Chapter 34

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Twenty Minutes Earlier

Lucas Handler

"Bye, Lucas. Have fun figuring this one out," Talia says before disappearing into the nightclub.

I laugh and shake my head. I should've known that the deal I made with her was going to come back to bite me in the ass. But why didn't my name end up on the list? Talia looked just as confused as I was.

Images of the way Derek looked at Talia earlier surface and then the answer hits me. That fucker better not touch her.

I quickly turn to the bouncer again. "Hey, man. I know Derek and Tucker. They forgot to add my name."

"Right, that's what they all say."

A sigh leaves me as I grab my wallet. I pull out all the cash I have. "I'll give you five hundred dollars if you let me in."

The bouncer glances at his clipboard and nods. "Would you look at that? Looks like I missed your name. Go on in."

Money makes the fuckin' world go 'round. I shake the man's hand, leaving the cash in it before making my way to the entrance. The reverberation of the bass echoes through my body as I step into the large party. I glance around and instantly spot Talia not that far ahead of me, looking for Tucker.

I'm about to go up to her, but stop. What will she do without me? Does she even need me?

Talia's independence simultaneously turns me on and annoys me. While I love how she carries herself, I also hunger to take care of her. I got a taste of her dependence on me when we were on the jet and the turbulence forced her into my arms. Or when we played golf, and she listened to my words of instruction. But I want more. Now seeing her on her own makes me want to see if it's even possible for her to need me again.

I follow her through the crowds, making sure to stay hidden while also being close by just in case. Once she stops, I stop and glance toward where she's looking - Tucker seated on one of the balconies. As Talia makes her way up, I continue to follow. I settle at the side of the bar, facing their seating area but still hidden, and order a whisky as I watch the sexiest woman in the world go to work. Fuck, I can't wait to rip that dress off of her.

Talia's smile is like a glow of light in the dark club. Damn, how could anyone say no to her?

A moment later, I frown witnessing Derek approaching her and placing a hand on her back. And when Derek proceeds to fucking kiss her on the cheek, I jump from my seat. Derek, you fuckhead, she's mine.

I'm about to march over there but pause when Talia steps back from Derek and Tucker's body language changes abruptly. What's happening? I swiftly move closer to see better while remaining hidden.

Tucker not-so-subtly eyes a young, female server, who looks to be his age. The kid puffs out his chest when he stands up before following Talia and Derek. Interesting.

The wheels in my mind turn, spinning a new idea into place. It's a long shot, but based on the wins I've had all day, I have to at least give it a try. I make my way over to the server who looks like she doesn't belong in a club, with her minimal makeup and low, slightly disheveled ponytail.

"Hey, excuse me, miss?"

She turns around and nods, likely thinking I'm about to put in a drink order.

"Do you know that man?" I ask while pointing to Tucker who now is sitting in front of Talia at the last set of couches.

The young woman glances behind her for a moment before turning back to me with raised brows. "Who? Tucker?"


Her cheeks grow red instantly, from what I can tell in the dim lighting of the club. "Oh, um, yes. I do know him. We went to junior high together."

Interesting. "Did you guys happen to date?"

She giggles before shaking her head. "No, um, we didn't. He never liked me like that. We were just really good friends and then we lost touch after we ended up going to different high schools. He probably doesn't even remember me." She pauses and glances back at Tucker before continuing. "He didn't say hi when I stopped by his table to see if he did."

Sweetheart, he's in love with you. "What if I told you he does like you and he wants to date you?" I'm playing with fire, but no risk, no reward.

Her eyes grow wide and she tucks her lips in briefly. "Wh-what? No, he doesn't."

I nod. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he does." I hope.

"B-but, it looked like he was pretty comfortable with all those women around him. Even if I was interested, I wouldn't stand a chance against them. They're all so beautiful."

I glance up and can see from the faces of Talia and Tucker that things aren't going well. I turn back to the server. "Listen, I don't have too much time, but I really think he does like you and he's just trying to impress you. Last question before I run, which do you think is better, cryptocurrency or stocks?"

"Wh-What?" She furrows her brows.

"So sorry, this is really urgent and I need you to answer."

"Um, uh, I'm thinking crypto, but-"

Oh, my God. What is it with this generation? "But?"

"I'd have to say stocks. At least that's what my dad would say and I always trust my dad."

Thank God! "Thank you. You'll be hearing from Tucker very soon."

The valley in between the girl's eyebrows deepens as I leave her standing there. I quickly make my way over to Tucker who is now walking with a frown back to his seat. "Hey, Tucker, good to see you! Happy birthday!"

Tucker raises his hands in front of him when his eyes meet mine. "Oh, my God. Just stop! I don't want to sign with you guys, okay?"

