Chapter XXXVI

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So I have said this earlier but I will say it again. I am on Instagram so if you want you can follow me! It's - Kj_story_teller

I hope to see you there!


A sudden thunder followed by lighting froze everyone for a moment. But the busy souls of Mumbai remained unaffected. A moment of pause was all could react to heavy rains. They constantly complained about the rains but nothing stopped them. That was the beauty or maybe a curse of that city.

Battling the rain a boy came running towards the station for shelter. He took a big breath of relief soon after a roof was over his head. He shook his head to wash away excess water from his hair. Then he smiled when he saw the person he came to meet. "I am so sorry."

She crossed her arms and turned her face in the other direction. He jogged towards her. "I am sorry. It's raining cats and dogs. You cannot avoid traffic in such a situation." The young lady was determined not to speak a word. She kept turning her face to escape his gaze. Anya, who was standing at a safe distance from them, was observing them closely. Her eyes were narrowed and her arms were crossed. She shook her head when the girl turned for the fifth time.

"Kids." A voice captured her attention.

She shook her head again. "Kids."

"I would have said, 'don't judge even you were a kid once', but that does not work in your case. You weren't a normal kid."

"And I cannot be more thankful."

Samar smiled while Anya turned to face him. "Why did you call me here? Is everything alright? Did something happen? Dia said something disturbing?"

"No. It's not about Dia."

"Then you should have told me that earlier! I was so scared."

"You get scared of everything. I can be careful and considerate but I cannot do anything about your assumptions."

Anya made a face before narrowing her eyes. "Why did you ask me to meet here?"

Samar pulled out a key from his pocket and extended it to Anya. "It's the key to a flat in your building. It's on the sixth floor."

"How did you get a house in such a short time?"

"It's my friend's. I knew he had a flat in that building but I didn't want you to create hope without confirmation."

"What did you tell him?"

"That's not your problem. He won't ask any questions and he will cooperate." He extended the key to her again which she took instantly. "But are you going to do that?"

"I am not sure. But won't it be safer to keep her somewhere else? What if he suddenly drops by."

Samar nodded his head. "Do whatever you think is right. Whatever helps you two be at peace will work."

Anya pressed her lips together. "I wish I didn't have to do that but." She shrugged her shoulders.

"It's OK. It is not that bad."

She shook her head. "It is not."


"What's up with your stupid brother? Why is he not coming in our hand? He is always either rushing somewhere or lost. "

"I wish I knew what he is up to. He has been getting on my nerves a lot these days."

Anya's eyebrows went up. She knew making Samar angry was not an easy job and if Kabir has managed to do that then he had crossed his boundaries. "He is stupid you know that. Don't be angry. He is often a nice child."

"That does not give him the authority to be a bad child wherever he wants. He is acting weird around me which is fine. He needs to be in control when around our parents. He cannot keep losing his temper on them."

Anya nodded her head. "I will talk to him. You don't lose your temper on him."

"I am trying."

"Don't get angry. He will be back on track."


"Getting late to go home," Anya informed him to which he nodded his head a couple of times. Then they started walking together. "You brought your car?"

"There." He pointed in front of them where his car was parked. "You will take the bus?"

"Yes. Bus is all that is written in my destiny."

"How sad is that?" Samar teased and walked towards his car whereas Anya stayed behind.

"How come you never offered me a lift?"

Samar opened the car door before smiling. "I only offer that to women I am related to."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"It's a brain teaser. Let's see if you can crack it."

Anya heard him though her attention was on the bus stop which was to her left. "My bus. Bye." She said before running towards the bus stop. Samar watched her leave before getting in his car. Anya was able to catch the bus. She was busy reading a book on her ride home but in the background, Samar's words were being echoed. But like always Anya did not pay attention to his voice. In twenty minutes she reached home, exhausted but with someone in her mind who kept her energetic. She still had the key in her hand. A smile appeared on her face thinking about Samar. He had been a great help and Anya could not deny that. He helped her in times she did not know she needed help and which she never realised. Despite it, he had always been on her hate list at the top. She took his words wrong more than she would like to admit. He annoyed her without doing anything specific. She often thought about her comebacks and how she would insult him or how she would belittle him. And when she had no reasons to do so she created reasons. All the negative things, but he was always on her mind without her notice.


