Chapter 7

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Talia Nassar

"Five, six, seven, eight! One and two. Three and four. Five, six, seven, eight." My best friend Ana claps her hands, signaling the end of the routine. Her straight, long black hair swings in the air as she turns around and beams at our eleven person group. "Alright, good job ladies. Let's take a minute and then take it from the top."

I try to catch my breath as I grab my water bottle that's sitting under the wooden bar lining the walls of the dance studio. The lighting reflecting off of the tan hardwood floor creates a bright atmosphere. And the floor-to-ceiling mirrors along each wall makes the room look bigger than it actually is.

Tuesday evening dance practices are truly a haven for me. The movement shakes away all the stresses and frustrations from work. Oftentimes I'd get in the zone and forget about work completely. The music takes over my body like a tidal wave moving through the ocean. And dancing alongside a group of women who hold no preconceived judgments about me is therapeutic, like the sounds of moving waters.

Yet, today isn't one of those days.

Today I'm very much out of the zone and watching the waves from afar. With Cora breathing down my neck and Lucas appearing out of the blue like a crab about to bite me from the sand, my head is ready to explode. It's like I'm constantly trying to get in the water, but I can't the place to jump in.

My gaze shifts up to the mirror as Ana approaches me from behind with a questioning gaze. I turn with brows furrowed. "Hey, I know I'm off today. It's been a shit couple of days."

"Alright, girl. Just wanted to check what's up. You good?"

I nod curtly. "Yeah, just work stuff that's been stressing me out. I'm good though." I press my lips together and tighten my fists. Like hell I'm going to let Lucas ruin my evening.

"Sure?" Ana responds while raising a perfectly sculpted brow.

"Yeah, all good." I nod again. This isn't the time to unload myself on my best friend. We have a showcase coming up and we need to stay focused on nailing our hip-hop routine.

"Alright, girl. Let's get to it, then!" Ana claps her hands again and the girls and I quickly get into formation. This time, I force myself to focus on the R&B tunes streaming through the speakers. I smile as we move in perfect synchrony to each beat. With each passing count, the tension around my muscles loosen and I start to feel the smooth waves of the music. That's much better.

My smile widens as I seductively run a hand through my hair and begin freestyling. The girls cheering me on gasses me up. I do some booty pops facing our imaginary audience. With each sway of my hips, the feeling in my chest lightens. I end my freestyle bending over and whipping my hair to the side.

After a couple of more run-throughs of the full routine, practice ends and we all disperse. I'm about to grab my things but one of the girls in the group, Kiara, stops me. The twenty-one-year-old with light brown skin is the youngest in the group and one hell of a dancer. I sometimes wonder why she's a part of our local group and not off performing full-time with a professional dance team.

"Hey Tal, do you have a second to chat?"

"Sure, Ki. What's up?"

"So, um, actually never mind." Kiara shakes her head.

I frown teasingly. This is so unlike Ki to be shy about something. "No, what is it?"

She shifts before taking a deep breath in. "I, um, was wondering if you would be able to give me some financial advice?"

My insides fill with warmth and I smile. These girls are like family to me. "Of course, Ki! I'd be happy to sit down with you and chat through things."

Her face lights up. "Really? Wow, that'd be awesome. I'm just struggling a bit. Well, not really a bit. Like a lot. And I figured you'd be the best person to talk to about it."

"Let's meet! Here, give me your phone and I'll put in my assistant's number. Send a text to her to set something up. We can go over things in my office or over coffee anytime this week or next."

After inputting Imani's number and chatting for a bit about the routine, I hug her goodbye. I hope I'll have time to meet with her, and make a mental note to be sure and make the time.

As soon as I pick up my phone, a notification from Cora stares back at me. I quickly click to open the email and my heart starts beating fast.

Sender: Cora Goldenberg
Recipient: Talia Nassar
Subject: FW: Merger Next Steps

What the fuck is this, Talia?? You need to fix this. Now!

