Chapter Six

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If Sidious remained in control of the Death Star, he would win and Klaus would lose. Darth Vader knew this. So as he once again left Padme in Idris with Klaus' guards, he led half of Klaus' army to attack the Jedi Temple. It reminded him of Order 66, when he and the Clone Army had destroyed the Jedi. Fortunately, this would be a far easier fight; easier than Order 66, but not without difficulties.

Most of the Jedi Temple was guarded by Stormtroopers, but Sidious had turned several of the old Jedi Temple Guardians into Sith. Here, they used the Dark Side and remained in charge. Vader doubted he could convince them to side with Klaus. For him, Klaus had saved Padme and because of that, he would betray Sidious and serve Klaus, who had done what Sidious could not. The new Sith Guardians, however, had no loyalty to Klaus and no reason to betray Sidious.

Jecht was a highly skilled martial artist and fire bender. Vader sensed he would at the very least be able to hold his own against one of the Sith Guardians. Likewise, Kaisu's magic would be overwhelming and quite surprising to the Sith.

Vader glanced at Jecht, on his left, and Kaisu, on his right. "Kill them quickly," Vader ordered them both. He lowered his hood, ignited his crimson lightsaber, and used the Force to shove the door to the archive room wide open. Most of the archives had been destroyed in Order 66, but a few remained.

Vader's yellow eyes slid up to the balcony overlooking the towering blue archives where one of the Guardians patrolled. "Lord Vader," the Guardian started. "Darth Sidious has not called you to return."

Vader extended his hand and gripped the Guardian's neck with the Force. The Guardian held his palm outward and the Force slammed against Vader, shoving him backward. "Go," he ordered Jecht and Kaisu. The two left the room just as Vader heard more sabers igniting behind them. He called upon the Dark Side of the Force and his anger and fury toward Sidious for his lies and shot Force lightning out of his fingertips.

The Guardian's lightsaber blocked it. While he was distracted, Vader leapt up onto the balcony and used his own lightsaber to attack the man in an overhead swing. The two battled back-and-forth but Vader, using the old Jedi fifth form of fighting, overcame the Guardian's defensive tactics.

Vader found an opening and took it. He stabbed his saber into the man's chest and he collapsed to the ground.

One more leapt from a doorway leading deeper into the upper section of the archives, twirling a double-bladed lightsaber. "How dare you betray Lord Sidious!" the man hissed.

Vader used the Dark Side to fuel his attacks.


While Vader led an attack on the Jedi Temple, Klaus' hybrids and benders had been sent to take the senate. Emperor Palpatine was currently onboard the Death Star, according to Klaus' Templar spies within the Emperor's ranks, so now was the perfect opportunity to strike.

None of the foolish, pompous senators of all alien races and species could resist Klaus' hybrids. He almost didn't need the benders, except for the sheer number of people in the senate that he had to control and hold hostage. A few had bodyguards with blasters and whatnot, but he had brought his Bounty Hunters and their starships along. The starships hovered in the airspace above the senate, ready to attack any incoming ships while his benders used their fire and earthbending to take control of the blasters and get rid of the bodyguards.

Klaus stood in one of the circular Senate seats that could float through the air. It was utterly fascinating, the technology that existed in some of the realms, such as the Star Wars one. "My name is Klaus and I am immortal and cannot be killed, so do not try. I'm here to take control of the senate from beneath Emperor Palpatine. You are all my hostages. Any of you who wish to turn into vampires may do so..." He held out his hand and bit into his own wrist.

Each seat in the senate had either one of his hybrids or a bender in it. His own senate seat floated through the air to meet a second that had an odd-looking green-skinned alien from something called the Trade Federation.

"Viceroy Gunray, isn't it?" Klaus smirked and shoved his wrist against the Viceroy's disgusting-looking mouth. As soon as Klaus' blood flowed down the alien's throat, he snapped his neck.

The other Trade Federation aliens all gasped and stepped back in shock, but Klaus' hybrid threw them to the floor of the senate seat. "In a moment, he will return a powerful being like me. A vampire. My hybrids have brought you plenty of humans for you to drink. Enjoy yourselves and this new life!" Klaus glanced at some of the other senate seats where humans were dragged through the doors to the rest of the senate-house. Most of them had been captured from various realms along the way and some of them were even captured right here in Coruscant.

"Anyone who doesn't turn will be used as food for the rest of us," Klaus added.

