The Storm

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Mike pov

In the days off I had from the pizzeria I liked to go to the beach. It was always nice and calm there, a nice change from the torture of Fazbear's pizzeria. There usually weren't many people at the beach anyway, so it was normally pretty peaceful.

The best part of getting off at six in the morning is getting to see the sunrise. It's beautiful to see the light bounce off of the water.

I sighed as the six AM chime sounded, meaning my shift was over. The Fazbear company wasn't the absolute worst place to have to work at, but the nightshift certainly wasn't pleasant. The best thing about the nightshift was the end chime. It meant I had survived another night.

I sighed as I walked home from the dreaded restaurant, glancing at the beach as I passed it. It was a nice day today and I thought about possibly going swimming later. Although all I wanted to do right now was sleep away the nightshift.

I walked up the stairs to my apartment building and walked in, throwing my jacket onto the couch. I walked to my bedroom and fell down onto my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

~Time Skip~

I woke up several hours later to a loud crack of thunder. I sat up slowly and sighed, realizing that the weather had turned and that today would not be a good beach day.

That sucks, today seemed like such a good day to go. It didn't seem like there was going to be bad weather, the skies were clear this morning. Of course it is easy for weather to change. I suppose there's always tomorrow.

I opened the curtains to the window in my room. The sky had turned to a dark grey color that made everything else seem dark and depressing.

I sighed and walked out, sitting on my couch and flipping to the weather channel. The storm was supposedly supposed to pass by tomorrow evening, or maybe even the next morning.

I was never a huge fan of storms, but I didn't exactly hate them. They were normally short and moved on within several hours, so I could manage.

~Time Skip~

As time passed the storms condition only continued to get worse. The winds got stronger and the thunder got louder. It seemed like the storm wasn't letting up anytime soon.

It's not like I had any real plans anyway. I just wanted to go to the beach. I can do that whenever I want.

The storm was only getting louder and even more rough. It had to be causing damage to certain places. It would be impossible for it no to.

The storm will pass soon. I doubt there will be too much damage afterwards. This area of the state doesn't usually have horrible storms like this, so it's a little unusual, but it'll pass and the weather will go back to normal.

The storm will pass soon and everything will be just fine.

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