Anya looked up in alarm at the sound of an unknown voice. "Khadijah. Hi. When did you come?"

"A few hours ago."

Anya nodded her head and went to the room next to the main door. Dia quickly followed her. "Did you invite her?" Anya whispered Dia.

"I had to. We both were taking the bus and she said she would get down before me and I didn't know which one was our stop. I did not want to be alone so I invited her and she showed me the way."

"Aw. It's OK."

"She was going to leave but her mother and brother suddenly went somewhere so I asked her to stay. She is so sweet so I." Dia shrugged.

"It's OK. It is good to have company some times."

Anya left the room and went to the kitchen where their guest was. She smiled before opening the fridge. "What are you guys doing?"

"Making dinner. She is teaching me how to cook. She is so good."

"She is, isn't she?"


"What are you guys making?"

"We spent hours thinking about what to do. We went from paratha to roti, from biryani to fried rice then from curry to sabzi."

Anya's eyebrows were raised by then and she laughed before asking, "So what are you making?"


"Hai?" She smiled widely. "Wow, You guys are great at decision making."

Khadijah giggled making Anya smile again. "You two need my help?" Anya asked them.

"No," They both said together.

"Good because I was just being polite." Anya went to her room and got changed. While doing that an idea struck her mind so when she came back in the living room she had her phone in her hand. She dialled Kabir's number before sitting down on the sofa.

"Hello," She said when Kabir answers


"Why do you sound like ross?"


Anya rolled her eyes. "What happened?"


"Where are you?"


Anya frowned. "What the hell are you doing there?"

"Came to meet a friend."

"Which friend is it?"

"You don't know."

Anya narrowed her eyes. "OK."

"You want something?"

"I cannot call you without wanting something?"

"Can you do that?"

The seriousness in his tone offended Anya. "What do you mean?"

"Why did you call?"

Anya pressed her lips together. "Your brother is worried about you. Why are you acting like that?"

"Why is he so concerned?"

"Because he is your brother. He is always worried for you."

"There is nothing to worry about."

"Doesn't look like that."

"Why is he worried? What did I do so bad for him to get worried or angry?"

"Kabir! Why are you talking like that and in that tone?"

"Why are you taking his side."

"I am not taking his side. I am just saying what I feel."

"You are taking his side. You don't even know what is happening and you concluded he is right."

"Then tell us what is happening."

"I don't want to."

"That's being stubborn. Why are you acting weird?"

"Why are you acting weird?"

"I am acting fine."

"No, you are not. You are taking his side. You are always ready to pounce at him. What happened suddenly?"

"I am not always ready to pounce at him."

"Yes, you are. When have you ever treated him fairly? You always insult him and you never acknowledge him. You treat him like a slave."


"Shouting at me will not change the truth. Look I got to go. I will talk to you later. Bye."

Anya threw her phone at the sofa before clenching her teeth. Dia and Khadijah, in the kitchen, heard her but did not come out to check what happened. Angry Anya wasn't anyone favourite. They ignored her as much as they could until they could not anymore.

Anya kept the plate on the table with a bang. Dia's eyes widened. Khadijah frowned and moved back when Anya came back in the kitchen. Anya took the bottle from the counter and left in a second.

"I will bring everything. You sit." Dia made her sit on the chair and went back to the kitchen. "She will be fine, " she tried to assure Khadijah.

"She is angry."

"She is always angry. It's nothing new. I thought she changed but she didn't."

"Why do you look amused by that?"

Dia smiled. "At least something is still the same." Khadijah smiled but just then they heard a loud bang. They quickly ran out in the living room which turned out to be empty. They went into the room next to it and found Anya standing in front of a cupboard which was open and everything was on the floor.

"What happened?" Dia asked instantly.

"I opened it and everything fell down. I knew it needed some cleaning." Anya bent down and started picking things. The other two ladies helped Anya. Once everything was pushed inside again they came out. By that time Anya's anger had reduced. She calmly ate and had a good evening with the girls. When Ali came to pick up his sister she had a humorous conversation with him but once everyone retired and she was alone with her thoughts she was upset again. Kabir had hurt her ego. She was not going to forget it. She knew that very well.

