Chapter Twelve: Intoxicating Flame

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The icy palpable tension that enveloped the room stifled Danielle. The warm sun filtering in through the window did little to warm her. Rayan sat on her bed, stiffly, scribbling in her notebook. The scratch of the lead against the page was like thunder in the otherwise quiet room. Danielle fidgeted with her fingers. The burden of guilt and dread weighed her down. Everything inside her wanted to tell Rayana the truth but the small, notorious voice in her head forbade her.

After returning from the drama practice, Rayana didn't speak a word to her even though Danielle made a few futile attempts at conversation. It was quite clear that the only way to win back Rayana was to tell her the secret she was being kept away from. To have Rayana talk to her, Danielle would have to part with a secret that could have been her only lifeline. The thought of parting with her life to appease a friend seemed too bad of a bargain for her. But the part inside her that still craved Rayana's friendship; that wanted some warmth in these chilly days gave in.

"Rayana." Danielle's voice was a wisp of breeze, lost in the surroundings.

Rayana's pencil fell silent. A loud, defeating silence reigned in the room waiting to be broken. Two girls bathed in the golden rays of the morning sun sat facing each other; one craving to be looked at, the other denying her that privilege. Danielle waited for Rayana to look at her but she didn't. The only sound penetrating the silence between them was the chirping of the birds and the distant voices of people who seemed too carefree to Danielle.

It came as a shock to Danielle as to how life carried on even when a young life in the spring of its youth wilted and perished. Nobody seemed to care about the loss of a girl so young to be snatched away by death. The world carried on even though Danielle was battling for her life which was on the verge of being stolen from her. No one was affected by her impending doom but her and the people who cared for her. The warm sun still gifted everyone its golden rays, the birds still sang their melodies and the flowers still blossomed to spread their fragrance even when Danielle was drowning in an ocean of thick, impenetrable darkness.

"It was a picture," Danielle continued when she realised she wouldn't get any answer from Rayana. "Of Arianna and some guy."

This time Rayana looked up. Slowly, putting aside her notebook and pencil, she made her way over to Danielle's bed and sat down on its edge. "A picture?"

Danielle nodded. "A burnt picture."

Rayana's face morphed into that of perplexity. "Burnt pictures?"

"Burnt pictures," Danielle repeated. "Their faces are burnt."

Hesitantly, Rayana asked, "Can I- can I see the picture?"

Danielle's breath hitched. She wasn't ready to open up just yet. Unwilling to separate from that piece of secrecy, she shook her head. "I don't have it," she lied. "It's with Xavier."

Rayana sighed and then, chuckled. "I know it's with you. But it's alright if you don't want to show it to me."

Danielle remained silent.

Once, Rayana realised Danielle wouldn't be answering, she continued, "Thank you for trusting me."

Danielle smiled in reply; a warm, radiant smile. Then, with much uncertainty in her voice, she said, "I want to tell you one more thing."

Rayana reached forward, covered Danielle's hand with hers and offered her a cordial smile. "Go on. I am all ears."

"I like Xavier." After blurting it out, the words felt unfamiliar yet exotic to her ears. Thinking and accepting a love for someone mentally was way different than accepting it out loud.

The moment the words slipped out of her mouth, the warmth of Rayana's hand over hers vanished. Rayana's face showcased a deadly concoction of bewilderment, anger and pity. 

"You can't be serious," Rayana croaked out.

"I am." Danielle felt scrutinised under her friend's blazing gaze.

"That boy is bad news, you and I both know that." Rayana jabbed a finger at her in frustration. Danielle felt like her younger self, being reprimanded by her mother for doing something foolish.

"He isn't that bad," she protested, weakly. "He is helping me..."

"But why?" Hearing Rayana voice the question that was nibbling at her insides threw Danielle off guard. She attempted, futilely to defend herself but in vain.

Rayana let out a sarcastic laugh. "See even you don't know the answer." Then, scooting closer to Danielle, she put a hand on her shoulder. "Xavier, to you right now, is an elegant bright flame dancing to the rhythm of your hope. The scarlet flame is so hypnotizing that it is drawing you in like a moth to the fire. The second you give yourself to him you will burned and scathed for life. This damage will be irrevocable. Life long you will have to carry the scar. 

