Chapter 23

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Lucas Handler

The finance lesson turned out to be just as much fun as the dance lesson. Plus, I didn't have to feel like an idiot during it. Finance is my wheelhouse whereas dancing is Ninth Grade Breakdance Phase Lucas' wheelhouse. Maybe I should have tried the worm? That impressed the girls at prom all those years ago.

Even though I sucked at dancing, I sure as hell didn't mind the cute grins and laughter coming out of Talia. She grew more visibly relaxed as the dance practice went on and little sparks of joy shot off every time she'd lean into my arms.

While the finance lesson unfortunately had a lot less physical touching, it was a dance in its own way. When one of us led a move, the other would follow suit and add their own spin to it and vice versa. Talia started with the six steps to building wealth and I added examples and testimonies of friends who, for example, had gotten out of debt or were able to maximize their investments.

Some of the girls shared more about their upbringing and the challenges they had to go through in life financially, which honestly took me aback. I've never seen a group this size talk so openly and honestly about their struggles in life to each other. I've also never seen a group of adults this size know so little about finance and managing their money.

There were points in the conversation where I felt guilty. Guilty for growing up wealthy, clearly seeing the next step in life, and being able to align myself to take that step with confidence. Yet, for most of these women, it's as if the lights are out and they can't find the stairs. Maybe some would take the next step by chance. But others might soon fall smack down on their face if they don't manage to find a way to turn the light on quickly. Why do we live in a society that doesn't teach this stuff to everyone? It always baffled me, but now, after hearing these women speak, it's even more baffling.

Getting into finance was an easy option for me. My dad founded the company when I was young and it was a no-brainer to follow in his footsteps. And when I got older, I started to enjoy the amount of power and clout that came with being in the industry. Plus, when I'm able to work hard and implement strategy without my dad's micromanaging, the results always made it worth it. That feeling when you work until your fingers are about to fall off, and then see one comma on the balance sheet turn into two and then three is addictive, to say the least.

The girls disperse after the lesson ends. I stay to discuss the session with Talia, and we talk for a while about what resonated the most with the girls and joke about how Maria needs to learn how to use a filter.

"By the way, thanks for doing this. I know you didn't have to, and it means a lot to," Talia pauses before adding, "the girls."

I nod and a smile tugs at my lips. "Why do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"These lessons outside of work."

Her mouth moves to the side before she speaks. "These girls are like family to me. We've been together for a couple of years now, and that's just how it's been. When someone needs help, we just help, no questions asked. Plus, I wasn't really around many girls growing up. It was just my dad and two brothers. So they're like the sisters I never had."

"That's pretty cool, Talia." I pause before doling out a teasing grin. "Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous and may need to start my own dance group now. I grew up an only child."

"You're going to try and compete with me in everything aren't you?" she fires back playfully.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. By the way, what are the prizes for the showcases?" I lace the last part in heavy sarcasm.

She lets out an audible laugh and I can't contain the wide smile on my mouth. "It's not a pair of golf clubs." Her head tilts as she crosses her arms. I force myself not to glance at the cleavage the action pushes up.

"Ahh bummer." After a moment of just standing there, grinning at each other, I clear my throat. "Anyways, I should hit the showers."

She nods before I quickly grab my gym bag and wave her goodbye. My heart aches leaving her standing there in the studio. While I want to spend as much time with her as I can, I have to play this right. She sees our time together as just some fun, and I need to keep things cool until she hopefully realizes that she has real feelings for me too. God, all I want is to pick her up and take her back to my place so I can study every inch of her. When we danced together, I had to mentally restrain my hands from grazing over her tits peeping out of the light pink sports bra she's wearing.

Fuck, good thing I'm heading into the shower.

The men's locker room is mostly deserted except for a guy about to get into one of the two shower stalls. The studio is attached to a very small gym that looks like it doesn't get much foot traffic, so it makes sense there's hardly anyone in the locker room.

After stripping down, I stride over to the last available stall. Sounds of the locker room door opening and closing travel to my ears from behind just before I step into the shower stall. I turn the knob and let the stream of water caress through my hair and down my body.

My dick springs to life when my mind reels through images of Talia dancing in her tight black leggings and pink sports bra. The outline of her round ass. The swell of her breasts. Damn. How long can I keep myself from fucking her brains out?

