Chapter 4

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Lucas Handler

"So do you have any other surprises for me today?" I run a hand through my hair and scoff. "I mean, do you have some sort of secret life Jeffrey Epstein style you'd like to share? Do I have a brother I don't know about?"

I'm seated in front of my large mahogany desk, facing my dad Charles who is sitting with his arms crossed in the guest chair across from me. I share the old man's facial structure but have smoother skin, a thicker head of hair, and what I'd argue in the present state, sanity.

He's about to respond but I quickly cut him off, "And do you have any idea who Talia is? Do you even know who you're getting into business with? You basically just signed a deal with the devil. Congrats. No need to get a lighter for the fireworks, we can just use the fire-breathing dragon. How can you not see what a bad idea this is?"

When my dad and the board shared the news moments ago, I thought it was a joke. Who would plan a merger without notifying the president of the company first? Then, I remembered who I'm dealing with and how this is just a page out of the Charles handbook. Give me the title and responsibility, but don't actually trust me enough to handle it. If I knew about it, especially that it meant working with Talia, I could've easily put a stop to the worst idea in history.

My dad laughs incredulously. "Do you even hear yourself? Talia is not the devil. From what I hear she's a genius with a bright future ahead of her."

"If by genius you mean conniving, scheming, and has two horns, then okay we agree."

"Stop acting like a child. I had to do this quickly and discreetly. Bill's been a long-time friend and we knew that together was the only way we'd be able to get through this economy."

I shake my head. "Oh, Bill? Your long-time friend, Bill? The one I've heard so much about?" I say with sarcasm heavy in my voice. "What's Bill's last name?"

"Okay, long time is relative, but Bill has deep-rooted experience and vision that this company could benefit from."

"I still can't believe it. I mean I know it's been tough around here, but I can't see how a co-presidency will work. You of all people should know how much I thrive working independently. Thank you for the opportunity but no thank you. I'm done." I shake my head while brushing my hands together, absolving myself from this disaster waiting to happen.

My dad scoffs. "Okay, good luck finding another job in this economy. You'd be lucky to even find work as a janitor."

"I'll take a year off. Go travel the world. Eat, pray, love style. Whatever, I have the money."

"Stop acting like a five-year-old and get your head out of your ass. I know it may not seem like it, but I'm doing this for your benefit." He sighs as if the weight of the world is on his shoulder. "I'll be retiring in a few months."

My jaw falls open. Those words are the last thing I expect to come out of his mouth. What would've been more reasonable was for him to say he was hosting a civil ceremony wedding for a duck and a cheetah.

"I know, I know. It took me a long time to get here. I'm getting old and stretching myself too thin. And I just think it's time that you take full reigns. I know we've not always seen eye to eye, but I'm stepping down so that you can have full control."

My stomach churns in delight. Is he saying what I think he's saying?

Chief. Executive. Officer?

"There may be some formalities to deal with but I have full confidence you'll be the one to get the spot. Bill, the newly combined board, and I are planning to share the news with you both tomorrow. You will be competing for the CEO position over the next few months. So, you better focus and get your act together."

I smile so wide my cheeks start to hurt. I simply cannot help it. While I'm not looking forward to working with Talia, the thought of finally taking full ownership of the company- a much bigger company- makes my insides vibrate like loose change on a dashboard. Dad will finally see what he should've seen years ago. If I was CEO I could easily get us to billion-dollar status. No more of my brilliant ideas will be shot down by Dad. Plus, this will prove once and for all I'm indeed a better businessman than Talia.

"Sounds fun. Alright, I'm in."

"Good. Now I have to run to deal with some things."

"What things?"

"Nothing you need to worry about. Now go figure out how you're going to make sure this merger goes smoothly." He stands up and I don't bother pushing on this one. It won't be long before I know everything that's going on and fully running the show.

I follow my dad out of my office and turn to my new assistant, Ethan. While I liked my last assistant, it'd been time to get the kid promoted. So far Ethan has been doing a good job, but I wish the twenty-something-year-old who always looks like he's holding in gas would just take it easy on himself for one second. "Hey, can you get me Talia Nassar's office on the phone?"

"Um, yeahhh," Ethan says slowly in a way that sounds like he's asking a question. "What's her middle name?"

"No clue."

"Um, what should I do if I find more than one Talia Nassar?"

"You won't." I sigh and sit in the chair next to Ethan's desk. The young man, with thick-rimmed glasses that swallow his face, looks up the information.

I have to play this right. There's a chance Talia won't even accept the job. She has no clue there's the CEO position up for grabs and I need to keep it that way. I smile as I think about it. She'd quit before the board meeting tomorrow. This is going to be a walk in the park.

Yet my smile falters when my next thought surfaces. What if she already knows?

Ethan clears his throat as he dials the number. After a moment, he straightens his back and speaks into the phone. "Um, I'm calling on behalf of Lucas Handler for Talia Nassar."

"Tell her it's extremely urgent," I whisper while Ethan nods.

"Um, so he says it's urgent."

"Extremely urgent," I correct.

"Extremely urgent." Ethan nods again. "Okay, one moment." He places a hand over the phone as he turns to me. "Talia's assistant says she's in an important meeting right now but she can relay the message."

Is Talia still meeting with her board? "Put her on speaker." Ethan quickly hits the speaker button. I stand up and lean over the desk. "Hi, this is Lucas Handler. Who am I speaking with?"

"Hi, this is Imani. I'm Talia's assistant."

"Nice to meet you, Imani. Listen, I can't stress enough how important this matter is. I need to talk to Talia right away. Is she in her office?"

"Sorry, sir. While she's in her office, she's in a meeting."

Okay, if she's in her office then that means she's done with the board. "Well, can you do me a favor, Imani? I would be forever indebted to you." I take Imani's silence as a cue to proceed. "Can you pass a message to her now, to meet me at -" I pause, my brain freezing. I can't bring her to my office since that'll cause concern with my staff and likewise, I can't go to her. My eyes grow wide and I look to Ethan for the answer.

Alarm spreads over Ethan's features and for a moment he looks like a deer caught in headlights. I start gesturing for him to say something and finally, Ethan mouths, "La Cucina."

I nod and press the phone against my ear. "La Cucina, in thirty minutes. I can't stress enough how important this is." Whoever Talia is meeting with could be telling her about the CEO position right now.

Imani sighs and after a moment says, "What was your name again?"

I pump my fist in the air and bring it to Ethan for a fist bump. "Lucas. Lucas Handler." Ethan timidly brings his fist up and lightly taps it against my knuckles.

"One moment Mr. Handler."

I press the mute button and turn to Ethan. "Once we get the okay, call La Cucina and get them to squeeze us in."

Ethan shrinks in his seat. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Handler. It's a walk-in only."

"First of all, remember to call me Lucas. Mr. Handler is my dad's thing. And second, walk-in? What kind of place is it?" I can't remember the last time I went to a place that didn't require a reservation.

"Um. They have really good food and they also have free chips and salsa. So you won't have to spend on that." Ethan makes a 'Please don't fire me' face.

"Alright. It's alright, Ethan. Don't stress." I lightly pat the kid's back and it nearly sends Ethan's fragile frame flying forward.

"Mr. Handler?" Imani's voice streams through the speaker.

I clear my throat before unmuting myself. "Yes, Imani. I'm here."

"Ms. Nassar said she'll meet you there in one hour."

"Thank you, Imani. Ethan will provide you with the address." I make my way back to my office with narrowed eyes and a set jaw.

Game on, Talia.

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