon." Another teenager who is about 17 wearing a cute, green frilly dress with a big green laced lined bow on her head looked to see her sister still wearing the sweater. "Don't be sad little sister, I think it looks great on you." She dried her sister's tears as she cried softly. "Maddie, why does mom hate everything I do?" She pulled her sister in for a hug. "She doesn't hate you, she's thinks you're different." Soft whimpers came from her younger sibling. "Roxy, never let anyone bring you down because you're different. Embrace who you are, Roxy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Her eyes slowly opened when she found herself near the fireplace with Loki sitting by her side. "You were shivering again." He simply stated. Deadpool took his place next to her near the fireplace. "You were talking in your sleep about your parents and you got cold again so Loki here brought you into his arms."

"I bet you readers find it cute to see my partner and him snuggling together by the fire. Can the author of this fanfic get any more cliché than usual."

"I just remembered something." Deadpool looked skeptical. "What?" She tried to sit herself up. Her lips were a slight blue from the recent cold spell she had. "I remembered last year. It's just another memory I had." For once, he was concerned about his sidekick's well being. "If you do remember something, it must be important." Roxy felt some chills run down her body and wound up in Loki's arms startling him. "Don't let her go, Reindeer head! She may need you for warmth." He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. Roxy snaked her way out of his grasp. "I'm ok guys, really, I am. I'm just a bit chilly." She said getting her black trench coat close to help her to get warm.

"Roxy, you're shivering." 16 year old Maddie saw her 12 year old sister shaking from the cold. "I'n okay Maddie. Really, I am." The winter wind blew past them making her shiver even more. "Oh my God, you're ice cold." Maddie placed her pastel pink faux fur lined trench coat on her little sister. "What about you? Aren't you gonna get cold?" She smiled tenderly and said, "I'm wearing another trench coat and extra warm sweaters." She fixed the red scarf on her sister.  "To make sure you're extra warm." She placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I think her color's coming back!" Deadpool said excitedly. She looked to see him by her side. She looked to find Loki with his helmet near the fireplace. "When I went to collect firewood, icicles started to form on my horns and I'm thawing it out." Wade gave her some tea he found in the kitchen. He hoped that if she drank something warm she'll recover from the cold she experienced. "I remember how Maddie gave me her trench coat to warm me up two years ago." Wade handed her more tea. "I'm no doctor but when you pass out or whatever you seem to trigger more flashbacks about past memories of your family. "You mentioned something about mom hating an ugly sweater you made a year ago and now you remember Maddie bundling you up two years ago." 

The door opened and the strong winter winds blew throughout the cabin when a creature covered in snow causing Roxy to have another cold spell. "It's the abominable snowman!" Loki facepalmed when Deadpool got a log and started bashing the snow covered creature. "Use your common sense, that cannot be the abominable snowman." He stopped bashing the creature's skull for a moment. "You're right, it can't be, it must a yeti!" He resumed bashing its skull with the log. It wasn't until then that the creature unsheathed razor sharp claws turning the log into splinters. "Wolverine?! I thought you were a yeti or an abominable snowman." He just growled at him. "Look bub, I don't know who those two are, and what the heck are you doing in my cabin?" He lowered Wolverine's adamantium laced claws and explained how they got here in the first place. "You just stole some placemat/kid's menu using it as a map to get to the North Pole?" Roxy nodded. "Before you slice and dice my partner like Edward Scissorhands, we're doing this for the sake of billions of children around the world." He was confused. "What?" Deadpool ran to her side. "She means to say that two elves from the North Pole sent the three of us on a quest to stop this @$$hat, Francis from offing Santa Claus and to save Christmas from being ruined for everyone." She nodded. "He ain't lying and we've traveled from New York to Buffalo on a cargo car of a train, snuck on some RV crossing the Canadian border into Niagara Falls where Wade stole a placemat/kid's menu from some diner there and used it as a map. We then got lost trudging through the blizzard of this tundra where I nearly froze to death and he found this cabin that he doesn't know it yours and both he and Loki helped me get warm." Roxy said summing it all up.
"Let me get this straight, you traveled from New York up to here in this frozen tundra just to find some figment of your imagination?" Deadpool stepped in, "Santa's not a figment of our imagination. He's real and we're going to the North Pole to stop Francis, rescue Santa and save Christmas! Think about the billions of children, Logan. The children are counting on us!" He cried dramatically. Wolverine sighed in defeat. "Fine, let's go, bub."

With Wolverine by their side
They continue their quest to the North Pole
Inside the Santa's workshop, dozens of elves battered and beaten by Francis' assault
Wish for the troublesome trio to come to their rescue.

"Now this is the part where the author leaves you readers in a cliffhanger until tomorrow's chapter. So now I want you readers to comment this story before I-"

"Hey! Who said you can jack my story?"

"Yo, author, how you doin'?"

"You can't just force my little Sailor Scouts to comment my story. It has to come from them."

"Wait, since when is this Sailor Moon?"

"It's just a name I gave my readers. Some of them seem to like it and Sailor Moon is my favorite anime."

"While we're here, can you please tell me what happens next?"

"Not a chance, wait until tomorrow."

"You're so mean, author! Can you at least give me a hint on what'll happen next?"

"Fine, let's just say they'll be snow, ice skating and probs a Stan Lee cameo."

"You're the best! See you tomorrow!"

That's right my little Sailor Scouts, tune in next time with Deadpool, Roxy, Loki and Wolverine go on this adventure to the North Pole and save Christmas!

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