Taking the Jedi Temple and the Senate on Coruscant wasn't Klaus's only plan. No, he wanted the Death Star, but to do that, he had to lure it here with Sidious on board. From Vader's information, the Death Star had been designed not only to wipe out entire planets but to house millions of troops and get them from one place to another across the galaxy quickly. Sidious would bring it here and drop off Imperial troops to retake the Jedi Temple and the Senate. That would leave the Death Star more vulnerable, for Klaus, Vader, all of his blackmailed servants, Jace, the Endarkened, and Hijikata and the Furies to take it and kill Sidious once and for all.

Everything so far was going according to his plan. Sidious's troops would be in for a bloody surprise when they came to retake the senate.


Vader stood face-to-face with Lord Sidious, the man who had once been his Master. It reminded him so much of the fight against Obi-Wan on Mustafar. Just like Obi-Wan, Palpatine had once been his friend, who had eventually become his enemy. Obi-Wan had turned against him and betrayed him, even tried turning Padme against him and Sidious had given him false promises to save Padme from dying. In his timeline, Padme had died in childbirth, despite Sidious's empty promises. It was only thanks to Klaus that at least one version of his precious wife had lived.

Sidious sat on his throne atop a large staircase as he glared down at Klaus and Vader, who stood side by side.

"Your reign is at an end, Emperor Palpatine." Klaus smirked at him, calm and collected as he usually was. Then again, the Original Vampire was immortal and could not be killed.

Vader honed in on his rage and anger toward Sidious for his lies. It brought him closer to the Dark Side and increased his power.

"How dare you betray me, Lord Vader," Sidious hissed. "I am the only one who can give you the power you want."

Vader snarled at him. "The only power I wanted was to save Padme. You failed where Klaus succeeded."

"My mixed army has already taken the Death Star from you, Sidious." Klaus unsheathed a sword Vader had given him that he had gotten from the Jedi Temple. It was a blade with lightsaber-resistant metal. Klaus unsheathed it and held it out in front of him at the same moment that Vader tossed off his cloak.

It landed on the floor behind him with a slight ruffle. With eyes narrowed on them in hatred that felt heavy and weighted, Sidious stood to his feet and ignited his lightsaber. With a loud roar that penetrated the room, Sidious launched himself at Vader, who ignited his lightsaber and held it up in time to block.

Vader's aggressive fighting form worked well with Klaus'. Both men lunged at Sidious, jabbing toward his chest. Sidious easily blocked them, but Vader knew Klaus wanted to end this quickly.

Klaus used his vampire speed to dart around Sidious faster than Vader could see, but if he took time, he could still sense Klaus with the Force. No doubt Sidious did the same to continue to block Klaus' attacks.

Sidious' lightsaber met Klaus' and Vader's and as he held them off with his right hand, his left shot out. Force lightning consumed Klaus and Vader both.

Klaus and his immortal body paid it no mind. Vader was forced to leap backward and use his lightsaber to block it. Sidious cackled as Klaus swung at him but missed.

Sidious leapt backward, closer toward his throne, and dropped the force lightning. Just as Vader started to leap toward him, the elevator behind them opened with a hiss.

Vader whirled around to see Sidious's red-clad trained bodyguards. Four of them launched at Klaus, who took them out in a blur of movement while three more attacked Vader.

Vader met one's lightsaber pike and used the Force to throw him backward. As he fell to the floor, Vader stabbed his head and immediately slid in toward another's stomach. He whirled nun-chucks around and caught Vader's hilt, but he drew upon his anger and lifted the man up into the air by the neck with the Force. As he choked, Vader threw his lightsaber and guided it with the force to stab the final man. Using the Force, he broke this man's neck and glanced at Klaus.

Klaus pried apart the elevator doors with his hands with a wild curse.

"Where is he?" Vader asked, eyes sweeping around the room.

"He's escaped! After him!" he roared into his comlink.

The Death Star was theirs, but Sidious had escaped.


So far, Ahyra had not been able to free any of the prisoners. Klaus had shown up at the prison when she had tried and then he had brought the dementors. Ever since then, they had tormented the prisoners by stealing their happiness. It left a feeling of despair and misery in their wake, even for Ahyra who was one of the few people left to still guard the prison and the dementors and make sure everything worked properly.