"Boys like him, with pretty faces and money, perceive the world as their plaything. Things that make them curious are the things they want to play with, to satisfy them. They will obtain it anyhow, and they will get it, no matter what. Once they lose interest, they don't think twice before tossing it away and moving to their next curious plaything."

Cupping Danielle's face, Rayana continued; her voice sincere and caring, "Danielle, you are so much more than a rich boy's morbid fascination. You don't deserve to be treated like a plaything, something they can replace within seconds. You deserve someone who loves you because of you. And Xavier can never be that person for you. He can never."

Danielle fell quiet. Each and every sentence spoken by Rayana resonated inside her.

Maybe, truly, Xavier wasn't helping her out of the goodness of his heart.


The theatre room was as alive as ever. Students in costume bustled around the room, getting prepared for their rehearsal. Already in her costume, Danielle stood in one corner, the words spoken by Rayana plaguing her mind. With all her might, she wanted to toss away the warnings Rayana gave her about Xavier but failed. The little voice in her mind had gained volume and the rational part, shaking away Danielle's affection towards Xavier had taken the forefront. Deep down Danielle knew Rayana was right, Xavier was an intoxicating desire. Once she gave in, there would be no reversing it. The only way out would be a path of thorns and needles, which she would have to take either willingly or unwillingly. But the love-riddled part of her mind wanted to toss away all rational thoughts and dive head-first into the ocean of uncertainty. It found a thrill in danger, in something illicit. She was drawn to the irrational desire to saturate herself in the feeling of being in love.

Betraying all the warnings clouding her mind, her eyes found Xavier Alvarez, who stood talking with Ryan on the stage. She could spend days, even the whole eternity drinking in the perfection of Xavier's features. Sometimes, it seemed impossible to her that Xavier was a human and not a work of art who had come to life. Never had she seen someone so perfect and alluring. 

She would have admired him for longer but Mrs. Kashyap called her. "Danielle, come up." 

Picking up her gown to avoid tripping, she ascended the stairs and walked towards Mrs. Kashyap who was standing at one corner of the stage, beside a record player. As soon as she stopped in front of her, Mrs. Kashyap waved her hand, beckoning Ryan. 

Once, Ryan and Danielle were standing side by side, Mrs. Kashyap said, "We are going to do the ball scene today." Then, pointing a finger at Ryan, she said, "You're going to teach her."

Ryan nodded. Danielle and Ryan moved to the middle of the stage. With his hand on her waist and hers on his shoulder, they clasped their other hands together. The smile on Ryan's face was one full of mischief. As proven already, Ryan's smile was contagious and Danielle couldn't help but smile, too.

"You better not step on my feet." She glared at him, playfully.

Ryan rolled his eyes, the smile getting wider. "I don't make a good Romeo for you, do I?"

Danielle scrunched up her nose. "No." Then, burst into laughter.

"What about Xavier?" This question was enough to silence Danielle.

"What about him?" asked Danielle, knowing very well what Ryan was insinuating.

"Is he a good enough Romeo for you?" Ryan inquired.

"I have only talked to him a few times," lied Danielle.

Ryan laughed. "I know all about your late-night rendezvous."

"That's the investigation!" protested Danielle, her cheeks growing hot.

"Sure." Ryan nodded. "Totally not a late-night date."

Danielle groaned. "I don't like him."

"You eyeing him from down there suggested otherwise." Ryan's lopsided grin, if possible, grew larger.

Before Danielle could say anything in her defence, Mrs. Kashyap intervened, "Ryan, start."

Ryan whispered to her, "Ready?"

Danielle nodded. "Yes."

"Okay, so, step forward with your left foot," Ryan guided. Danielle did as said while Ryan moved his right foot back. 

"Move your right foot towards the right." Danielle did but immediately, winced in pain. Ryan had stepped on her foot.