"Woah, woah, buddy. I'm not here to talk shop. I was just talking to that young woman over there," I point to the server still standing where I left her, "the one serving drinks, and heard some pretty interesting things about you."

Tucker freezes and his eyes bulge. He quickly turns to me and bites his top lip. "What? What did she say? Does she remember me? Shit, it's been so long, maybe she forgot about me."

I smile. "She remembers you, buddy. We just had a chat about all those fun times you guys used to have in junior high and how she misses you."

"She said that? She said she misses me?"

"She didn't have to. I could tell by the way she was looking at you."

Tucker shakes his head. "She didn't say hi when she came by though."

I barely hold in a laugh. "I think you should go talk to her. She's shy and a bit intimidated by all of this," I gesture to the party raging below us, "and the women around you. Plus, she misses you."

A far-off look paints Tucker's face and he smiles. "Well, shit. Thanks, man. I appreciate it."

"I'm happy to help any time. See you later," I say before moving to turn around. My stomach twists when I see Derek leaning in close to Talia across the room. Does he want to sit on her fucking lap?

"Wait, that's it?" Tucker calls back to me.

I face the kid again. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the things your coworker said were pretty good even if I didn't want to hear about it and now you're helping me out. Aren't you going to try to, I don't know, close the deal now?"

I shrug. "Seems like you've already made up your mind and we can't force you to do something you don't want to do, no matter how much we care." I cringe internally at the last part. I'm pushing it.

But Tucker doesn't seem to notice and simply nods pensively. "Thanks, man. See ya."

"All good," I respond before turning my attention back to the situation happening behind me - Derek leaning in even closer and reaching up to touch Talia's hair. Oh, fuck no.

I swiftly reach Talia and call out loudly over the music. "There you are, baby. I've been looking everywhere for you."

Her head swivels up toward me and her eyes grow wide for just a moment before her body visibly relaxes, as if she's relieved I'm there. It's so adorable I can't help myself - I lean down, placing my hands on the sides of her face and my lips on hers. She stills briefly before softening against me. Her lips taste like cherry and they light fireworks off throughout my body. For a split second, I wonder if we can do this all night, but with the way blood is starting to fill my dick, I have to pull away.

Talia's eyes flutter open and she licks her lips as if she wants to continue tasting me.

Fuck, baby, I want to taste you on this couch.

"Everything okay?" I ask as I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me.

"Hey, Lucas. Good to see you man, glad you could make it!" Derek says as he shifts in his seat.

"Yeah, I'm glad I could make it too. My name wasn't on the list so I had to pay to get in."

"No? Oh, sorry about that. Must have slipped my mind."

"All good. I can send over the bill to cover if that's good with you?"

Derek squints before standing up. "Yep. All good. Anyways, good luck with everything, and sorry Tucker wasn't interested."

"Yeah, too bad," I respond before Derek turns around and leaves. "Fucker," I whisper under my breath.

Talia laughs and turns in my arms while I pull her closer and place a kiss on her neck. She melts against me, before leaning back and looking up at me with her wide chestnut eyes. "Lucas, I fucked it. We lost the account. I'm so sorry. I fucked things with Tucker and now he wants nothing to do with us. It'd take a miracle to get him to sign with us. You should've been with me. I'm so sorry I left you out there. I thought I could do it."

My heart soars above the clouds and into a heavenly realm. I shake my head and place my hands on the sides of her face. "Tal, you didn't mess anything up."

"Wh-what?" Her brow creases even more.

"We did it. We got Tucker."

She leans back and her head moves out of my hands. "What are you talking about? I'm saying I just lost him."

I shake my head again. "No. You planted the seeds, and I just had a chat with him. I mean, he didn't say he's signing with us, but he will."

"You talked to him? When?"

I start explaining everything that happened with the server and Tucker. Talia gasps a couple of times throughout the story and mentions she did notice Tucker looking at the server and saying things to try and impress her.

"Exactly! And so, once they talk and get to know each other again, he'll want to impress her even more and sign with us. I mean, I'm pretty sure the kid threw a party in Vegas just to see her. He's going to want to do what she wants."

Talia's mouth opens and closes before she shakes her head. "What if he convinces her though? It still doesn't guarantee he's going to sign with us."

I shrug. "You're right. Still, I have a good feeling about it. He just needs some time to think about it and the talk you had with him. It's only a matter of time before he's in our office letting us handle his investments."

Talia smiles widely and laughs incredulously. "You're amazing, you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. But you are too." I stand up, holding my hand out for her. "The work day is over now. Let's go back to the hotel."

She grabs my hand before standing up. "Dance with me first?"

I smirk and lace my fingers with hers. This has to be one of the best days of my life and I don't want it to end. "You got it."

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