All this despair is weighing on you, Ahyra, her bonded dragon, Dakyr whispered in their linked minds. Through the bond, they could feel each other's emotions and pain, which lately had worsened by the dementors' presence.

Ahyra leaned against the wall in the prison rec room for the guards with a weary sigh. Yes. With them around, I have no idea how to rescue Hera and the others, she thought back.

Suddenly, Dakyr's presence faded from her mind. It was as if he had suddenly vanished and had ceased to exist.

Dakyr? She mentally searched for him, prying and testing their bond, but the link was gone. Ahyra's heart raced and hammered in her chest and tears burned in her eyes.

She sprinted down the prison halls. Ashes and dust coated the air in waves so thick it made it hard to breathe. Each of the cells had been filled with prisoners, but now it seemed as if half of them were empty.

Even some of the dementors had vanished. As she darted outside and sprinted along the perimeter, searching for Dakyr, her eyes found her Direwolf pack.

Half of her wolves were missing.

"Guys? Wh—what's happening?" She said the question both inside her mind and outside of it, as her four remaining wolves sat on the ground and whined. Dust flew through the air and as she gazed across the prison grounds, she only saw half her raptor pack and one of her T-Rex's.

Wh—what was happening?


Kiara leaned against the wall, staring at the iron bars of her cell, trying to find a way for her and Hera to escape. Ahyra hadn't contacted them again, but with the dementors, Klaus had gotten as prison guards, their situation was hopeless...

It's the dementors and what they're doing to you, Kiara tried to remind herself. Don't give into it. But nothing she said worked.

"Zeb? Zeb?" In the cell next to her, Hera's voice rose in fear and panic. "Zeb!" Hera sobbed and cried out in pain.

Kiara darted up to the bars but all she could see was the prisoner in the cell across from her. The man eyed her as if he was in pain and then faded. His whole body turned into ashes right in front of her. She gasped and stared at him open-mouthed in shock. "Wh—what's going on?"

"Zeb.... Zeb's gone!" Hera cried out.


The Elves in Rivendell were certainly giving Damon, Bart, and Four a run for their money. They had been joined by Hijikata and the furies and it had taken them a few hours to take most of the place over. The Elves were faster and more nimble than humans, but not as quick as vampires and especially Bart.

Damon hadn't had a chance to rescue Elena and he mentally tortured himself for not rescuing her sooner and being so stupid as to fall for Katherine's plots again even when the witch wasn't around. He hated every minute of it, but for now, he still had to obey Klaus and his orders.

Damon zipped around and broke the neck of one female elf, glancing up in time just as a man sliced him with a sword, cursing at him in a strange language. They all appeared young and ageless, so he had no idea if the woman had been the man's wife, sister, or daughter. Trying to ignore the guilt in his chest, Damon plunged his hand inside the elf man's chest and ripped out his heart.

He glanced over at Four, who looked uncomfortable in his own skin as he snapped the neck of another elf higher up in the village. Beautiful waterfalls flowed down lush and green valleys. The Elves had a beautiful home, but now it would all belong to Klaus.

By the time Damon killed another three Elves and glanced back over at Four, the vampire Dauntless' man was gone, leaving ashes behind.

Damon frowned. "Fourless? Where'd you go?"

Bart stopped running and doubled over. "D—Damon? I—Something's not right." Bart groaned.

An Elf darted up behind him and stabbed a sword deep in Bart's chest.

"No!" Damon shouted as he darted over there. He snapped the Elf's neck and held Bart in his arms as the young teen collapsed. "Bart? Stay with me. You're gonna be fine, Speedy. Here." He bit his wrist and held it to Bart's mouth.

Bart's eyes widened.

Then his body turned to ashes in Damon's arms.


Kaisu and Kani sat in a vast chamber inside a house in Idris given to them by Klaus. They had helped him take The Death Star and had been given time to rest as other parts of Klaus' army were sent elsewhere. The house had once belonged to a prominent Shadowhunter family—before they had all been turned into Endarkened, anyway—but now it belonged as a headquarters to Shadow Blade until they took over and ruled Fiore in Klaus' name.

Suddenly, Kani collapsed onto the ground with a scream of pain. Kaisu leapt up and held his sister tightly. "Kani... what is happening to you?"

All around the room, some of the members of Shadow Blade were collapsing in pain too. Half knelt for the other half that was in pain.

Kani gasped, struggling to breathe as she reached up to hold her brother's hand. Kaisu clasped it as tightly as he could. "B—Brother..." Kani whispered.

