Adam Banks - Now or Never

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-Adams pov-

It was the last game of the Junior Goodwill games, and I had made a bet with ken and Charlie that if we won I would tell y/n about my feelings towards her. I mean i've liked her since I first saw her when I joined the ducks, which was just over a year ago. She stood there with her y/h/c hair and it fitted her face ever so perfectly.

We were at the start of the last period of the last game, the championship game, when y/n was skating and got checked hard into the boards.

She was down for a few seconds when I skated over and helped her up, she looked fine and just skated away. Then she got the puck away from the Iceland guy that checked her and scored. We were up 2 on the Iceland team thanks to her.

The last minutes of the period went by fast and Fulton did his famous slap shot and made it in the last second. We had won the championship. I skated over to the group and high-fived Fulton when the rest of the team started coming toward us. y/n was skating slow towards us so I started to skate towards her. She didn't look too good, and that's when she passed out and I reached out to try and catch her but I missed.

"Coach, somethings wrong with y/n!" I yell as the team looks over at me, with y/n in my arms holding her head up.

-y/ns pov-

The last thing i remember seeing is Adam, my Adam, before passing out. I made a deal with Connie and Julie that I'd tell Adam my feelings after we had won the championship, I didn't want to do it before because i didn't want it to affect our playing. But I didn't care about that now, I should've told him. I remember hearing somebody whisper in my ear "I like you y/n please wake up so I can tell you" it sounded like Adam, but I wasn't sure.

-time skip-

-y/ns pov-

I wake up and see Coach Bombay sitting in the chair beside me.

"Hey y/n. You took a nasty fall out there, how are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. Where is the team?"

"They are all sitting outside the door, they were worried about you, but not as worried as Banksie is." As if on que, the doctor comes in and opens the door, and I take a glimpse out into the hall and lock eyes with Adam, my Adam. His eyes light up as he realizes i'm awake. Then the door closes again, cutting off our eye contact, and the doctor checks me out. I was supposedly out for 45 minutes, but it felt like forever. He gave me the clear to go back to the hotel but I was supposed to rest and was told not do a lot of stuff in bright lights and with technology screens.

Bombay went out into the hall and told them I was alright and told everybody but Julie and Connie to go get ready for the celebration party they were having for winning the Junior Goodwill games. Connie and Julie came in and helped me carry my stuff to our room, since we all shared one.

-time skip-

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay with you?" Connie asked while she grabbed her phone.

"No no go have fun with the team, you guys deserve it. I'm probably just gonna sleep anyway" I said, sitting down in my bed.

"Okay we will see you later." Julie said, as they walked out the door.

A few minutes later there is a knock on the door, and I thought it would be Julie or Connie and that they forgot something, so I go open the door to see Adam.

-Adams pov-

Y/n opens the door and we lock eyes and we stand there for a minute.

"Can i come in?" I ask. I don't want to just walk in and be rude.

"Uh yeah sure." She said opening the door more allowing me to get through.

"Uh y/n I want to tell you now because it's now or never and I don't know what can happen, and after today I want you to know. I like you y/n, and I've liked you ever since I joined the ducks. And I wanted tell you a long time ago and I chickened out. But I told Charlie and Ken that I would tell you after our championship game and then you, well you did what you did" I chuckled a bit and she laughed at it too. God her laugh was so cute, I could listen to it for hours.

"Adam, after I passed out I heard someone whisper in my ear. Was that you?" She asked.

"Yes, it was, you heard that?" I said as I scratched the back of my neck. And then she walked up to me and I was met with her lips against mine, and I kissed her back. Ahe pulled away and got onto her bed and patted the spot behind her so I laid behind her and just played with her hair. This was way better than going to a fire with the team. I was with y/n, my y/n. And she was mine, and i was hers, finally.

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