Beginning of forwarded message...

Sender: Lucas Handler
Recipient: Bill Goldenberg; Charles Handler
Subject: Merger Next Steps

Bill and Charles,

I've spent the day going into the specifications of this merger in great detail. Just to keep you both in the loop, I've already filed the paperwork with the SEC. And below is the full list of action steps I plan on implementing tomorrow to make sure we get things going as quickly as possible. I mentioned this earlier, but wanted to emphasize how much I appreciate the session this morning. I'm excited about the future of this new company and look forward to leading us to great success.

I rapidly scan over the list of twenty action steps and my jaw falls open. Heat prickles my skin.

How dare he? That asshole!

"Asshole," I mutter before responding to Cora with an I'm on it.

By now, all of the girls have cleared out except for Ana. Her eyes widen when I look up at her. "Okay, now you have to tell me. What is your deal today?" she asks, moving to stand in front of me.

"I can't believe him!" I seethe as I flash my phone up toward her. "Actually," I scoff before continuing, "this is exactly what I should have expected. This is so classic Lucas I can't even begin to think otherwise."

"Who? What happened?"

"Of course, he went behind my back!" I pause when Ana looks at me like I'm losing it. "Okay, okay. I'll tell you everything."

I recount everything that happened. Ana mostly stays silent, listening intently with wide eyes or an occasional sympathetic look. Finally, after I finish, Ana shakes her head in disbelief. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I need to win this thing once and for all. This stupid war we have, or whatever you call it, has to stop."

"I swear he sounds like some of the doctors that're at my hospital. It's like they have some sort of superiority complex." She continues with sarcasm heavy in her voice. "Us less capable doctors might hurt our delicate hands if we hold a scalpel. Oh and heaven forbid we should get our periods on surgery day and aren't able to hold it in!"

My face softens. "What do you think I should do?"

"I mean you know I always live for the drama so I say wipe the floor with his ass." She smirks before waving an arm up. "But also, why are you asking me? You're way better at figuring out a way to get something. I have a feeling whatever you decide will be glorious."

I nod. I can't let this get to me. I can't let him get to me. "Alright,  thanks. I'm going to go home and make a game plan."

"Go girl. I'll see you this weekend for the showcase. Maybe he should come to the event just to see who exactly he's messing with."

I shudder at the thought. My dance life is very much separate from my work life, and I have every intention of keeping it that way. I leave the studio with quick steps and a set jaw. Lucas moved his Pawn, but I'm planning to move my Queen, determined to make one hell of a checkmate.


I re-read through the long email I just sent to Bill and Charles. I made sure to cc Lucas because it's important to highlight how I'm taking this working-together situation seriously. And I may have mentioned it once or twice throughout the email.

That's the way business emails worked - you could be as passive-aggressive as you so desired without actually sounding like a bitch. I used an 'As per our earlier conversation', which essentially means, 'Did you not hear me, you idiot?' And threw in a couple of 'Correct me if I'm wrong,'s which means, 'I'm not wrong, and don't even try and test me jackass.'

But I'm not done. Lucas needs to know exactly what I'm saying, directly from my mouth now. Without even going to my office first, I speed directly to the Handler Finance offices. It'll cause concern amongst his staff, seeing someone from a competing company in their midst, but it's all a part of my plan.

With my chin high and shoulders back, I storm past the check-in desk and up to the fourteenth floor of the tall glass building.

Without even waiting for the receptionist to look up, I stride through the open glass doors in search of Lucas. Questioning glances from the employees layer my view as I start looking for an office with Lucas' name on it.

As soon as I spot the room, which has its shades drawn down, I take a deep breath in and puff out my chest. I reach what I assume is his assistant's desk. "I need to speak with Lucas."

"Um, sorry, Mr. Handler is on a call right now. But can I leave him a message?"

I don't bother responding before I turn and barge right into the office, ready to make hell rain down.

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