A Way To Stay?

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Jeremy pov

I wouldn't want to leave Mike because I really like him. I want to stay here.

My father wouldn't look for me anyway, so it wouldn't matter if I stayed. If I did go home he might try to kill me.

"I-I've o-only heard s-stories, b-but..." I started softly, looking at Mike.

He looked at me in surprise. I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly and laughed nervously.

"W-Well, I-I'm not s-sure if it's t-true, b-but, I-I've heard t-that if a m-merm-maid and a h-human b-both fall in l-love with e-each o-other, t-that the m-merm-maid can b-bec-come human..." I explained quietly, feeling my face heat up.

I could see a small blush spread across his cheeks as he looked to the side.

I really like Mike... If it really were possible to become human, and all the stories were true, then...

"So, it could be possible?" He asked.

I shrugged and sighed, not feeling any relief from the possibility.

Even if it is possible, I wouldn't count on it happening. I really do like Mike, but I don't think he would fall in love with me.

I've never seen two people of the same gender fall in love where I live. It's not something that happens, in the area that I live in anyway. I don't know what it's like on land, it may be acceptable.

"M-Mike, i-is it o-okay for t-two p-people of t-the s-same g-gender to be in l-love on l-land?" I asked, actually being curious if it was acceptable.

"Well, in America, where we are, it is. People can love whoever they want and legally marry them. However, some people don't approve of this, so they may be prejudice about it, but that's only some people. But it is okay to love someone of the same sex." He answered.

So here I could love whoever I wanted. On land I would have the freedom to do that, but if I went home, I know my father would kill me for it.

The problem is, I've never found myself attracted to women. I've always found myself looking at the boys in my area and finding them attractive.

"Is that okay where you're from?" He asked.

"Uh... N-No... N-No it's n-not... M-My f-father... H-He would k-kill me..." I admitted quietly.

Mike looked shocked by what I had told him, but that didn't surprise me. I would be surprised if I were him and he had said that.

I looked down and rubbed the back of my neck, wishing I hadn't said what I did.

It's not like it isn't true, but I know it will make him worry. My father is one of the main reasons I don't want to go back home, besides Mike.

I hope there's a way I can stay...

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