Chapter XXXIX

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"Why did you say that?" Samar asked with a frown on his forehead.

"Because I don't want to do it."

"Why not?"

"Because it will cost her. I have gone through all the things she has in the kitchen and she has nothing that is useful for making cakes. She doesn't even have all the ingredients. Buying all that will cost way more than a cake will pay me."

"OK. That is a good reason. But it's a one-time investment. You don't have to buy all those things again. Even ingredients may last for two cakes at least. Will it?" Dia made no answer. "And even if that does not you can buy more with the money you receive from your previous cake. Yes, you will need Anya to buy you stuff but everyone needs an investor. Think of her as one of them. And you always repay the investor. Repay her later. This way you both will be benefited."

"How will she get benefited?"

"She gets the satisfaction of helping you. She gets the happiness or the peace that helping brings. Helping someone without expecting anything in return brings enormous benefit to you. Helping others means helping yourself."

"Why do you always say things that can convince me?" She cried in frustration.

"I will take it as a compliment. Thank you."

"I don't want her to help me. She already did so much."

"I know. But will it make you feel better if someone else did it?"


"Logical. Do you want Anya to pay for you all your life?"

"Of course not."

"Can you go out of the house on a daily basis to work?"

"Not now but one day."

"But when? When will that one day come?" Dia had no answer for that. She stayed quiet and unmoved. He shook his head  "You see. You don't know when that day will come. But you know that you can start earning right now. The feeling of debt will reduce when you get paid. Payment will reduce your guilt and increase your income. This isn't the only option. but this is one of the best. And right now we don't know any other that's better than this. So why not go with it?" Dia listened to him with an open mind. She absorbed everything in. "Think about it. Don't make a hasty decision. Take some time and then decide. OK?" Dia nodded her head. "Good. Now, " he paused to breathe, "you will decide our next topic of discussion."

"Why me?"

"Because I don't want to strain my brain any more." Dia narrowed her eyes at his silly reply. He smiled and went silent. He did not wish to go against his declaration. Dia thought it was a joke and he would soon give in. Which did not happen. The silence started becoming more and more awkward as time passed.

"How is your brother?" She finally asked.

Samar chuckled at the question. "He is better. Resting at home and making everyone work for him." Dia nodded her head. Samar smiled and said, "it was nice of you to make food for him."

"Di started preparing. I just finished it."

"It tasted more like you than hers. Her food is not questionable but not that great either." He smiled. "Tell her I said that."

"Why do you like annoying her?"

"It makes me happy," He said before smiling. Dia shook her head, trying not to smile.

"Ah!" Dia suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it?" Samar inquiries out of curiosity.

"I saw a moon in the morning and also in the evening. I was wondering what you think about it."

"Moon in the morning and in the evening?"

"Yes. You know when it's about to be dark or it starts to get bright then sometimes you can see the moon. It's different when it can be seen during the daylight. What do you think that represents?"

Samar smiled."That is interesting. Hmm." He gave it a thought for some time before smiling again. "I cannot think of anything. I will get back to you soon." Dia shrugged her shoulders.

"Now start a new topic."

"I did."

"But it ended. So start again."

"It's your turn."

"It's not a game," Samar said.

"That's cheating."

"That's how it is."

"So that's how it will be from now on?" Samar frowned but had a smile on his lips. "You will be family soon." She explained.

Samar chuckled. "If Anya ever uses her brain."

"She will!"

"Will she?"

"She will." She frowned. "Will she?"

"I wish I knew that." He said looking down.

Dia instantly frowned. "She will! I will talk to her."

"And she will kill me. It's our matter. We must find our way ourselves."

"When will you do that!?"


Dia shook her head. "You have known her since you were kids and still soon. What's your age?"

He smiled. "Why?"


"Thirsty two."

She shook her head. "How long will you wait? Why did you wait for so long?" Samar did not reply and just smiled. "I really want to know."

"Let's talk about it later."


He smiled again. "Some other time."

Dia crossed her arms. "You two are so weird."

"I know," He said shaking his head.

Dia rolled her eyes. Samar smiled and looked away. The question Dia asked was the questions he had been running from. It was one of the very few topics that were sensitive to him. He wished the session would end soon before Dia could ask him more questions. She though wanted to ask more and find out more, did not say a word. She thought she had talked enough for one day.

"Tell me one thing," Samar said. "Why was Kabir at your house yesterday?"

"He called her and then he came home."

"He informed Anya that he had an accident?"

She shook her head. "When he came she found out."

"Then why did he go there?"

She shrugged her shoulders again. "Oh." She remembered something. " Di gave him money. Maybe he came to take that."

"How much?"

"Three thousand."

He frowned instantly. "He took money from Anya?"