He leaned down closer so he could hear her. "K—Kani?" For once, his voice broke.

"Wh—what Klaus is doing... is wrong." Kani gasped again and then met his gaze with intense crimson eyes. "It's wrong. Y—you have to stop this. We—we shouldn't kill or—or hurt others. Pr—promise me that y—you'll find a way..."

"Find a way to what?" Kaisu's eyes widened and a million emotions swarmed through him in that moment, for the first time in decades.

"...defeat him."

Kani exhaled and breathed her final breath.

For the first time since he was a child, Kaisu wept.


Laxus never thought he would face grief like losing Natsu or his grandfather again.

He was dead wrong.

As he held the ashes that had once been his sister in his hands, tears fell from Laxus' eyes like waterfalls that refused to stop. His entire family was dead. Gramps was dead. Fairy Tail was captured. They—they had nothing left.

He glanced over where Gajeel swallowed deeply at him. "D—do you think Levi—?" Gajeel choked. It was the first time Laxus had ever seen the Iron Dragon Slayer so vulnerable.

Laxus shook his head, still leaning his hands on his knees as his entire body trembled like a child. He felt like a child in that moment, one who was lost and alone with no one and nothing to turn to. "Wh—why? Why us? First Natsu and Gramps and n—now my sister?"

"We need to find out how the Guild is."

Laxus clenched his fists and lightning sparked inside them with fury in his eyes. "You know Klaus would never let us."

Gajeel snarled. "I never said we should ask him."


All of Klaus' witches were dead, which meant their witch magic left with them. No magic, no spell to hide the prison. Not to mention the loss of half of everything left Klaus' army in shambles—half the Endarkened, Furies, Bounty Hunter fleet, hybrids, vampire-benders, Dauntless-vampires, and even half the dementors were all gone. Vanished. Turned into ash by some mysterious spell or magic that Klaus had never heard about nor did he fully understand.

"What is this?" Klaus screamed. "What happened?"

Vader shook his head. "All I feel is a disturbance in the Force. I have no idea what happened."

With a wild outcry of rage, Klaus slammed his fist into the wall of his mansion in Idris, forming a gaping hole in the wall.

"I cannot lose the people I still have under my control," Klaus hissed. "Not with the loss of my armies, but now the prison is vulnerable without the spell to keep it safe."

Vader glanced at him. "The Death Star has shield generators on board. You could use one of those and install it around the prison."

Klaus met his gaze. "I leave that task to you, Vader. I'm going to discover what's going on."

Vader nodded and left the room.

A woman stumbled in it after Vader left, covered in blood. The smell wafted to him and it reminded Klaus of how long it had been since he'd last fed. "What is it? I don't have time for interruptions," Klaus snapped at her.

"Zira is dead. She—she vanished. Some of these wild monsters attacked the Pride Lands. We—what was left of our Pride fought them, but they tore the rest of us apart, and even as vampire-hybrids, we—we couldn't stop them," the woman said, panting roughly.

Klaus growled and snatched out his cell phone.

"Yeah," a wary voice answered.

"Jace? Lead the Endarkened to attack whatever monsters are attacking the Pride Lands. I need them in my control. Take Hijikata and the Furies with you and tell him it's my orders."

"What's going on, Klaus? Half of everyone disappeared! People I knew—"

"When it's time for you to know what's going on, you'll know! Until then, just know that I still have your parabatai and sister and I will kill them if you do not obey! Get it done!" Klaus screamed. He hung up the phone, breathing heavily.

How many of the prisoners died? How many of his blackmailed people would no longer obey him if they had nothing left to lose?

He had to find out what happened and if it could be changed. If he didn't, everything could be ruined.


Jace slammed his seraph blade Raviel into the chest of a fallen T-Rex. Even though half of the Endarkened disappeared, leaving more grief in Jace's already blackening heart, they still held their own against the dinosaurs that somehow still existed. In Mundane history, Jace had always known that dinosaurs had really once been a particular type of demon that had been wiped out years ago, but these really were just dinosaurs and far easier to kill.

Some of them, anyway.

In his grief, though, Jace craved the fight. His parabatai rune stayed strong, thus far, which meant Alec was still alive. Whatever had caused the Endarkened to disappear hadn't affected Alec and that was what mattered most to him. After losing Clary...

Losing Alec would kill him.

