Chapter 10

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Lucas Handler

Ever since I found out about the merger, I haven't been able to get a break from Talia mentally. It's like even when she's not with me, she finds ways to take up residence in my mind. She's starting to feel like an annoying fly that I just can't get rid of. That makes it all the more exciting to go on a date with the gorgeous blonde I've been texting on and off with. It's a perfect way to get my mind off of work and the woman that's driving me insane.

I don't have time for dates typically, but I still make it a point to go out now and then. Things often never turn serious but I'm okay with that. While I'm open to meeting the one, or whatever my mom opines about, the women I attract never can keep up a half-decent conversation. The number of times I go on a date thinking something could happen, and then come to find out the woman thinks stock options means chicken or vegetable, is too many to count.

Tiffany seems different though. Although she's much younger and in a completely different sphere career-wise as an Instagram influencer, she's very knowledgeable and passionate about animal rights and the environment. I admire people who are passionate about their work and care deeply about the world and those around them. Plus, I can't discount it, she's a stunning woman.

As I continue to get ready for my date, Talia buzzes her way back to the forefront of my thoughts. She's someone who's very passionate about her career and seems like a good leader based on what I witnessed at McAvoy earlier today. While she's tough with her employees, she cares about their successes.

An ache brews in my head every time I think about the conversation we had in my office. I can't imagine what she must have faced to get to where she is and wonder if she ever enjoys life. How could she, with that hanging over her head all the time? I can't figure her out and that irks me. I pride myself on being a good people person and knowing exactly what's on someone's mind. But Talia is an enigma. She makes about as much sense as rain on a sunny day.

I smile thinking about how we argued again in her office after sharing the news with her employees. Apparently, I spoke way too much in the second announcement and didn't hold up my end of the deal. I chuckle and grab my keys. That woman would be unhappy with me no matter what I did. I'd say I did a pretty good job keeping my words to a minimum.

Okay, stop thinking about her, Lucas! Think about Tiffany!

The drive to Medici Italiana is short. I've never eaten here before but I heard great things. As soon as I step through the door, I can see exactly why it's the talk of the town. Burgundy, dark wood, and low lighting paint my vision. Ornate chandeliers hang throughout the space and it looks like the setting of one of those paintings you see at a European museum. Chatter fills the air and the aromas of pasta fill my nostrils as I check in with the host and make my way to my seat. And soon after, Tiffany arrives looking like a model stepping out of a magazine.

The petite, blue-eyed blonde is wearing a short, pink-ish dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. Her wide smile bares all of her pearly whites. "I'm so glad we're finally meeting," she says in her baby-doll-like voice that I've only heard once before.

"Same here. You look amazing, by the way," I say as I sit back down after greeting her and letting my gaze sweep over her.

A tinge of pink emerges over her cheeks. "Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself."

A warmness flows through me. I need this date after the week I've been having.

The conversation with Tiffany starts fine. I ask about some of her work she's involved in and she goes in depth about a recent protest for animal testing she organized. And then, after some lengthy discussion about lions, she asks about my work. It doesn't seem like we have too much in common but thankfully she knows what stocks are and the flirting isn't half bad.

While conversation is easy to carry, the thing that bothers me the most is every so often as we're talking, my mind wanders back to Talia. God, what is with me and that woman? Stop thinking about her. Just enjoy your night!

"Here you are," their server says as he places our vegan cheese appetizer on the table before us.

As soon as I look up to thank the server, a figure near the entrance catches my gaze. My mind is definitely playing tricks on me as the stunning woman who grabbed my attention looks almost exactly like Talia. The woman is wearing a sexy-as-hell dark blue dress and I can't get my eyes off of her. My stomach does some weird somersault thing and for a moment, I forget where I am.

"Everything, alright?" Tiffany asks sweetly, pulling me from the dangerous and perverted thoughts I'm about to have.

I clear my throat, glancing between Tiffany and The Talia Twin, who has captured the attention of every man in the room. That can't be Talia. "Um, uh, yeah all good. Sorry, I just thought I saw someone I know."

Tiffany looks behind her, and for a moment her and I are both staring at the woman. Talia's Doppelganger's smile is wide and she laughs at something the man on her arm is saying. Then, as if I call out to her from across the room, her chestnut eyes turn and lock with mine. The simple move forces a surge of heat to go through my stomach and a prickly sensation to cover my skin. Fuck, me. That is Talia.