Dia bit her tongue. She regretted telling him instantly. In her defence she did not know it was a big secret, nor did Anya. She helped a friend and thought nothing more. Her mind was full of her door. She did not know what made her happy but something did. And it was evident to people who knew her well.

"Why do you look happy?" Himani asked Anya. She had just boarded the train and as it was peak hour they both were standing.

"She opened the door without any fear and with a smile!"

"She?" Himani could not guess. "Oh. I got it. We aren't taking her name now?"

"Let's avoid as much as we can."

"OK. So she opened the door?"

"Yes! She never did that before."

"That's nice. Who was at the door?"

"Samar. She absentmindedly opened the door. But she was smiling when she came in."

"She started smiling?"

"She doesn't smile much. But yeah she started. She smiled when she saw Samar." I bell rang in Anya's mind. "Who she knows." She said that absentmindedly and in a lower voice.

"He is helping her a lot. He is such a great guy."

"Huh," Anya could only say that.  She shook her head sharply and end up hurting her neck. "Kabir had an accident." She tried to divert herself.

"Yeah, you said that last night. How is he now?"

"Good. I mean." She widened her eyes. "I haven't talked to him today but when he left he was fine."

"OK. Let's call him when we reach home. He isn't coming to work, right?"

"Yeah, she is right."

"What?" Himani asked in confusion.


For the whole journey, Anya was lost nowhere but somewhere. Himani sensed it but said nothing. About forty minutes later they reached their station. They met Ali on their way to the office and then walked together.

"What!? He had an accident!" Ali could not keep his surprise to himself.

"He got hurt but he is fine."

"But why didn't you tell me. You told her."

"She messaged me at night so I told her. You didn't."

"Do I have no other work other than to message girls at night? Why didn't you tell me!"

"He didn't tell you. Scream at him."

"I will. That idiot!"

Himani smiled at her colleagues. She found Ali silly many times but this reaction made her feel it the most.
"Why are you yelling early in the morning?" Ali was questioned by Rohit. Ali did not reply and kept walking. "He is angry." Anya did not know why she replied for him.

"Spending a lot of time with Anya can only make you angry."

Anya looked at him to snap but he walked faster and moved ahead of them. "I hate him so much!"

"He is annoying," Himani said in annoyance.

"Where the hell are you?" Ali caught their attention. "Why didn't you tell me that you had an accident?" He looked at Anya which made her raise her eyebrows. "OK. How are you now? Are you coming to work today? OK. Yeah fine. I will call you later."

"He is coming?" Himani was first to ask.


"That is so childish of him. He didn't get that hurt," Anya said shaking her head.

"It's OK. He will get some time to rest."

"How did it happen?" Ali inquired.

"He didn't see oil on the road. Blind!"

"Poor him," Himani said which made Anya look at her.

"Careless him. He should be careful. What if something bad had happened?"

"That is true," Himani agreed.

"I did not get time to yell at him. I will soon."

"I some times don't understand why he is still with you. You always yell at him. And he managed around twenty - twenty-three years with you. How brave is that?" Ali joked.

"I yell because he gives me opportunities to. If anything you should praise me for sticking with him for so many years." Himani and Ali looked at each other. She smiled while he shook his head. "This is not the first time. He is always careless."

"I hope he learned his lesson this time," Himani tried to calm her friend.

"Why is he calling now?" Anya groaned.

"Who is calling?" Himani asked.

"Aman. He didn't call for so many days. I was happy. Now what he wants."

"Give me the phone. I will make sure he never calls again." Ali asked extending his hand.

"No, " Anya quickly moved her phone away from him. She knew he would not be civil.

"Who knows what you will say to him." She explained.

"You want me to say good things to him?"

"No. But I don't even want a fight. I want him to disappear. I am really done with him."

"You torture us so much. It makes me feel so good you finally have someone to torture you, " Ali said with a smile.

"You are lucky I torture you. He does not torture you. You have me. How can you be so lucky Ali?"

Ali rolled his eyes while Himani laughed. Anya smiled before winking at Himani. They soon were in the office and Anya was already tired. When Aman called her again she quietly moved away from Ali in the fear of what he would do.

"What do you want today?"

"She likes paneer but she does not like it in any red curry. For some reasons, she finds it difficult to eat it. She likes to cook. Baking makes her happy. She likes flowers but she does not like them in her hair. She loves to wear colourful clothes and does not understand how people wear black. She likes to sing but never sung a song in front of anyone. She likes to make friends and she can talk to anyone." He paused to breathe. Anya could not disconnect the call. She patiently waited for him to speak again. "I know about her. I may have not been the best husband. I know everyone hates me. But I am not as bad as you think."

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