A raptor landed on Jace and plunged its long claw into his chest. His sword arm was pinned beneath its claws as it opened its jaws and went straight for his throat. Somehow, he managed to dodge his head to the side which caused the raptor to miss him, but it wouldn't take long to go for another attack on him.

He slipped his stele out of his pocket and managed to scribble a strength rune on his side. Just as the raptor clamped down its jaws on his shoulder, he shoved it off him. The movement tore its teeth through his skin.

Jace rolled to the side, picking up his seraph blade as he did, and plunged it deep in the raptor's neck. He traced an iraze on his arm and slowly, the wound on his shoulder and chest began to heal.

From what he counted, there were only about a dozen more dinosaurs left. As soon as they finished them off, the Pride Lands would be safe again.


Jecht wasn't entirely sure that this would end well for him. He had used one of the few starships remaining in Sidious's fleet—along with the Bounty Hunter who owned it—and flew to Westeros to King's Landing where Danerys would be. Klaus had ordered him to propose a marriage alliance with her, offering himself up to her. With Sidious fleeing, Klaus told Jecht that the first place he would go to would be Danerys' kingdom because she and her two dragons were the next most powerful protection Sidious had.

"The Dragon Queen will no doubt refuse you. She's prideful and doesn't see herself as needing help. According to the Templars left alive, one of Sidious's servants, Acnalogia, killed her dragon and she's been seeking revenge. For whatever reasons, she hasn't done it yet. Offer it to her," Klaus had told him.

Jecht's heart still filled with sorrow. He'd asked Klaus why half of the benders had all disappeared. Half of the people who had once lived normal lives and been completely innocent were now gone and Klaus could not tell him why. It broke his heart, but if he disobeyed Klaus, he knew the Original Vampire would slaughter the innocent prisoners from the Four Nations that he still imprisoned. They were human, many of them women and children. Jecht couldn't let them die, especially not now, after so many of their people had perished.

Having a wife had always been put on hold while Jecht spent his days fighting the Fire Nation. At the time, they were the only terror he believed existed. Then the Merge happened and Klaus had risen to power, along with dozens of other villains all across the realms.

Jecht didn't know this Queen Danerys but if marrying her would keep his people safe, then that was what he planned to do.

He just hoped that he could convince her to choose him.

Jecht had never really been as intimidated as he did at that moment when he stood before the Iron Throne where the white-haired dragon queen sat. Both of her dragons flew outside the windows, but hovered there, ready to burn Jecht if he tried anything.

He could firebend but had never seen dragons, let alone tried to bend their fire. In the Four Nations, the last of the dragons had all been killed.

"Who are you?" Daenerys asked, her voice certain and unwavering.

Jecht bowed before her. "Jecht. I'm a Firebender from the Four Nations, but I... work for Klaus." He almost choked on the word work.

Daenerys eyed the black dragon outside the window to Jecht's left. "Fire bend? What does this mean? I'm unfamiliar with the term."

Jecht nodded his head toward her black dragon. If he was going to get her to agree to marry him, he had to impress her.

Daenerys lifted a smooth eyebrow, but she met the dragon's intense gaze. "Dracarys."

Upon the foreign word, the dragon opened its mouth and out of it poured a wave of bright orange flame hotter than any fire Jecht had ever felt before. He slid both feet into a wide stance and, clenching his fists, and shifted the fire around him. As he twisted to the right, to face Danerys again, he used his hands to make the fire dance around the room, careful to keep it away from anyone or anything that could burn it. That was fairly easy in a room like this since most of it was made of stone.

As he brought his hands down, he made the fire completely disperse.

Daenerys and her guards stared at him, open-mouthed. "Fire bender," she repeated.

Jecht nodded.

Her eyes narrowed on him and in an instant, all her guards pointed spears at him.

"Why have you come here to my kingdom?" she demanded.

Jecht held out his hands in surrender, hoping they didn't realize he could create fire and burn them all if he wanted. In their culture, he hoped it was still a sign of surrender and submission. "Klaus, I believe you met him in the negotiations days ago, has a proposal for you."

Daenerys threw her head back and laughed. "The vampire wants to marry me?"

Jecht shook his head. "No. I will marry you, Queen Danerys, should you accept. I know that you want revenge for the death of your child." He worded his sentence very carefully. Klaus had told him that Dany saw her dragons as her children, so when Acnalogia had killed one, it felt as if she had lost a child. He could not imagine her grief or pain.

