Chapter XXIII

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“Victory!” Anya exclaimed as soon as she disconnected the call.

“What?” Nani asked.

“I talked to family, friends and even your" she pointed at Dia. “Stupid, idiot husband. No one saw me or her today.”

“You have his number?” Nani could not stop herself from asking.

“I don’t have his number. I called Chachi and he answered.”

“Why did he answer,” Dia asked instantly.

“He is at your parent's house and they all were probably trying to find out a way to find you.”

“What is taking them so long?” Nani asked and almost immediately electric current ran though Dia

“She left suddenly without any hint. And then half of the way she was covered in Burkha. It is not easy to track her.”

Those words made Dia relax a little. She had been stressed a lot and her stress level increased every day. She had been very close to a panic attack a couple of times, but something always came to her rescue. She did not know how far she would be that lucky, but she was trying to find a ray of hope.

Nani wanted to say something, but her eyes fell on Dia. She did not want to stress her. “You are not going to work?” Nani said instead.

“I am going. Bye.” Anya was late so she quickly picked up her bag and left the house. She had already informed Baskar that she would be late, but she knew Rohit would get a chance to taunt her. So she wanted to reach the office as soon as she possible. She took an auto to the station and was climbing the stairs to her platform in ten minutes. She was humming a song and walking slowly. She was enjoying the time alone.  Then she casually looked up and gasped loudly. The police officer she had been seeing everywhere, was climbing down the stairs. She quickly collected herself and continued climbing. She did not want to draw any attention. The train had just arrived at the station so Anya quickly ran and caught the train. She was feeling scared and nervous for the whole time.  She felt at ease only when she reached her office. 

“I am telling you it was the same policeman.”

“Maybe it was someone else, “ Himani said.

Anya frowned. “Why is everyone telling me it was someone else? I know it was him!”

“Fine, it was him. So?” Kabir asked.

“So nothing. I am just saying I saw him. No big deal.”

“You always make a big deal of things, Anya.” Ali reminded her.

“So, we thought it’s just one of those days,” Himani said making Anya roll her eye.

“You people are mean.”

“Look who’s talking.” Ali mocked Anya making others smile.

“What happened then?” Kabir asked Anya.


Kabir resisted the urge to roll his eyes, “When you saw him.”

“Nothing. He walked, I walked. You know, I really think I was making a big deal of him for no reason.”

“Hey, I have heard that before,” Ali said with an eye roll.

“Don’t you think we roll our eyes way too much?” Himani asked to no one in particular.

“I have started to think that too,” Anya said shaking her head. “Anyway, As I was saying.” She frowned. “What was I saying? Oh yes, the way I reacted today was over the top. I was shivering. What the hell was that?”

“Why don’t you tell us?” Kabir said.

“Forget this. Nani pointed out something today. She said how is it possible that Dia is still missing. It’s been two months.”

Kabir shook his head. “I was thinking the same.”

“Yeah. They are powerful. They have police. They have money. Then how come they could not find Dia. It’s not like she ran away to Mars. We are in the same city.”

“Why are you worried about that?” Himani asked. “Just be glad she is safe.”

“No, no, no!” Ali shook his head a couple of times. “You should always keep an eye on your enemy. Be aware of his each and every step. And it is something to worry about. We need to know what they are up to.”

“Why should we worry about that? The point is that Dia is safe.”

“You kids know nothing. Read a book!” Ali exclaimed. “There is a reason why Dia is still missing. We need to find out what that reason is.”

“Anya, do you even know how to work?” Rohit said.

“Where is he?” Ali asked when he could not see Rohit anywhere around them.

“Voice travels faster than him. That is so disturbing. “ Kabir said which made Ali laugh. Just then they saw Rohit walking towards them. “I want a promotion, not for anything else but just to make his life hell,” Anya whispered.

“You won’t get promoted at this speed.”

Anya and others were taken aback. It took them couple of seconds to realise that he was not close enough to hear what she said.  It was a coincidence that he talked about her promotion. Anya rolled her eyes before saying, “You pray I don’t get promoted before you.”

He raised his head higher than it already was. “I don’t have to worry about that. You will never ever be my boss. You need talent and capability for that.”

Anya raised her head this time. “ Don’t fly that high Rohit. It will hurt when you fall.”

Rohit smirked. “Worry about your own fall. I am never going to fall.” Saying that he walked away. 

“Did he even have a purpose of coming here or was he just bored?” Ali asked when Rohit was out of sight.

“He was probably bored,“ Himani said before changing her focus to her file.

“Of course he is bored. He has no freaking reason to say even a word against me. Sometimes I don’t understand who I hate more. Him or that idiot husband of my cousin.”

“It’s him,” Ali said immediately.

“Let’s get back to work. Like I was saying earlier, the launch has been preponed and we need to finish everything by the end of the month.”

“Month ends in a week!” Ali pointed at the fact.

“I cannot help it. That’s what high-up wants us to do.”

“Then tell them to work,” Himani said crossing her arms.

“I was  going to say that!” Ali said shaking his head.

“We don’t have a choice, guys. Start working. Go back to your desk Ali.”

“Shh!” Anya said when her phone starts ringing. “Hello, Nani.”

“When can we meet him again?”




“When can we meet that psychologist again?”

“Samar? Whenever you want.”


Anya chuckled. “I don’t think so. We all have to do overtime today.”


Anya frowned. She was not sure what to say. “If you want.”


“You really want to meet him tomorrow?”


Anya's eyes became a little wide. “OK. I will arrange for that.”

“Thank you.”

Anya smiled, but before she could say anything Dia disconnected the call. “Hello?” Anya looked at Himani. “What is up with her?”

“What happened?”

“Dia wants to meet Samar tomorrow.”

“Who is Samar?”

“Kabir’s brother. I wonder what she wants.”

“Maybe she felt really good meeting him so she wants to meet him again.”

“You think?”

“Yes. I think it’s working.”

Anya smiled. “That is great! I am so happy.”

“So when will you go?”

“Tomorrow! If Dia wants we can go there daily. I am so happy. She wants to meet a human.”


“I will call Samar and tell him. I cannot wait for tomorrow!”


I know it's a small chapter. Sorry! InshaAllah next one will be bigggggg.

I hope you all are doing well.

Have a good day!

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