A light pitter-patter of footsteps approaches my stall and I furrow my brows as I face the wall and apply some shampoo. Is the guy going to wait right in front of my shower until I'm done? I turn around to face the foggy opaque door. "Holy shit!" I stagger back, my heart rate going through the roof when I see her.

Talia slides herself in wearing nothing but a towel around her body. She smirks as she slowly unwraps her towel in the space in front of me and throws it over the shower door.

"You alright, man?" the guy in the other shower stall yells out over the sounds of rushing water.

Boobs. That's all I'm glued to - Talia's boobs. Goosebumps run visibly along her skin as she stands before me. Her brownish-pink nipples perk like they're asking to be bitten. I tear my gaze to her face. The sultry look in her eyes causes my already hard dick to reach brick status. "Uh, um. Sorry, yeah, dude. Just thought I, um, saw a spider," I manage to say as my gaze shifts over every inch of her body.

The other guy simply humphs in response, while I continue to stare at Talia. She crosses her arms in front of her, pushing her boobs out even more. My eyes nearly pop out of my skull as I quickly move soap from my hair out of my face.

She mouths, "So, can I join or what?" while waving her index finger between us.

My plan of keeping things cool is backfiring. A completely naked Talia circles my resolve right down the drain under my feet. There is no such thing as keeping things cool when it comes to her. She's as blazing as the sun. I grab her hand wordlessly and lead her under the stream of water. For a moment, we just stand, quietly staring at each other. Talia is always in the mood to challenge me. Her smirk is saying loud and clear, "I can stay quiet, can you?"

Without wasting another second, I grab the back of her head and land my lips on hers. The water is loud enough to drown out the sounds of our hungry lips moving together. Our bodies press against each other causing my temperature to spike. Her breasts squash against my chest as our hands roam each other's backs. Water trickling in between our connected lips creates an even smoother sensation against me. If we flip back to Smooth in our dictionary, we'd find an amendment: Talia's lips in the shower.

We shift our bodies, fighting for dominance in the small confined space while trying to stay quiet. Thankfully, since I'm physically stronger than her, I have no issues grabbing her hands and holding them tightly up above her head against the tiled wall opposite the door.

She puts up a cute fight at first but stops fidgeting when I dip down and take in her nipple with my mouth. Fuck, her tits are amazing. Shivers run down her body as I bite. I alternate between biting and sucking and Talia squirms against me, her hands still firmly placed under my control. Then, I swiftly move to the other breast to replicate the action and give it the attention it also needs. After all, I'm never one to discriminate.

She lets out a moan, and my lips quickly break from her breast. Her eyes flutter open questioningly and I shake my head with mock reprimand, indicating she needs to stay quiet.

In true Talia fashion, she squints challengingly before yelling out in a deep, manly voice, "Oh my God! Another spider! I'm scared! Please come help me!"

I quickly unpin her wrists above her and smack a hand over her mouth to stop whatever else is going to come out. She jerks to break free as I try as best I can to contain my laughter. The sound of rushing water stops in the stall next to us, and we both freeze, breathing hard. "Uh, hey man. I'm not really into that sort of stuff. Anyways, good luck."

My eyes remain locked on Talia's big brown ones and silent laughs begin racking our bodies. I bring one hand up to my face and lift an index finger to tell her to keep quiet.

When she nods, I slowly lift the hand that's pressed against her face. Yet, just as my hand moves to her shoulder, she yells out again in a manly voice, "All good, man! Maybe next ti-"

I muffle the rest of the sentence with my lips on hers. I knew I shouldn't have trusted this little firecracker. Our lips move with urgency. I'm going to fuck this woman. I just need to get her as ready as possible and wait until it's just us in the locker room so I can hear her screams of pleasure.

I push her off of me, pausing a moment as quick feet shuffling and zippers on bags sound through the space. As soon as the locker room door opens and closes, I slam into her body causing her back to collide with the side glass of the stall. She moans loudly through our increasingly intensifying kisses. Our tongues fight against each other as Talia pushes my body to the other side of the stall, my back hitting the glass with a loud thud. I groan in her ear as my fingers slide down her body toward the spot that will melt her like putty in my hands.

This is another type of dance. And one that I have every intention of leading.

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