Daenerys stood from her throne and walked over to him slowly and carefully. Somehow, that was more intimidating than anything else. Her guards still aimed their spears at him, ready to defend her at a moment's notice. She didn't stop until she was face to face with him. "What do you know of this?"

"Klaus likes knowing a lot of things. One of his spies found out what Acnalogia did to you. I am so sorry, Danerys."

Her glare on him felt as intense as a burning flame. "Do not use my child's death as a way to give me pity in hopes I will accept."

Jecht shook his head. "I'm not. I—I have seen a lot of death, Queen Danerys. I—I want it to stop." At that moment, he forgot his mission to marry her. Grief consumed him and weighed heavily upon his heart.

Whatever he said seemed to calm her down. She relaxed but still stayed where she was in front of him. He only stood a few inches above her, which was surprising; most everyone was far shorter than he was. "I see the grief in your eyes, Jecht. Tell me, if you know of Acnalogia, then you must also know of his power. You can bend fire, but what good will that do against his energy? His power is unlike anything in this universe."

Jecht eyed her. "There are many things in this universe that you and I don't fully understand, my Queen."

Daenerys pursed her lips. "I have been deceived too many times, Jecht. I will only marry you after you defeat Acnalogia. If such a thing is even possible."


It was hard to concentrate on his mission when all Kanan could sense was the horrid, empty void left behind in the Force. It flickered and wavered and brought him such weight, Kanan wasn't sure how much longer he could handle feeling it. Trillions of lives, gone in an instant. He had never been able to sense that many people at once, but as half of everyone around him in Idris had faded, he had felt the trillions of others who had disappeared all at once.

Klaus never gave him an answer, just a reassurance that Hera was still alive but that she would not remain that way if he didn't immediately succeed at the next mission Klaus sent him on.

Klaus seemed angry that all of his witches had disappeared. It left him without magic, but Darth Vader seemed to be filling in the voids. From what Kanan overheard, Vader already had a shield generator installed around the prison to replace the witch spell that kept out anyone who Klaus didn't want there. It made Kanan feel even more hopeless than before; if he was going to somehow rescue Hera, now he'd have to find a way to shut the shield generator down. Except that it was on the inside of the prison, where no one but Klaus' inside man could get to.

Without the witch spells, Klaus wasn't able to have them cast a spell to change Kanan's appearance. Instead, Vader told him of technology within the Jedi Temple that had allowed them to do it on a few covert missions during the Clone Wars. It was the last thing Kanan wanted to do, especially when he found out he would be impersonating the Mandalorian Leader of a clan on a moon in the Outer Rim somewhere.

All that did was remind Kanan of Sabine and how he had failed her. Now, as he stood in front of the ship's exit after landing on the moon, Kanan struggled to forget his grief that made his heart feel heavy.

The pain and throbbing of his face after being poked and prodded by the needles of the machine had finally dulled. He kept touching his face to feel the difference, wishing he could see it for himself. So far, his cheekbones felt thicker and his hair had been buzzed. He had hoped his eyes would no longer be blind but even though they apparently looked normal, he still couldn't see.

"What took you so long, Larke?" a female Mandalorian snapped. She wore traditional Mandalorian armor from what he could sense and had her hands on her blaster.

On the way here, Kanan had used a droid onboard the ship, to describe Larke's movements to him from a hologram. Without being able to see, and since he couldn't sense holograms with the Force, not enough to see specific details of them, it was the only way he had been able to study Larke's mannerisms.

Kanan crackled his knuckles, something Larke often did as he strode down the ramp onto the dirt of the moon below him. Even here, the Force flickered and it felt as if half of all life no longer existed. "Had a bit of trouble getting through. Sorry."

The woman shook her head. "We've lost a lot of people, Larke. Your clan needs you."

Kanan's job would be to convince the Mandalorians to side with Klaus. At the time, he had no idea how he would do that, but as he sensed just how many Mandalorian lives had also been lost in the strange event, he realized convincing them to side with Klaus would be easy since it was their only way to survive.

The Force didn't feel the same, not after whatever event had caused the universe itself to shatter. What had happened?

Was Hera really okay? Not knowing haunted him more than anything else.

Concentrate on doing this for Klaus, Kanan mentally reminded himself. Then you can ask to see Hera, to make sure she and Zeb are safe.

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