Ugly Sweater Party Crashers

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The Dysfunctional Duo arrived at Avengers Tower for the party. "Is that a sweater or a Christmas tree?" Deadpool laughed at Roxy's insult. "That's a good one, Roxzilla." "My cousin made me this sweater." Agent Coulaon said dejectedly. "I pity your cousin." She looked around the scene decorated with tinsel in colors varying from red, gold, silver, icy blue even silvery white. Holly and mistletoe lined the walls and the sweet smells of peppermint along with gingerbread wafted across the tower. Along with some seasonal music softly playing. Loki was there because Thor practically begged for him to come with and Jane brought Darcy along so she could also keep him company and from destroying the earth. It was a win-win for both of them. "Reindeer Games is still sulking?" Thor nodded. "Hopefully, he'll perk up sooner or later." Darcy tried feeding him fruitcake. "C'mon try it. It's not poisoned and it's my own recipe too." The trickster god scoffed at the intern. "When you say it that way, I assumed it's poisoned."
"Jane said she and Thor liked it and didn't get food poisoning." Jane stepped in. "Last year, she nearly did after finding a "super special" recipe off the internet in a Chinese website."
"It's not my fault that it was written in Mandarin and mistranslated some of the ingredients." Darcy said defensively. "It was a miracle we weren't put in the hospital."

"I love the sugar cookies, maybe Loki will like some?" She went over to give him some. "I can see you're sulking a bit."
"I never wanted to come to this party in the first place. I only did to stop Thor from constantly pleading." She softly sighed. "Can I ask you a question?" He nodded, "What do you want to ask of me?"
"Why is it that you hate everything?" For once Loki was wide-eyed. "I do not hate everything, almost everything. I do like this Midgardian holdiay season. I find certain traditions peculiar like this party and I mortal families being happy together. I became a bit envious." He explains. She placed her hand on his. "You're not the only black sheep of the family. My parents treated me differently as well."
"Was it because they hid the real truth about yourself, why your parents favored your older sibling all thos-" He stopped at his tracks, "You do have an older sibling, do you not?" She nodded showing him a picture of her and Maddie taking a selfie. "Right, where was I?"
"The part where you said the my mom and dad liked Maddie more than me all those years."
"Right, or could it be that they could never have a misfit like you be an embarrassment to the family?" She gave him sad smile. "First of all Loki, I'm not adopted, second, my mom says that I should be more like Maddie and that last part, it's true they never wanted wanted a misfit like me to be an embarrassment to the family." She felt some tears well up. "All they care about is their stupid reputation! They'll never accepy me for who I am!" Loki understood where she was coming from except for the adopted part. He knew what is was like to be treated differently. "I don't need them and you don't. With Deadpool and Maddie, they're enough to be considered family to me." She said pulling him in for a hug. Deadpool spotted Roxy with Loki. "Roxzilla, you made a new friend!"
"CanLokispendChristmastimewithus?" She said too quickly. "Slow down a bit, Rox."
"Can Loki spend Christmastime with us?" She asked a bit slower this time.
"Sure, you two are alike, lonely, unique, unloving parents." Both of the scowled. "He can spend Christmas with us. No one should be lonely."

With Loki by their side
They continue to strive for a Christmas they won't forget and one without regret.

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