"I am sorry." Ryan, instantaneously, stepped away from her. Danielle waved her hand, dismissively, though still wincing.

Mrs. Kashyap commanded from where she stood. "Do it, again."

And they did. Not once or twice. Or thrice. But at least a dozen times and each time Ryan would somehow, miraculously, manage to step on her feet. At the end of their one-hour rehearsal, Danielle sat down on the stage, unable to move any further as her feet had turned into a vibrant shade of red. Ryan stood in front of her, his head bowed lowly, guiltily as Mrs. Kashyap admonished him.

"You didn't make these mistakes with Arianna," Mrs. Kashyap reprimanded. "What has gotten into you now?"

"Mrs. Kashyap," called Danielled, from where she was sitting on the wooden stage. "I don't think it's his fault. Maybe, it's mine. As you said just now, Ryan didn't make these mistakes with Arianna."

Mrs. Kashyap pondered over what Danielle said. "Okay, if that's so," Mrs. Kashyap said, eyes on Ryan, "we can make you practice with someone else."

Danielle, feeling that her legs didn't ache as much as they did before, stood up, eager to get back to rehearsal. "I think that's a good idea." She threw a small smile at Ryan. Poor boy got scolded, unwarranted.

"Xavier!" Mrs. Kashyap called. Xavier was sitting in the audience going through his script. At the mention of his name, he looked up. "Come up here!" Mrs. Kashyap called out, again. Keeping his script on the seat, he ascended the stairs and walked to where Mrs. Kashyap was standing between Danielle and Ryan.

Mrs. Kashyap smiled at him. "Please help Danielle in learning the dance."

Xavier raised his eyebrow. "Why? What happened to Ryan?"

"I keep stepping on her feet," supplied Ryan. Mrs. Kashyap glared at her.

Xavier shrugged. "Okay, sure."

Danielle was bubbling with anticipation. Xavier moved towards her. His left hand lingered above her waist, waiting for her permission. Danielle placed her right hand on his shoulder in lieu of an answer. She felt the pressure of his hand on her waist and the, the fingers of his right hand intertwined with her left-hand fingers. The feel of her hand against his was as maddening as the first time. The feel of his hand on her waist made her weak in her knees.

A small gasp left her lips as felt Xavier pull her towards him, only a sliver of a gap between their two bodies. Danielle waited, waited patiently for him to tug her forward, to eliminate the gap between them. Disappointing her, he didn't. This maddened Danielle. Driven by a primitive urge, she succumbed to her desire. Taking a step forward, she eliminated the gap between them. Her chest pressed against his.

Danielle was shocked by her own boldness. She waited for Xavier to move away, to move back but he didn't. This felt too intimate and sacred to be on display for everyone else to see. A searing urge to grab his hand and run away to somewhere secluded, somewhere private coursed through her. But this time, she didn't succumb to the illicit temptation.

"Start!" Mrs. Kashyap's voice pierced through her thoughts, pulling her back to the unpleasant reality. Xavier wasn't her prince charming but her co-actor.

"Step forward with your left foot," Xavier said. Danielle stepped forward with her left foot as Xavier moved back with his right one. "Now, step to your right with your right foot." Danielle did and Xavier moved his left foot parallel to hers. "Move your left foot back beside your right one." Danielle did, returning to their starting position.

"Now, step back with your right foot." Danielle did as Xavier advanced with his left one. "And, then move back with your left and move sideways to the left." Danielle did as said. "And, now, bring your right one next to the left."

Once, they finished, Mrs. Kashyap started clapping. "Well done, Xavier." Xavier smiled, letting go of Danielle and moving a few steps backwards. A small pang of hurt was felt by Danielle but she brushed it away, quickly.

"Practice a few more times," said Mrs. Kashyap, "and then, we can practice with the music."

Xavier moved back to his previous position. This time Danielle didn't have to do anything as he pulled her against him. Danielle felt warm and intoxicated with Xavier's hands on her. She loved this feeling and hoped to feel it every day for the rest of her life. Xavier Alvarez's touch intoxicated her and left her craving for more.