Her mind kept thinking about Samar while getting angry at Kabir occasionally. A thought that was new to her made her feel restless. What was the cause of the feeling was something Anya neither knew nor she intended to find out. She kept wondering what that uneasy feeling was but her anger overpowered it. Soon all she could think was Kabir and his hurtful words. It kept her awake for a long time. Every time her mind was about to shut down she started thinking of all the things Kabir ever did. It made her more angry and less in need of sleep. Around two in the morning, she fell asleep with her mind and heart sour.

As she slept in a bad mood she woke up with a bad mood. She went for a walk early in the morning hoping not to meet anyone she knew. Wanting to be alone she did not wish to talk. Her mouth was sealed and shut. But when a known figure appeared she could not stay the same. She forced a smiled though she was sure she was found rude.

"Hi," Anya initiated the conversation.

"Hello. How have you been? I was hoping to see you," Nisha said with a smile.

"I was hoping the same. How are you?"

"Fine, thank you. How about you?"


"Let's walk while we talk?" Nisha suggested. They both started walking together before the conversation moved forward. "I inquired about the situation with Aman and his family."


"Aman is trying to find her though I won't say he is doing his best he is still trying. While the others." She paused for a moment. "Sorry, but they are least bothered."

"I wasn't expecting much from them."

"The problem is, elections are very close and her father-in-law is using her to gain sympathy. He does not want Dia to be back for as long as possible." Anya raised her eyebrows. "As for Aman, his father always had control over him. His father is a very controlling person and he has ordered him not to look for her. He also ordered the same to the police."

"And Aman is listening to him?"

"He has always done that. No one can go against his father. He is a very scary man."

"He is a very evil man."

"That too."

"So no one wants Dia to come back?"

"No, but not until they are at an advantage. Actually, his father wanted to find her and keep her safe but hidden until elections. But his mind is occupied with many things at the moment so he postponed it for the time being."

"I don't get it. Aman is doing nothing?"

"He is trying but he knows better not to mess with his father."

"What exactly is he trying?"

"Other than tormenting you, he talked to the police but the police isn't helping him. He also searched his whole house to find any clue as to where she might have gone."

"What does he think? Where can she go? And why did she go?"

"Because of his behaviours and he cannot think of a place where she can go. What do you think?"

"I think the same."

"I know you won't believe me but he is very guilty."

"I am sure he is. But what's the point in being guilty now? He should have been guilty when he had the opportunity to change things."

"I agree. But he had a very disturbing childhood. I know I cannot justify what he did. But all this is because of his disturbing childhood."

"He had a disturbing childhood so he disturbed someone's adulthood." Nisha looked down. "I can understand that he had a bad childhood but that does not mean you treat your wife as your pushing bag."

"I am not disagreeing. I just wanted to tell you why he is like this."

"That is never going to change my opinion about him. We all have problems that for not mean we become evil."


"If you can do this then please tell him to stop calling me. I really don't know where she is."

"I will talk to him."

Without any warning, it started pouring heavily. They both had umbrellas but before they could open it they were quite wet. "We should go home before it starts raining more," Nisha suggested.

"Thank you. I really appreciate your help."

"No problem. If you need my help in any way then let me know."

"I sure will."

Soon they parted as Anya took the right route while Nisha took the left. It was raining so heavily that Anya could not be spared of any other thought. All she could think was to reach home without getting drenched in rain which was not possible in a city like Mumbai.

"Ah!" Dia exclaimed when she noticed water on the floor. A few minutes ago when she went to the bathroom everything was dry and tidy. She followed the water which took her to their room. "Woah." She said softly when she saw Anya.

"Sorry for the mess. I will clean it. Just let me get cleaned first." Anya went to take a shower saying that. Dia could say she was upset. But she could not guess that her husband was also contributing to that now. Feeling bad for her she quickly cleaned the water. When Anya came back after ten minutes she could not be more thankful. She was hoping Dia would clean it. 

"I hate rain! Ah. I will get all wet again before I reach the office." Dia gave her a towel which Anya took quickly.

"You forgot your phone here."

"I left it on purpose. It's raining."

"Aman called you." Anya looked at her. "Why do you have his number and why was he asking you where I am?" Anya opened her mouth to lie when Dia stopped her. "Tell me the truth. Please."

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