I quickly turn to face Tiffany who is serving herself some of the dish. "So, do you like cheese?" I barely hear anything of what I said or Tiffany's response. My peripherals are alerting me that Talia and the man she's with are walking toward us. I shift in my seat and pretend to be engaged in what Tiffany is saying about cheese. What in the hell coincidence is this?

"Lucas, what a surprise to see you here." Talia smiles coyly as she towers over our table. Up close, I see just how much the dress suits her. I need to mentally force myself not to stare at the side boob her deep V-neck is proudly showcasing for the world to see. Don't look. Don't you dare look down, Lucas.

"Talia. What a coincidence," I say before briefly looking down at her chest that holds a long sparkling necklace between her smooth breasts. Shit. I clear my throat and lean back with a forced smile. "Some might say creepy stalker-like behavior but we can file the restraining order some other time."

Without even missing a beat Talia turns to my date. "You must be Tiffany. I've heard so much about you. You've made quite the impression on Lucas here," she says as she stretches out her hand.

What the fuck? I mentally run through who I told about my date and who I potentially need to fire. How the hell does Talia know about Tiffany? Maybe she planted some sort of bug in my office or on my phone?

Before Talia can get another word in, I lift my hand to the man standing next to her, who's in a sharp, well-tailored suit and oozes fine-dining royalty. "Lucas. A pleasure to meet you. You are?"

The man is about to speak, but Talia jumps in for him. "This is Matteo. He owns this restaurant and is one of McAvoy's clients," she says as she places her hand on his shoulder affectionately.

Are they dating?

I nod and smile at the short man who looks like a pizza box art cartoon. "Oh, I'm very pleased to meet you, actually. I would love to connect as now-"

"Well, we must be off. We can talk about business some other time. Matteo and I need to catch up." Talia smiles and turns around with Matteo on her arm.

"It's nice to meet you," Matteo says in his thick Italian accent over his shoulder as Talia begins dragging him in the literal sense across the room.

What is she playing at? I scrunch my nose. I'm not going to squirm. Whatever she's planning, bring it on. A small part of me is excited to find out what she cooked up this time.

"Excuse me, miss?" Our server stops by and faces Tiffany, carrying a mid-sized wrapped box under his arm. "This just came in for you. A special delivery." The server gives me a knowing smile.

Oh, shit. I completely forgot. It slipped my mind that I asked Ethan to get a gift for Tiffany. I always like for the gifts I shower women to be a surprise. But they often ended up being a surprise to me too.

"What? Me?" Tiffany beams and I mirror her expression, now curious as to what Ethan had bought.

Tiffany grabs the box and with the excitement of a kid on their birthday, tears through the gold wrapping paper. A white box with gold etchings of 'Spice Factor' across the top is revealed and Tiffany's eyes widen. "Spice Factor? Lucas, that's a bit forward," she whispers before smiling widely again. "I hope it's appropriate for me to open up at a restaurant."

What's Spice Factor? Oh God, Ethan what did you get? I maintain my smile and scratch the back of my head. "Um, yeah, should be fine. Go ahead and open it," I say despite my nerves telling me otherwise.

As soon as she opens the box, her face pales and I instantly know. This has nothing to do with Ethan and everything to do with Talia.

"What the fuck is this?" Tiffany seethes.

"What? Is it nice?" I say as I tug on my collar to allow a draft through. I grab my glass of water and take a sip.

"An animal fur bikini set made with real animal fur? Is this a fucking joke?" Tiffany's voice rises and alerts some of the guests at nearby tables.

And like a fucking movie moment, the water I just took a sip of sprays out of my mouth and all over Tiffany. My eyes grow wide. For a moment, we're both sitting in shock. And then when my brain begins to process it, I start laughing. Hard. My inner voice is telling me to pipe down immediately. A reddened, water-misted woman who's turning even redder by the second is not amused in the slightest. But, my funny bone is producing an even louder voice in my head - Talia's fucking hilarious.

I grab my napkin and try wiping down Tiffany's face but she just jerks her head back. "Sorry, sorry, yes, it's a joke," I say in between laughs before busting out laughing again and asking to see the bikini.

"You're fucking disgusting." Tiffany grabs her glass of white wine and splashes it on my face before storming out of the restaurant.

Thankfully, I avoided getting any in my eyes, but my shirt and suit aren't so lucky. I grab my napkin and begin wiping myself down, while still smiling. I completely underestimated Talia. I glance up to see her seated, sipping a glass of red wine, with a wide victorious smile plastered across her face.

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