They practised a few more times. By the end of their fifth rehearsal, Danielle could waltz, smoothly. 

"You are a quick learner," Xavier complimented, smiling.

"After all, the best teacher taught me." Danielle smiled at him. Xavier laughed. 

"Okay, get ready," Mrs. Kashyap announced. "We're going to practise with the music."

Immediately, soft, melodious music floated to her, filling up the theatre hall with her sweetness. The music had a strange effect on her, she felt as if she had been transported to the Elizabethan times. As if she were a true princess dancing with the prince of her dream in a ball, love at first sight. 

Xavier moved smoothly to the rhythm of the music, Danielle following his lead. They waltzed around the stage, gracefully. Her pink gown flowed around her, gracefully as she moved in sync with Xavier. For the time being Danielle forgot about Romeo and Juliet and the school play, at that moment, Xavier was her prince charming, her soulmate. She gazed into his eyes with a lovesick smile gracing her lips. Xavier's eyes were alight with something akin to affection. A small gasp left her lips as Xavier lifted her up and twirled her around. This wasn't a part of what they had practised. The thrill of doing something out of the trajectory made her laugh, softly. Xavier smiled, too. If she could, she would've captured his lips in hers.

As the music came to an end, she realised why she never liked Juliet or Romeo. Because if she were Juliet, she would've always chosen Count Paris over Romeo Montague. Maybe, it was a good thing she wasn't Juliet Capulet because now, she could fall in love with her Count Paris. 

Xavier's hand left her waist and came up to her face, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Then, bringing their entwined hands towards them, he planted a kiss on the back of her hand, all the while staring right into her black eyes. Danielle's breath hitched as she felt his lips on her skin. She loved and hated it all at the same time. Xavier kissing her hand pleased her in ways she never thought possible but at the same time, she wanted it on her lips. The soft lips that touched the back of her hands were the ones she wanted pressed firmly against her lips. Now, that she knew how his lips felt, she would be delirious, yearning for its touch on her lips.

"That was beautiful." Once, again, Mrs. Kashyap's voice cut through her fantasies, bringing her back. She put a hand on Danielle's shoulder and said, "You did really well." Then, directing her gaze towards Ryan, she yelled, "You better do the dance correctly or else, you will be playing Paris and Xavier Romeo. If you don't want that, you better not step on her feet."

Ryan nodded, hastily. As soon as Xavier moved away, he took his place. Then, leaning forward he whispered into Danielle's ears, "How was your dance date with your Romeo?"

"Oh, come on!" Danielle rolled her eyes. "It felt perfectly normal."

"Please, don't tell me you didn't feel any butterflies," Ryan pleaded. "Or else, me getting scolded by Mrs. Kashyap and making your feet red would be for nothing."

Danielle's eyes widened. "Wait a minute. You did it purposefully?"

Ryan shrugged. "Yeah."

Danielle narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh, you're so dead."

"I thought you would be thankful!" Ryan sounded shocked.

Their conversation was cut short as Mrs. Kashyap asked them to get ready. Ryan put her hand on her waist as she put hers on his shoulder. Her right hand clasped his left one life before. Both maintained a safe distance between them. As the music flowed again, Ryan and Danielle waltzed around the stage. This time, though, he didn't step on her feet, which she was thankful for and everything went smoothly.  As the dance ended, Danielle felt happy but unsatisfied. Mrs. Kashyap praised both Danielle and Ryan, especially Ryan for not stepping on her feet. Still, Danielle didn't feel satisfied. No amount of praise from Mrs. Kashyap could staiate her craving. Dancing with Ryan was nothing like dancing with Xavier. 

With Ryan, it was a chore but with Xavier, it was a fairytale, a magic.

the longest chapter till now! i had so much fun writing this chapter (as you can see) also, all of a sudden i am feeling single (dunno why) jokes, apart, i hope you enjoyed the chapter. also, what's your thoughts about Xavier? TELL ME! I WANNA KNOW!

anyways, remember to vote and lemme know what you're thinking. 

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